God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Seven Churches and Seven Golden Lamp Stands

The Seven Churches and Seven Golden Lamp Stands

Revelations chapters 1-3 gives a very descriptive and accurate description of who Jesus is and a very accurate description of each of the seven churches.

Revelations 1:9-20

Jesus at his most glorious! Eyes of fire! Face shinning like the sun! Sword coming out of his mouth! His voice sounded like a trumpet! Jesus in this form is hard to ignore! It doesn't matter what you believe or who you are, when Jesus comes at you like this, you listen! Jesus tells John to write this down. Jesus commanded John to to write down that the seven churches he is about to talk about are the seven lamp stands.

Jesus addresses each church with:

  1. His authority

  2. Their strengths

  3. Weaknesses

  4. Gives them a warnings

  5. Blessings

Each church in the list got an accurate picture of who Jesus is and also an accurate description of who they are and what they need to change! Each church had good qualities and also many things that they needed to repent of.

Revelations 2:1-7 The Church in Ephesus

Jesus claims his authority by saying he held the stars in his hands. Jesus commends them for their hard work, perseverance, and not tolerating wickedness. Jesus exposes their weakness of forsaking their first love. Jesus blesses them with the promise that if they repent they will be given the right to eat from the tree of life!

Revelation 2:8-11 The Church in Smyrna

Jesus claims his authority by saying he is the first and the last...no one before him or after him! Jesus claims his authority before instructing the church in Smyrna. Between the first and the last Jesus became us, lived like us and died like and was victorious over death through the resurrection! Smyrna was not perfect but Jesus does not point out their faults. Jesus encourages them. When your poor and afflicted you need encouragement - not a rebuke. Jesus blesses them by saying if they repent they will not be hurt by the second death (judgment day).

Revelation 2:12-17 The Church in Pergamum

Jesus shows his authority by coming with a double edge sword. Pergamum was surrounded by sin and giving into to some of the temptations around them. Jesus commends them for resisting temptation but also condemns them for worshiping other gods. Repent and Jesus promises them the bread of life and a new name!

Revelations 2:18-29 The Church in Thyatira

Jesus shows his authority by coming with blazing eyes and bronze feet! The church in Thyatira did a lot of good deeds and Jesus commended them for their love, faith, and service. However, the church had this against them, they tolerated sexual immorality. God always deals harshly with sexual sin. This is the only one where Jesus devides the church into two groups. The ones that will be judged and the ones that will not. In Gods eyes sexual sin demands judgment!

Revelations 3:1-6 The Church in Sardis

Jesus commands authority by holding the spirits in his hands and subduing the the spiritual world. Jesus condemns them for falling asleep spiritually and charges them to repent of face judgment! Jesus commends a few followers who have not strayed and have remained faithful. Jesus blesses them with the promise that they will be clothed in white and will walk with Him and he will call them out by name.

Revelations 3:7-13 The Church in Philadelphia

Jesus shows his authority by showing his holiness and lineage to David as the messiah. Jesus also displays his power by saying only he has the authority to open and shut eternity. Jesus commends them for not denying His name and acknowledges that they have been weak. Jesus promises that if they remain faithful He will punish the ones that have been tormenting them. Jesus encourages them to stay strong and reassures them that He is coming soon! Jesus blesses them with the promise that He will give them an eternal home in the temple and make them the new Jerusalem!

Revelations 3:14-21 The Church in Laodicea

Jesus claims his authority by confirming that he only is the ruler over all creation and the one true witness of God! Jesus condemns them for being luke warm. To God being luke warm is worst than being cold. Jesus also condemns them for being arrogant in what God has given them. Jesus also gives them an open invitation to come back to him, to knock at the door and seek him. Jesus blesses them with the promise that if they repent they will be able to sit with him in glory on his throne!

Reading the letters to the seven churches makes you wonder what about me? You have to ask your self the following seven questions:

  1. If Jesus where to come to me, what would he say?

  2. How would he come to me?

  3. What authority would he claim to get me to listen to him?

  4. What would he commend me for?

  5. What would he condemn me for?

  6. What call to repentance would he have for me?

  7. What unique blessing would he promise me?

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