God's Free Word Book Store

Friday, April 28, 2017

One Day To Live, One Eternity to Live!

One Day To Live, One Eternity to Live!

What am I really loving for? Who am I really living for? Am I really living my life for things that matter? Knowing that you were dying would change everything!

Jesus spoke of things that make no sense to the world! Luke 9:24; Matthew 20:26-27; Luke 6:20-22; 26-28;
Even the apostles reacted in ways that make no sense to the world! Acts 5:40-42 ...the resurrection of Jesus changed everything! Only the resurrection can make sense of Jesus teachings and the apostles actions! Mark 9:32; Luke 9:45; Luke 18:34; John 10:6....the resurrection made it all make sense! John 2:22; John 12:16 The resurrection has unlocked everything for us today as well!

Before the resurrection the apostles were cowards and spineless! After the resurrection they were bold and unyielding with no fear in the face of death!

1 Corinthians 15:1-8 the resurrection has been under attack! We need to stand firm on the gospel! The gospel of Christ is nothing without the resurrection! 1 Corinthians 15:12-22

So what power is there in the resurrection? 1 Corinthians 6:14 the resurrection gives us the promise of forgiveness, eternity and a new life! Romans 4:25

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The Kingdom!

The Kingdom!

A man's last words are important. When someone speaks his last words you listen, you take notice of what is said. But what about A man's words after he has come back to life from death? How important are those words?

What did Jesus spent his time doing after the resurrection? Acts 1:3 Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples after his resurrection! What happened in those 40 days? He taught about the Kingdom of heaven! This was one of the first things he preached at the beginning of his ministry as well that the Kingdom was near!

What is the good news? It's the Kingdom. What is the Kingdom? It's the good news! Jesus talked a lot about the Kingdom and the resurrection! Because of salvation, because of grace, because of Jesus....we have the Kingdom to look forward to! In Matthew 13 Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God in the form of several parables.

Matthew 13:24-30

The Kingdom is not for everyone! Jesus talked a lot about judgement and the fact that not everyone will be allowed to enter the Kingdom!

Matthew 13:32

The Kingdom grows! It starts small and it gets big. The Kingdom is like yeast. You let a little bit in and it just takes over your life! How are you growing? Being in the Kingdom causes growth!

Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom cost you. It cost everything you have! This is what the kingdom is like. It will take everything you have. If you hold anything back you won't be able to afford it! Once you get it though you will be rich beyond measure! When someone is desperate they will do anything. How desperate for the Kingdom are you?

Will you spend everything you have for the Kingdom? What are you not willing to give up?

The Kingdom doesn't come easy! It is obtainable for everyone; however, everyone does not take hold of it! Jesus never let the Kingdom come easy. He did not answer all the questions about the Kingdom and left many questions unanswered.

Friday, April 14, 2017

One Month To Live!

One Month To Live!

If you knew you where dying how would that change your life? Jesus was a man just like us in every way and he had to deal with the emotional stress of knowing he was about to die. John 2:19 jesus knew his death was coming! But not only his death but his suffering as well!

Knowing your going to die changes your perspective. You would not live just for your self. Dying to your self is the only way to truly live. There is no fear in death when you chose to die. Jesus understood this! John 15:1-17 ...this is Jesus knowing that he has a week to live. His choice words were meant to leave behind a guide for his disciples. He teaches the how to embrace life, die to self and remain in the vine! Continued connection to Jesus is necessary for life!

Bearing fruit confirms life. The purpose of life is to bear fruit. The opposite of death is life. The branch that does not bear fruit is already dead. John 12:24 the Christian is like a kernel of wheat. We have to die to reproduce! If we don't die to self we bear no fruit! If we don't give up this life we bear no fruit. Without fruit we die! We must die so that we can grow!

Loving one another is equally important but it also requires us to die to self! John 15:13 -- who would I die for? Who am I not willing to die for? What am I unwilling to die for? What am I unwilling to give up?

Matthew 16:25

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Two weeks to live!

Two weeks to live!

The dying know what really matters! Death sobers you and gets you focused. The realty is that most of will never know how much time we have to live. Most of us will face death at the most Inopportune time in our lives! We should live everyday as though we have one month to live! How you live on a month to month basis?

John 14:1 -14

Jesus kept heaven and the other side on the front of his thoughts and mind. Why do are hearts get troubled? We have the wrong focus. Keeping our minds on God is the key! What am I allowing to distract me from the potential that God wants for me? Focus on Jesus if you know Jesus then you will know God!

Get past our troubled hearts and do as Jesus did! We live now in this life based on what we believe about the after life! We all have one life to live, how important should it be for us to live it in the way that God intended for us to live it.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Shepherding and Leading


• We want to provide teaching to help the Christians grow stronger in their faith and knowledge of God that equips them for their relationships.



I.Moses as Shepherd

(Exodus 3:1-2a) 

God led his people but he did it by the hand of Moses.  
Moses was the extension of God's rule in their life.                                                                     Do we truly believe God is leading us? 


(Ex 17)  Moses struck the rock but it was God who caused the water to flow.
(Ex 33:11)  "The Lord would speak to Moses as one that speaks to a friend".  Intercede for people praying for them.  
(Exodus 20:19)  Moses on Mt. Sinai to receive the law.
(Hosea 12:13)  The Lord used Moses to lead the people out of Egypt.  

II.Moses as Prophet

(Ex 32:31)  These people… (Exodus 17:4)  what to do with these people…
(Ex 34:9)  Us…and ours… Transition in Moses' heart toward identifying with the people.  
(Mark 6:34)  Perhaps this was in Jesus' mind when he said the people were like sheep without a shepherd.  (Numbers 27:15-20)  


III.Moses as Leader

Leadership was the particular aspect of shepherding noted here-leading them out & bringing them in.  (Numbers 27:15-20)
Joshua was noted as having the spirit of leadership.
Moses was to invest some of his authority in Joshua so that the people would follow him.
We aren't to lord over people-yet the people are to be willing to be led.


IV.David as Shepherd

(1 Samuel 16:11, 17:14-15, 31-37)

David called the people not to lose heart on account of the Philistine…
Sometimes we must fight battles for people- some are bruised reeds.  David protected the flock as a shepherd from the lion and the bear.  
David was actively shepherding the flock before he became the shepherd of God' s people.

Characteristics of David as a Shepherd

Protector, courageous, seeker of the lost (v 34-35).
David gives the credit to God.  Our confidence must also be in God.  
God is committed to his own glory.  We must be a guardian of God's name and honor, not because he can't defend himself but because it's a matter of our hearts.

V.David as Ruler 

The Kings of Israel weren't like the Pharaohs and the Caesars that had absolute power-their rule would be more like stewards from among the people.
(2 Samuel 5:1-2)  Choose the Kings to "rule".  The Hebrew word for rule is 'Nagid' (like a prince) to mean their authority is derived not inherited.  There is another source of authority, which we know is God.

