God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Reason Jesus Came!

The Reason Jesus Came!

Luke 19:10 Jesus came to earth and had one purpose. You would think that if you and I just had one purpose, one goal in life we would do a pretty good job at it. If we focused on one thing and worked at doing it extremely well that we would be successful, right?

Acts 1:16 says that Jesus left behind 120 men. If we didn't know better we would say that Jesus failed. That Jesus spent his entire life calling people to follow him and even sacrificed his life in for filling that purpose and yet only 120 were left! The impact that Jesus had on the world at the time of his death was minuscule when compared to the population of the world.

During Jesus time, there were an estimated 200 million people in the world. 40 million in the Roman Empire and about 30,000 in Jerusalem. Why was Gods plan to send his son to 30,000 with small humble beginnings? Would Jesus have had more impact in Rome? By mans reasoning this seems to be the best way. God is God and he works in realms outside of our understanding!

Luke 4:31-37

This common through out his ministry. The moment the crowds start to gather and the buzz is created surrounding his ministry, Jesus leaves and withdraws. Jesus public ministry was a small portion of his life. Jesus spent more time in small groups and with people one on one! Why did he do it this way?

What was Gods plan here if Jesus did not care about pleasing large crowds. He did not care about popularity or fame.

Luke 5:1-5;6-11

Jesus drew the crowds and drew men to him but he spent a lot of time going out to meat the, where they lived. He went out and met them where they were and doing what they did. Jesus built relationships! Peter's life is change forever because Jesus spent time with him one on one!

When does peter get the heart that says immediately I'll follow you? When does peter become a disciple of Jesus? When Jesus got involved in his life. No Christian or disciple of Jesus was ever made because of a sermon! Jesus didn't preach and then leave. He preached, opened hearts, and then pored his life out into people.

Jesus set an example that we should follow! God calls us to poor out our lives into the lost as well! Who am I poring my life into? Who am I sharing with, serving, praying with, confessing to, laying my life down for...etc!

Jesus called ordinary men just like you and me. Jesus did not call the most influential men he could find. He didn't call the most smartest men he could find. Jesus called ordinary men and gave them extraordinary expectations! It's not like Jesus did not have a choice either. He could have called anyone to him! Jesus chose you!

With only a 120 the gospel was spread to several thousand with in months and then To the entire world with in a generation!

Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus plan to save the world was to make a disciple who makes a disciple! Jesus plan was to make a real disciple and not a part time follower!

Sent from my iPhone

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