Examples of God guarding his Authority

David wanted to transport the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem on an oxcart, which
seemed sensible, yet this was against God's prescribed manner for how the Ark should be carried.  (2 Samuel 6)
"Melek'  The King.  God is the 'Melek' and David was the 'Nagid' The Prince.
David wanted to build a house for God (2 Samuel 7:7).  This idea seems like a good idea but God objects; he is the one that determines the terms.  
God is loving but not sentimental.


We must remind people of the Sovereign command of God, God holds his shepherd accountable by equipping them, blessing them and disciplining them when needed.  This makes for a spiritually minded community.  Whenever we begin to lead in any way that is contrary to the word or authority of God, he will deal with us.


(Psalm 78:70-72)  

Reference to David's shepherd leadership
David led with integrity of heart and skillful hands.


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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

One month to live!

One month to live!

What if that was your reality? What would you worry about? What would your priorities be? How would you view God? What would you do? How much clarity and purpose would you have?

John 2:18-22

Jesus new that he was dying. He knew the date and the hour was coming. With one month to live, how did he live? As Jesus approaches the end of his life a very distinct line is drawn. He starts to focus more and more on the disciples and apostles. One month to live...

John 12:23-33

Jesus came to give his life. Jesus came to die. From the moment he was born his whole life was pointing towards his death. Jesus life on earth was not just a great example of how to live but it was a complete representation of God in the flesh! The whole motivation for his ministry was to save the world through his death and honor Gods will for eternal salvation!

Jesus life demands a response from us! Mary responded when she anointed him with oil. The disciples responded by dropping everything and following him. The poor widow in the temple responded by giving the last thing she had. Martha responded when she seeped over Jesus feet and washed them with her tears. What response have you had? How has the life of Jesus changed your life?

One month to live, how would you be? What would you be willing to sacrifice? How much love would you want to impart to your love ones? How would you serve God?

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray

Growth is the most important thing in a relationship with God and it starts with prayer. How do we grow and learn to pray like Jesus? Are you willing to learn? Prayer is usually the area we need to grow in the most!

Luke 11:1 the disciples saw the power that Jesus received through prayer and they wanted to learn! How hunger are you to learn? To know God deeper, to learn something from Jesus? Too many people rely on past events to validate their spirituality. Are you growing more now than you did before?

We need to be hungry for growth. Jesus is our standard and to be like him requires an intense hunger to grow. We have to have a heart to grow.

Why did the disciples want to learn to pray like Jesus?

Look at Jesus example of prayer:

Luke 9:18; John 17:1; Matthew 19:13; Luke 22:32; Matthew 14:23; Luke 6:2; Mark 6:41; Mark 7:34; Luke 10:21; Matthew 26:36-38; Luke 9:28-29; Luke 9:51

Jesus prayed in private and in public. Do you pray equally in public and private when no one is looking? Jesus prayed for others. How large of a circle is my others? How many people do you pray for? Jesus prayed outside and all night. Prayer was more important to Jesus than sleep or food. Jesus fed people and healed them through prayer. Jesus used the full range of human emotions when he prayed. There was no emotion that Jesus did not take to God in prayer! Everything needs to be taken to God in prayer. Jesus depended on prayer! Jesus set his face to Jerusalem to go and die. He was able to do this because of prayer!

Prayer should be priority in our lives! Prayer should be the most frequent thing in our lives. We should not be devoted to anything more often than to prayer!

Luke 3:21-22 Jesus began his ministry on this earth with prayer. Luke 23:46 Jesus ended his ministry on this earth with prayer!

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Monday, March 20, 2017

Marriage Counseling

Base scripture:

"Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!"
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:1-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Probing Questions:

What are two things you need pray for the most in your marriage?

What area do you think you personally need to grow in the most in being a better spouse?

If you could ask your spouse to change one thing this week what would it be?

What is your love language? List them 1-5 in order of priority: Gifts, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Physical Touch?

In what practical ways can you meet your spouse's needs in their love language?

(For Him) In what ways do you need to grow in leading your family? Being considerate? Being compassionate?
In what ways can you grow in meeting your wife's emotional needs?

(For Her) in what ways do you need to grow in submitting? Being respectful? Being encouraging?
In what ways can you grow in meeting your husbands physical needs?

Friday, March 10, 2017



2 Timothy 3:16-17

All five things mentioned in this scripture have to do with one person to another. They were meant to be relational and used in a health spiritual relationship in Gods church. Sure you can learn on your own and correct your own ways...etc but it is more effective when used from one brother to another!

Men have some great qualities in how they build friendships. Men are loyal. Lighthearted. We bond easily and make life long friendships. Men also have huge weaknesses in how we build our friendships. We are naturally superficial. We have a hard time expressing our feelings...etc.

One another relationships in the church matter to God. His plan for us has always been to build deep life long friendships that call us higher spiritually! There are things that come natural to us in friendships and there are things that don't. The five things in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 can feel unnatural sometimes in a friendship but they are important in Gods plan!

How to create a strong friendship?

1 Samuel 20:41-42 Jonathan and David made a covenant together. There friendship was reinforced with spoke word.

Proverbs 17:17 as men we don't like to be called needy but we need to be willing to need each other. Brothers are made through adversity.

Proverbs 12:26 we need to chose our friends wisely.

Proverbs 22:11 pure heat and giving grace creates strong friendships.

Proverbs 27:6 true friends care about each other and are willing to speak up when they see something wrong in our character.

Matthew 11:19

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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


John 11:1-44

Jesus knows what we are going though. He knows the deliverance he is going to give us. Nothing is too big for Jesus to solve.

Jesus timing is perfect! Everything happens when it happens for a reason. Jesus showed up four days late for a reason. It didn't make sense to the disciples to go to Judaea.

Jesus wept for Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Jesus deeply cares for us and wants to be intimately involved in our lives!

Our story is part of Gods bigger story. Lazarus life was apart of a bigger story that God was using to impact the people around him. Even 2000 years latter we are still talk about this story.

There is nothing that we will ever face in our lives that God cannot overcome! There is nothing too small and nothing too big. God cares and wants to heal us!

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Sunday, March 5, 2017



◦ A penny saved... is a penny earned!
◦ People will save if they care about it.
0. The wisdom of saving
◦ Prov. 6:1-11 Go to the point of exhaustion, work hard and pay off any debt.
◦ He who will not work, will not eat.
◦ Prov. 30:24-25 An ant is wise because they store up food in the summer.

◦ Genesis Joseph had a savings plan. He saved during the time of ABUNDANCE! Because the famine would be worse.
◦ What do I do with years of abundance? When there's more than enough?
◦ Prov.21:20 we devour the entire paycheck, it's a foolish way to live.
◦ Prov. 21:5 Living Bible (TLB)
5 Steady plodding brings prosperity; hasty speculation brings poverty.
◦ Save 1,000
◦ Pay off debt
◦ Then save three months of salary
• Spouse's Bday $10
• Xmas $250
• Vacation $500
• Church event $750
• Special Missions $2000
• New tires $400
◦ We save so we can be good stewards. To help others. To give to others. Joseph was able to reunite with his brothers because he had saved and planned ahead of time.
◦ He knew that God had allowed him to be sold into slavery so good could happen.
◦ Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good
◦ He used Joseph's sacrifice to accomplish it.
◦ The verse written about Joseph echoes the life of Christ.
◦ God used the betrayal of Jesus.

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Is money good or evil?

Is money good or evil?

Money has no ability to have moral character! It is just an object.

Luke 16:10-12

Jesus equates money and riches as a "little things". To God how we handle money is extremely important in how we will handle any other blessing he gives us. Everything we own is Gods. Do we look into scriptures and search to find out what God wants us to do with his stuff? It's not just about giving back to him.

Money was the 2nd most talked about topic in the new testimate. We need to find out what God wants us to do with the things he has blessed us with.

Proverbs 22:7 -- slave to the lender. Debt is destructive. It can destroy people's lives!
Proverbs 22:26-27 -- debt is dangerous.
Proverbs 11:15

God gives ample warning against debt but never says that it is a sin. In fact God gives instructions on how to lend money. God understands that there are circumstances where someone would need debt.

1 Timothy 6:6-10 -- this scriptures is the key to financial management! Being content with what you have is the counter action to greed! We don't want to admit that we are greedy. If your not content then you are greedy. Without contentment it is never enough. Most debt comes from greed. Not from basic needs but because of bad choices and greedy desires.

Debt is just a means to feed our materialism.


Step 1 -- stop adding more debt
Step 2 -- save a thousand dollars
Step 3 -- payoff the debt
Romans 13:7-8 -- God says pay it all back! God says let no debt stay outstanding.
Step 4 -- live with in your means

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The discipline of deep friendships!

"Discipline of Friendships"

10% of all mean have no intimate friendships. Men do no value deep friendships. Why are men prone to having superficial friendships? Male companionship in biblical times was considered more important in many ways than any relationship with a woman for many reasons.

Fast forward to today and it has become culturally unacceptable to have a close endearing relationship with another man that is not viewed as homosexual. In the 20th and 21st century the male relationships are built around sports and activities instead of emotional bonds. For this reason men do not typically build deep intimate relationships with one another.

What can the bible teach us about building better relationships with each other? God's plan for man was always for us to be connected to a brotherhood that would create strong bonds!

1 Samuel 14:6;13-14 Jonathan and his armor barer had this type of relationship!

1 Samuel 17:1-11;45-47 where was Jonathan during this time? Why wasn't Jonathan standing up to Goliath? Where was his courage that he showed just a few chapters earlier? Was his faith weakened by the philistine like the rest of Israel? Have you ever been discouraged spiritually and another brother lifted you up?

1 Samuel 18:1 Jonathan and David became one in spirit. David inspired Jonathan! When searching for a male friendship, what are you looking for? Are you looking for worldly values? Jonathan and David came from two different back grounds. Jonathan was a kings son and David grew up in the country. Deep spiritual bonds transcend cultures, social status, financial status...etc

Our ability to have deep spiritual male friendships we have to get past the superficial conversations about sports and other things. We have to be willing to ask each other the tough questions that lead to an intimate relationships. We have to confess our sins to each other. We have to ask how we are doing spiritually and hold each other accountable.

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Sent - Just Like Us

Sent - Just Like Us

The demon possessed man was sent by Jesus. We are all sent. We may not be sent around the world or sent to save a nation. Most of us have just been sent to displays Gods power to the people around us. The demon possessed man was changed by Jesus and was sent to testify the miracle that Jesus did in His life!

Mark 5:1-20

Just like us -- he was saved by Jesus. This man was tormented and self destructive! What torments you? What destructive behavior has plagued your life before coming in contact with Jesus. What behavior is still tormenting you today that Jesus needs to cast out?

Just like us -- he wanted to do something great for Jesus. When we are saved and when we see the depth to which we have been rescued, we are motivated to do something great for God! Have you forgotten the former life you lived without Jesus? Do you remember the path of destruction that you were on?

Just like us -- Jesus had big plans for him. He wasn't allowed to go with Jesus. He wasn't sent to some foreign land. He was sent with some big mission to save the world. He was sent to his home town. To witness to his friends and family! Jesus told him to just tell others what God had done for him! This was no small mission!

Mark 5:19

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sent - The Church

Sent - The Church

Acts 11:25-26; 13:1-6; 14:21-22;26-28

God send his church individually and collectively so that the gospel can be known. The Holy Spirit guides us for that purpose. Gods will is to use his church to spread his word to the ends of the earth!

A church must mature in order to be sent. A church is planted and is filled with new Christians. Spiritual maturity is vital for the church to be health and grow. The church's purpose is to mature and grow for the purpose of planting another church. Are you doing everything you can do to help the church mature?! The church also equips every saint and believer to be able to contribute to the mission. As a church we should never be content and should always be eager to grow!

A mature church must send! Paul and Barnabas were sent. When a mature church sends out a mission team it is exciting. It's inspirational! Who will be next? Will it be you? Are you growing in your spiritual maturity for the purpose of helping lead and plant a new church? Our hearts should always be focused on being sent.

Those that don't go still must be sent! Where ever you are you have a mission field. Your neighborhood, your job, your family, your inner circle of friends...etc. Maybe your not sent afar but your missionary work and spiritual maturity is the same! Your sent to serve regardless of where you are. Inside the church and outside the church. Matthew 28:18-20

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Storing up treasures!

Storing up treasures!

What matters most in my life? What would I give up anything for? This is an awesome important question! A question God wants answers in each one of us.

Matthew 6:19-23

What treasure am I storing up? Worldly treasures or heavenly ones? Am I chasing after the wrong things? Our pursuit of happiness can lead us astray. There are so many things in this world that promise happiness and yet they will never deliver! My focus should be heavenly things.

Storing treasure in heaven is a decisions. What we put our treasures in are intentional. We have to decide to focus on the right things.

You cannot serve two masters! Investing in Heaven is the only secure investment.

How I live my life shows where my treasures are. My life and not my words answers this question!

Matthew 6:25-32

Jesus calls us not to run after your basic human needs! He wants to supply them for us! God knows what we need and he want us to be

Matthew 6:33-34

Seeking first Gods kingdom is to rely
On God for our basic needs.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Who's in charge of Your Church?

Who's in charge? Not your evangelist, not your elders, not you! Jesus is in charge!! Jesus is the leader.

How would you congregation be if they acted like Jesus was in charge?

How the church is lead:

Love, humility and teamwork with a common knowledge and mutual understanding that Jesus is in charge.

Embrace each other's gifts-embrace the roll; the elder, the evangelist, etc!

Be lovely to work with; am I a joy to lead?

Talk to each other and not about each other! No factions!!

Acts 14:23

Paul in charge - when Paul leaves, the elders are in charge of the church.

The New Testament church has flexible leadership.

Acts 13:1 - the exception

1 Timothy 3: 2 ... the overseer "IS.."

Who's in charge? Jesus is!! And we are united through him to edify his church!!

Acts 15: 1-2

"Question?" Its better to talk, rather then to run someone out if the church.

The apostles called on the elders. Even though they knew the answers, they still had discussion.

They lifted those elders up; team work!

Vs 22 The apostles, the elders and the church made a decision together.

Vs 28 The Holy Spirit was at the center of the decisions of the church.

Humility is key to being able to maintain unity

Ephesians 4....

Rolls are relational not positional.
It's about the church being lifted up.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sent to be Holy

Sent to be Holy

What does holy really mean? We use holy in many ways. Holy bible, holy cow, holy days, Holy Spirit...etc Holy means set apart, separate and pure. We are A holy creation in God through Jesus and are called to be set apart from the world. As soon as we were set apart and became a new holy creation we were back in an unholy world. Being Holy and living in the world creates constant conflict! Israel was also called to be Holy and then live in an unholy land!

Joshua 7:1-5;6-11

Israel had just come off a great victory in defeating Jericho is routed by a small army! Joshua who was so courageous in spying out the Jordan and reporting back encouraging words is now filled with fear. Joshua is now face down in fear over 36 people were killed.

One man's sin affects the whole camp! We are all connected and depend on each other! God called for all of the devoted things to be destroyed! One man's decision to keep the devoted things caused destruction to a nation! What sin (devoted thing) am I holding on too?

Joshua 7:20-26

The progression of Achan's sin: He saw, he coveted, he took, he hid, and he died! The only way to break the progression of sin is through confession. Coveting will always lead to hiding and hiding will always lead to death! What consecrated thing am I not treating with righteousness?

Why did Achan wait so long to confess? He waited until he had no escape and no where to hide! God used Achan to set an example. No matter how bad our situation is it is better than Achans! Everyday that we draw breath we have a chance to repent!

True repentance begins with confession. Being real with yourself on what you have done and seeing how you have hurt God.

Philippians 2:10-11; Matthew 21:42-46

Vs. 44 -- better to fall on Jesus and become broken than to have Jesus fall onto you and being crushed! Then it is too late! The only way to stay clean in a world of filth is to wash yourself everyday through confession!

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Sent to the promise land! Abraham was called by God and sent to land that was promised to him. Being called by God can be a lonely thing. When God pricks your heart and puts his will on your conscience it can go against human reason. The people around you will doubt.

Genesis 12:1-8

When your sent you have to leave something behind.

When your called to something your sent away from something. All Abraham took with was what he could carry. God calls everyone of us and expects us to sacrifice for him. God calls us away from sinful practices, traditions, worlds security...etc. Luke 14:26 says we even have to give up our entire lives!

When you leave an old life behind God helps you build a new one. You can't build a new life on an old foundation! God calls out of our old life's to live a new life with him. To be a new creation for Him! Are you willing to leave behind your old life! To change your life you have to lose it! We have to tear down the old foundation and build a new house through God!

When your sent it transforms you!

For Abraham being sent changed his name and the meaning of his life. Abram to Abraham literally changed the definition of who he was. Abraham means father of many nations. Abrahams purpose in life changed after he was sent by God! If God changed just a few letters in your name, who would you be for him? What would your purpose be?

When you are sent you have something to look forward too!

Just like Abraham, God promises us a promise land! When your looking forward to something you will put up with almost anything. For example, who would go through a pregnancy if there was not a baby at the end? When you have a designation in mind, when you have an end goal you will persevere! God has promised us more that a physical land. God has promised us heaven! Revelation 21:4

How can we get negative about our journey when we know our destination is heaven?!

John 14:6 the only way is Jesus! If we are not on the path that goes through Jesus we are on the wrong path!

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Sunday, January 15, 2017



Sent to the promise land! Abraham was called by God and sent to land that was promised to him. Being called by God can be a lonely thing. When God pricks your heart and puts his will on your conscience it can go against human reason. The people around you will doubt.

Genesis 12:1-8

When your sent you have to leave something behind.

When your called to something your sent away from something. All Abraham took with was what he could carry. God calls everyone of us and expects us to sacrifice for him. God calls us away from sinful practices, traditions, worlds security...etc. Luke 14:26 says we even have to give up our entire lives!

When you leave an old life behind God helps you build a new one. You can't build a new life on an old foundation! God calls out of our old life's to live a new life with him. To be a new creation for Him! Are you willing to leave behind your old life! To change your life you have to lose it! We have to tear down the old foundation and build a new house through God!

When your sent it transforms you!

For Abraham being sent changed his name and the meaning of his life. Abram to Abraham literally changed the definition of who he was. Abraham means father of many nations. Abrahams purpose in life changed after he was sent by God! If God changed just a few letters in your name, who would you be for him? What would your purpose be?

When you are sent you have something to look forward too!

Just like Abraham, God promises us a promise land! When your looking forward to something you will put up with almost anything. For example, who would go through a pregnancy if there was not a baby at the end? When you have a designation in mind, when you have an end goal you will persevere! God has promised us more that a physical land. God has promised us heaven! Revelation 21:4

How can we get negative about our journey when we know our destination is heaven?!

John 14:6 the only way is Jesus! If we are not on the path that goes through Jesus we are on the wrong path!

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Seeing God!

Seeing God!

Isaiah saw God and never was the same! Why did Isaiah call God holy? Why was Isaiah awe struck by what he saw? With his own eyes he saw the majesty and splendor of the Lord and it changed his life for ever!!

Isaiah 6:1-4

1- God is alive! Psalm 90:2

2- God is authoritative! Isaiah 6:1 Gods throne gives him the right to rule the world. God the creator gives him the right to rule the world!

3- God is omnipotent! Isaiah 6:1gods throne is high and above any other authority on this earth! Isaiah 46:10; Daniel 4:35

4- God is magnificent! Isaiah 6:1

5- God is revered! Isaiah 6:2 Isaiah describes powerful beings in heaven that even with all their power were in submission to God! God is so much greater than anything we can imagine!

6- God is holy! Isaiah 6:3 In our language there is a limit to the ways that we can dis robe God! We run out of words! These powerful beings could only repeat the words holy, holy, holy! God is absolute and everything else is derivative! There is nothing on earth that we can compare to God! 1 Samuel 2:2; Isaiah 40:25

7- God is glorious! Isaiah 6:3-4 Ultimate God is glory! Gods glory is just a manifestation of Gods holiness! His Glory is the full display of his holiness! Leviticus 10:3 Some day God will blow away everything that competes with His glory in the hearts of men! One day every knee shall bow!

Isaiah 6:5-8 after seeing God, his holiness, his glory...ect; Isaiah responded with here am I send me! If I come in contact with God how can I respond in any other way? Here am I send me! What can I do for God? How can God use me? This is the reason for my existence! This is the purpose of my life!

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Judges 6:7-10

Judges 6:7-10

God sent a prophet before the angel was sent to Gideon. Before the miracles that were done in front of Gideon, God sent a prophet in the hopes that they would listen to him. Am I listening to God's word or expecting some miraculous sign? Gods word should be enough!

Gideon did not want to be sent. He did not want to hear what God wanted him to hear. God prompts us through his words and sometimes he intervenes miraculous until we surrender to his will.

Judges 7:1-23

Gideon was the most afraid and was kept while God let the rest of the men that were afraid go home! Gods battle plans are never what we expect. What is my part in Gods battle plan?

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Consequences of sin

Consequences of sin

Numbers 25:1-18; Numbers 31:16

1- The scenario of Israel's sin: Peor wanted to seduce Israel and blend their cultures. Through sexual immorality Peor influenced the Israelites to sin against God. Peor wanted Israel to simulate them and their practices to infiltrate Israel and pull them a way from God!

Our culture is changing and becoming so morally perverse that Christianity has become a water down word that has little influence. What used to be blatant sin has now become common place and normal. We have lost our convictions and morals as a society!

2- The sentence of God on Israel's sin: God commanded the leaders to purify Israel by killing all the offenders! God would have wiped out the entire nation unless atonement was made!

3- One Israelites schlock ing defiance of God: One of the judges own son came strolling into the camp with a Midianite women to have sex with her. In complete defiance he openly disobeyed God and committed sexual immorality.

4- One Israelites stunning response to the public defiance of God: Aaron's grandson defends Gods honor! It was zealous response that cost the lives of two people but saved the life of many more Israelites!

5- The sovereign verdict of God: Phinehas was blessed for his actions! God wanted more leaders like Phinehas who were willing to defend Gods honor!

6- God public identifies the sinners: The names of the two immoral sinners were recorded in the bible for all time! God was making a point! This is how God feels about sin! There is no room for apathy!

7- God's strike down order: this is a side of God that we don't like to look at or acknowledged but it is God! Sin is serious! God deals with sin in radical ways!

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New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions

Everyone wants to start over. To hit the reset button. To have a clean slate. New Years resolutions are a great way to self evaluate and start over! The desire to be new and start fresh is a very Godly thing. We see it all through out the bible!

Malachi 2:2; Daniel 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:2

Paul resolved to know nothing but Christ crucified! What does that mean? Paul wanted to focus on nothing but Jesus and the cross. To resolve to know Christ you have to make a decision to know him. It's a profound statement that has implications in every area of your life! You have to make a decision to know everything about him! How he lived, why he lived, who he was, and what he accomplished!

To focus solely on Jesus and the cross will change your life. You cannot focus on Christ crucified with out being changed! When we resolve to know Jesus he meets us half way. We are not alone. He is eagerly waiting to know us and to be in a relationship with us as well! Our job is to just take the first step by making the decision to know Him.

To know nothing but Christ crucified is to out Jesus before anything else in your life. Your min is never off of Jesus. You see Jesus in everything! You apply Jesus example in everything you do. Jesus was never an after thought for Paul.

What try's to steal my focus? Where do my concerns go that pulls me away from staying focused on Jesus? My job, finances, marriage, pleasure, relaxation, sin...etc what do I need to resolve to know nothing but Christ crucified?

Focusing on the cross, our sin and salvation is a part of knowing Jesus. The cross keeps you from forgetting Jesus! When you think about Jesus and the cross you forget everything else. Your problems are no longer a concern. Your faith is increased! You trust and rely on God. Your relationships work out, your finances are not an issue. The cross of Christ effects every area of your life!

Matthew 6:33 God wants us to take care of the little details in our life. In return he wants us to focus on Jesus!

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas service!

Christmas service!

Christmas deliveries! Santa delivers the presents to the world. We ship presents to each other all over the globe. We wait in anticipation for deliveries on Christmas Day.

Jesus -- the ultimate delivery!

Luke 1:26-33

Jesus was Gods present to the world! Born of a virgin, humbled as a man; Jesus was the son of God sent to die for our sins!

Jesus was delivered but it was Gods plan that we deliver Jesus to each other! Just as Jesus grew in the womb of Mary, We have a responsibility to grow Jesus inside of us and then deliver him to the world! The very first thing the shepherds did when they knew Jesus had come, they went and shared it with everyone!

Who am I delivering Jesus to? Who am I telling that the savior has been born? Who am I sharing the life of Jesus with?

Jesus was delivered and Jesus will deliver us! More personally, Jesus will deliver me! It's easy to acknowledge that the world needs saving. It's harder to recognize that we personally need saving. Even the best of us is full of sin and unable to save our selves! We need Jesus, you need Jesus, I need Jesus!

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Monday, December 19, 2016

Head of the family

Head of the family

Be a leader
Be a learner
Be a teacher

Deuteronomy 28:1-6
Joshua 1:16-18
Joshua got to where he was because he was a great learner!

Deuteronomy 32:34
Moses taught carefully.

Matthew 7:7-8
Asking and seeking requires action.

Deuteronomy 28:53
The sign of ungodliness is a lack of compassion

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Genesis 48:15 -- God is our shepherd leading us as we shepherd other people!

Psalm 23 -- As we shepherd people we point them to God our shepherd! God provides guidance. As God leads we follow. Blessing abound!

Psalm 77:20 -- God is still the shepherd but used Moses and Arron to shepherd Israel. Same for us. God uses people to shepherd his flock!

Psalm 78:53-54 -- God relates to his people as a shepherd leading sheep.

Isaiah 40:10-11 -- Gently leads. Caring us through. Leading with compassion and love!

Isaiah 43:18-19 -- God will take us and the people around us from the waste land and onto paradise. God used Moses and Aaron as shepherds to navigate!

Jeremiah 31:10 -- Shepherds leans and they also gather. Sometimes we have to gather the strays.

Micah 2:12 -- We have to go looking and gathering.

Micah 7:14 -- We are called to feed and protect the flock.

Jeremiah 3:15 -- Shepherding Gods people requires a man after Gods own heart!

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Heavenly Slang

Jesus spoke heavenly slang. When he spoke it to the religious leaders around him they were confused. Destroying the temple, being born again, living water; are just a few examples. Jesus made statements that made sense to heavenly beings. The apostles were enlightened by Jesus on many things before he ascended to heaven. Peter was left the task of holding the keys to the kingdom and to understanding of what Jesus meant.

2 Peter 3:1-18

Jesus is coming back. There is no denying it. It will happen! Everything of this physical world has a beginning and an ending. Only heavenly things have no beginning and end!

Don't focus on Jesus 2nd coming. Don't focus on the where, why, and when! (Mark 13)

We need to focus on the moment. Live each day like it was the last day! Not like it's your last day and be selfish but rather Live each day like it is "The last day"!

Focus on what Jesus will find when he returns! What will Jesus find in you when he returns?

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Monday, November 28, 2016

What do you really need? Needs vs wants.

What do you really need? Needs vs wants.

2 Peter 1:3-11

God has given me everything I need to live a full life capable of honoring him! Regardless of material circumstance I have everything I need! God provides! God will not forsake me. God will honor all of his promises!

As a fisherman Peter had a great understanding of what it means to be in need and being provided for. He went out everyday in need and had to rely on God to be successful!

What does God mean that he gives everything that we need? He gives us the knowledge of Jesus! What else do we need? Knowing Jesus is the gift that gives us the ability to live a godly life!

How does a promise give us what we need? A promise can help deliver a desire that we could never accomplish on our own. In my nature I desire things some good and some evil. The world and its promises are traded for Gods promises that truly are for filled! Gods promises free us from the desires and empty promises of this world!

God gives everything we need through the knowledge of Jesus and then we get to go live it! Be like Jesus! Simple and difficult at the same time! Taking hold of what God has given us is to strive to be like Jesus!

Vs 5 -- God gives us a how to on being like Jesus. You begin with faith. Even a little bit of faith! Through faith you add goodness, and the knowledge. Self control is a practice once you have goodness in your heart and knowledge of what is good and evil! Perseverance in faith knowledge and self control leads to godliness! Only after all these things are you able to love the way Jesus did!

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Being prepared through prayer!

Being prepared through prayer!

Even the son of God with all the power and authority that he had, still needed to prepare. He prepared through prayer!

Luke 5:16; 6:12; 9:18,28; 11:1

When Jesus prayed he often went somewhere to pray. It was also clear to those around him that he was going to pray. He took others with him to pray as well. He taught others how to pray.

How did Jesus prepare for death? He prayed!

Luke 22:39-42

How much more should I pray so that I am prepared to deal with the sins of this world?
If Jesus Christ need pray to prepare himself for being a man of God then why do we think we can wing it?

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Worship is really defined by posture. To worship is to bow down! How should we worship God?

Exodus 7:14-16

We are freed to worship. Moses entire message to Egypt was to let my people go. Why? So that they could worship the lord in the wilderness!

We are free to worship!

Exodus 3:7-

Like Moses who was giving a message from God we too have been giving a message! People are hurting and searching for freedom. Our message is a message of hope and good news that frees people from the captivity of sin through Jesus. Why? So that they can worship God!

God has freed us from sin so that we can worship him unrestrained and boundless! Worship is a life style. It's not just about music or praise! Worshiping God should be evident in every aspect of our lives! Being obedient is worship! Jesus spent 33 years on earth worshiping God. Everyday was a day to worship in all things!

Ephesians 5:18-20

Corporate worship and individual worship are equally important! Sing to God during your personal times with God. In corporate worship we are together worshiping God! Our focus should be one God and only God!!

How important is worship to God? So important that God brought plagues and miracles against Egypt to free his people so they could worship him!! How serious should I take my worship to God?!

Exodus 10:7-11

True worship involves everything in my life! My possessions, my family, my friends, my entire life!!

Exodus 10:24-29

Moses would not leave and worship with out the women, children, and his possessions! It's my job to include and teach my family how to worship! Moss would not leave with out things to sacrifice. You can not worship God with out sacrifice. What am I giving up for God in my worship! Moses did not back down on this with Pharaoh.

Sacrifice is pain full. Giving up something that you want for God is not always easy but is necessary for worship!

Exodus 5:1

Worship is a festival. Worship is a party and a celebration! We are free to celebrate in worship! We need to be somber and reflect on Jesus, the cross and who we are before God! Then there is a time where we celebrate and rejoice in Jesus and the sacrifice he has made!

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Matthew 6:25-34

Picking your priorities is important to keep from getting distracted! Matthew 6 tells us that God and His kingdom should be priority! What distractions are your giving into? Anything that takes me off of being God focused is a distraction!

Mark 1:35; Proverbs 3:5 we have to stay close to God and trust in him. We need to lean on God!
Social media has become a huge distraction for many of us. The first thing we do in the morning is check our Facebook or update a status. We should be going to God. He should be our priority!

Philippians 4:6 turning to God will truly meet our needs. God wants to be involved in our life! He wants to be needed by us! We should cast all anxiety, desires and request on Him and turn only to Him for what we need!

Matthew 22:36-40

Loving God with all you heart, mind and soul is to love without distractions! We also need relationships. God wants us to have love filled relationships with the people around us! In today's age many people are replacing real relationships with social media. Deep love connections are traded in for a false reality and superficial acquaintances that will never meet our needs!

Luke 10:25-37

Jesus example of a love filled relationship requires sacrifice! The Good Samaritan did not allow distractions from keeping him from loving. He took time out of his day to help a neighbor in need. Social media can also be a distraction in helping people. We all portray an image online that is our best and sometimes different from reality. Very few people really realize what is going on in our lives. The pressure to look good becomes a distraction from getting the help we need!

Social media creates laziness and distracts us from doing the good we ought to do. As we spend more and more time on our phones we neglect the world around us. It's selfish! God calls us to be the Good Samaritan; however, we will never be able to focus on the needs around us if we are distracted!

How can you be like the Good Samaritan this week? Stay focused on God, stop getting distracted with things from this world!

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Monday, October 31, 2016



Polarization basically means to separate to the furthest of opposite ends. Two choices that cause I tenses separation! Gods people should never be manipulated with polarizing issues. How would Jesus respond to a polarizing topic?

Mark 12:13-17

The Pharisees intended to trap Jesus. This was a carefully laid trap. A controversial issue of Jesus day. A polarizing topic for the Jews and Romans! If Jesus says yes he instantly becomes a traitor of his people. If he says no then he becomes a terrorist to Roman and would immediately be put into prison!

Giving Caesar what is Caesar was giving to Caesar what was in Caesar's image! What was created and minted by Caesar! Give to the world what belongs to the world! Jesus was more concerned with eternal things!

Give to God what is God's! Give to God what was made in his image. What was created and minted by God! Who was made in God's image? We are called to give our selves in deep devotion!

How do you know what image you are serving? What are you passionate about? What turns your heart and creates a fervor and energy that can hardly be contained? Worldly things or Godly things!

Are you passionate about the things that God is passionate about? My passion should be on eternal things!

What divides you will show what image you are bearing!

1 Corinthians 1:12-13

Paul rebukes the Corinthian church for being divided over spiritual things, how much more would God rebuke Christians for becoming divided over worldly things? Politics are the number one polarizing issues of our day!

What unites you?

1 Timothy 2:1-4

This is what we should be praying for! In doing this we are focused on God being in control and not a man or women who was elected to office! We need to acknowledge who leads this world!

John 17:20-23

While faced with over whelming stress and physical torture, Jesus prayed for others! Look at Jesus priorities! Complete unity is found only in Christ!

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Monday, October 24, 2016

Miraculous Jesus!

Miraculous Jesus!

Jesus always preached outside. From lakes, mountains shorelines... Etc

John 6:1-15

Again Jesus is out doors ministering to people and performs one of the greatest miracles in the bible. Jesus lead them into the country side. Jesus lead them to a place where they would be in need. Jesus does that for us as well. He leads us to places where we need him and then he provides big time!

Mark says that Jesus split the people into groups of fifty and a hundred. Why did he do this? There was no denying how many people he fed! His miracles over came the physical limitations we have. He over came numbers by feeding five thousands with a couple of loaves and fish. He overcame gravity when he walked on water!

Jesus did miracles in our physical world but his intent was to open our eyes to the spiritual world!

John 6:25-35

The crowd only wanted free food. Even after that they still wanted a sign? How could they not believe? We overlook the miracles that Jesus has done in our lives as well! We need to be reminded! Who has been a liar and through the Jesus has learned to tell the truth in all circumstances? Who has never been faithful and through Jesus has become faithful not only to your spouse but faithful to the Lord! Who has battled with one sin or another for years and through Jesus has become victorious?! Don't under value the miracles that Jesus has done in your life!! If you can't answer yes to those questions then you need Jesus!!

Jesus ultimate miracle was his resurrection from the dead! Jesus had victory even over death and sacrificed himself for us so that we too can die to sin and be raised to a new life!! Praise God for the gift of grace and mercy that he lavishes on those who have made Jesus lord! We don't have to live in sin any longer! We are a new creation in Jesus!

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Saturday, October 15, 2016

The deep idol of control, significance

The deep idol of control, significance

Our lust and desire for control actually brings fear to our lives. The need for control drives fear and fear drives workaholism. Control drives insecurity and anger when things don't go our way.

To change these things we have to replace the lie with the truth. With fear we have to replace it with trust. With control we have to replace it with surrendering. The most frequent command in the bible is to not be afraid. Do not give into fear!

Proverbs 3:5
Matthew 6:25;32-33
Philippians 4:6-7

Control desires power and power pulls you away from God. To replace the desire for power we need to understand stewardship! Being a good steward means to value the things that God values.

What temps you the most? Fear, workaholism, anger, and power.

When was the last time you got really angry? What caused it?

How should the concept of stewardship change our perspective on the things and people that God has put in our lives?

Deep idol of significance!

Several traps go along with this idol. The approval trap. Are you constantly trying to keep others happy, have a hard time saying no, do you avoid conflict?

The recognition trap, is a desperate attempt to make your self feel significant by being recognized or your achievements.

The relationship trap is a desire for wanting to be wanted by someone. Your relationship becomes the most important thing in your life and provides you a false sense of security.

Philippians 2:5-11

Which of the significance trap is most relevant for you? Approval, recognition, or relationship trap.

Which of the comfort traps is most relevant to you? Fear of responsibility, the dependence on consumption, or turning to escapes.

The deep idol of comfort.

Several traps come with seeking comfort. The fear of responsibility, being dependent on consumption, and turning to escapes. Each one will trap you and keep you from growing spiritually!

We have to replace the idol of comfort with the purpose of God.

Which of the comfort traps is most relevant to you? Fear of responsibility, the dependence on consumption, or turning to escapes.

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Battle Plan

Battle Plan

Mark 10:35-45

There is a desire inside all of us to do great things and yet we are all easily appeased and settle for much less!

What is your battle plan for temptation? You can either white knuckle it and just bear through temptation you will eventually fall. The key is to desire God over anything else in your life! To desire God above any other desire!

Three things that must be done I order to do this.

- Admit the struggle
- Identify the lie (the empty promise a temptation offers)
- Replace it with the truth

Romans 12:1-3

What is the most difficult struggle for you to admit to?

What lie is that struggle feeding you?

How can you experience truth and replace the lie?

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4 key realities for making change in your life.

- Ruthless honesty
- Acknowledged struggles and temptation
- Understand the level of grace God has given you
- The goal is heart change

Three deep idols.

An idol is anything to replace God. Idolatry keeps us from getting our security from God. Idolatry can be found in lust and every other seen. It steams from selfishness! The deep rooted idols in my life, lay beneath the surface.

The idol of control is one of those deep rooted idol. Proverbs 19:21 with this idol we have a relentless pursuit of seeking security, and been in control of every situation.

The deep idol of significance is another. This idol plays out in your life when you are more worried about pleasing people rather than God. Your priorities are focused on what you can achieve and you seek the acceptance of others.

The deep idol of comfort is the third idol. Through this idol we avoid stress of accountability. This idol leads to an un ending desire for consumption. You are never satisfied!

Of the four key realities, which one is most important for you to remember?

Which of the three deep idols resonates with you the most? How is it manifesting in your life right now?

What decisions are you going to make to affect change in your life?

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Storm Chasers part 3

Storm Chasers part 3

Peter was blessed by storms. Literally, without storms our earth would not be inhabitable. Storms are necessary to remove pollution, regulate temptation...etc. without storms we would not be able to live on this planet. Lightning strikes and provides nitrogen to the soil. Storms are scary and create a lot of damage but without them we could not survive!

Matthew 14:22-33

Peter was originally Simon Barjonah which literally was "son of Jonah". Not sure if he was a descendant of Jonah but pretty cool to see him now involved in a storm as well. Jesus renamed him Peter which means "rock". Jesus did not just give him a new name but gave him a new identity.

Storms are needed in our lives too and God knows this. Jesus sent them into the boat and onto the lake and Jesus put them in that situation for a reason. Like wise God will put us in storms to give us an opportunity to have faith, trust and obedience!

Faith is built not by rest but by stress! We grow the most through the storms in our lives!

James 1:2-4

How can I be joyful through the middle of a storm? I can be joyful when I realize that God is using it to make me stronger and help me grow!

1 Peter 1:3-9

We need storms to build my faith. My faith needs to be continually challenged in order for me to grow spiritually. I can't run from the storms, I need to embrace them! Peter sank because he took his eyes off Jesus! Peter had enough faith to get out of the boat.
The faith I have today is good enough for today but not good enough for tomorrow! Our faith needs to be constantly challenged!

Jesus conquers storms!

Hebrews 12:1-3

Jesus initiates our faith with a storm in our lives and then he also perfects our faith. Men and women of Faith who embrace Gods word and the storms in their lives are able to be victorious! When we fix our eyes on Jesus we are able to see the storm for what it is! Keeping our perspective on Jesus is the key.

1 Peter 1:3-9

Jesus is the only way to get through a storm. Fall on your knees, accept Jesus as your savior! It is a blessing to be in a storm! With my eyes fixed on Jesus I will always conquer the storms in my life!

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Storm Chasers part 2

Storm Chasers part 2

Jonah 1:1-8

The storm in Jonah was brought on because Jonah refused to obey God. Many storms happen in our lives and are not our fault. In Jonah's case he was responsible and his sin drug everyone else into it. Jonah's selfishness jeopardized the entire ship and everyone on board.

Gods called Jonah to do something that was challenging for him to do. It questioned his character and exposed racism and bigotry. It exposed the hatred in his heart. Not doing God's will and obeying God exposes the sin in our hearts!

Jonah 1:9-17

Even through Gods miracle Jonah still needed to pray. Jonah had to work on his heart. God provided the time and opportunity for Jonah to repent. In our own lives sometimes God allows storms in our lives so we can turn to him. Where is God leading you? What is God trying to teach you. Examine what is going on in your life and consider where God is calling you?

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Genesis 11:1-9; 1 Samuel 4:5-10

Genesis 11:1-9; 1 Samuel 4:5-10

Two stories here that are kinda of foot note stories. These two stories are different but they share several similarities. They show the power of unity. They are untied against God in each story. With the story of the Tower of Babel, the unity was so strong that God had to disunify them! The philistines have no relationship with God. All they have is unity among men. There is a power in unity even an evil power in unity. In both cases God had to physically step into our world to defeat that power!

If men can be this powerful when being unified against God, how much more powerful can man be when we are united with God!

Ecclesiastes 4:8-12 this scriptures proves the point even further that men united are a power to be reckoned with. When two work together, the out put is greater than 1+1

There is a power in unity with God and yet so many chose to be loaners!

Psalms 133:1-3; Matthew 18:19-20

Am I battling the spiritual war alone? Am I tapping into the power of unity available through God with my brothers?

What keeps me from being United. What dreams do I have that we can unite over?

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Worshiping in Silence

Worshiping in Silence

It's hard for us to be silent. We live in an age of constant entertainment!

How do I here Gods voice in everyday life? I have to separate time daily to listen to God. How do I prove to God that I want to hear his voice? Reading Gods word daily is the only way. How can God trust you with his spine word if he cannot trust you with his written word?

Psalms 1:1-6

Prayer was created for us to commune with God. It's more than a time for me to ask for blessings or things that I want. It's deeper than mumbling words. Am I worships God in prayer?

John 5:19-20; John 12:49-50 Luke 5:1-11;16

Give yourself to God and listen to him. Communion with God is about listening and you cannot listen unless your silent.

When I pray I am admitting by my actions that God is real and he has authority over me!

You cannot have intimacy with God without spending time with him!

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Storm Chasers part 2

Storm Chasers part 2

Jonah 1:1-8

The storm in Jonah was brought on because Jonah refused to obey God. Many storms happen in our lives and are not our fault. In Jonah's case he was responsible and his sin drug everyone else into it. Jonah's selfishness jeopardized the entire ship and everyone on board.

Gods called Jonah to do something that was challenging for him to do. It questioned his character and exposed racism and bigotry. It exposed the hatred in his heart. Not doing God's will and obeying God exposes the sin in our hearts!

Jonah 1:9-17

Even through Gods miracle Jonah still needed to pray. Jonah had to work on his heart. God provided the time and opportunity for Jonah to repent. In our own lives sometimes God allows storms in our lives so we can turn to him. Where is God leading you? What is God trying to teach you. Examine what is going on in your life and consider where God is calling you?

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Monday, September 19, 2016

Storm Chasers! Part 1

Storm Chasers! Part 1

Storms are coming! No matter where you are in life, you can't escape life's storms. The first century church was in a world of chaos and they views the church like a boat. Before the symbol of the cross the first century church used the symbol of the anchor! Being anchored to Jesus was import to the first church...Hebrews 6:19

What keeps us from being crashed against the rocks of blown out to sea? It's the anchor of our faith, it's having a relationship with Jesus!

Genesis 6:5-22;7:1-13

The story of Noah has become a fairy tale kids story in many of our minds. Noah wrote the first 5 books of the bible and was a man used by God to do his will. Noah was directed to build an ark and was giving specific details on the size length and width! There was no instructions to add a rutted or sail or anything else that would steer the boat. Noah and his family were left to trust God and God alone!

Noah did not chose his storm. Noah was a righteous man who loved his family and tried to live his life to please God and the storm that God gave him had nothing to do with bad choices or consequences from his own actions! Too many times the storms in our lives are self inflicted. We sin, we rebel and then the storm comes as a result of consequences. Other times life happens and God allows a storm in our lives. Either way God is in control and we either need to repent, trust God and have faith!

Storms come whether we are prepared or not. We can't burry our heads in the sand and pretend there not going to come! Noah was prepared and did what God asked.

We may not be able to chose which storms will come but we do get to chose how we respond to the storm. Sometimes we don't have time to prepare and God just calls for immediate obedience. Genesis 6:22

Obedience is a better virtue that independence or free thinking. God doesn't want us to not think for ourselves but many times we over think and many times make decisions contrary to being obedient to God because we think we know better! Immediate obedience is a valuable virtue and should be practice daily!

How closely do I obey gods word when it cost me time, money, independence, lordship in my own life? Noah's response allowed God to save him. If Noah didn't build a boat he would not have been saved. The obedience and Gods rescue was necessary for him to be saved. Noah built a boat with no rutted or steering mechanism and the boat alone could not save him. God had to rescue Noah and his family!

Am I being obedient to God and trusting in his rescue plan?

Genesis 9:13 the storm will eventually end. The rainbow comes when the storm passes! The rainbow is proof that the storm ends. It's a promise that storm has ended. Because of Noah's obedience his family was saved. Who will be saved by my obedience?

How big of a boat am I building? Am I just focused on my self. Is my boat big enough to save my family and the people around me?

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Worshiping in Silence

Worshiping in Silence

It's hard for us to be silent. We live in an age of constant entertainment!

How do I here Gods voice in everyday life? I have to separate time daily to listen to God. How do I prove to God that I want to hear his voice? Reading Gods word daily is the only way. How can God trust you with his spine word if he cannot trust you with his written word?

Psalms 1:1-6

Prayer was created for us to commune with God. It's more than a time for me to ask for blessings or things that I want. It's deeper than mumbling words. Am I worships God in prayer?

John 5:19-20; John 12:49-50 Luke 5:1-11;16

Give yourself to God and listen to him. Communion with God is about listening and you cannot listen unless your silent.

When I pray I am admitting by my actions that God is real and he has authority over me!

You cannot have intimacy with God without spending time with him!

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Monday, September 12, 2016

The Wedding Banquet

The Wedding Banquet

Matthew 22:1-14

Who is the man not dressed in wedding clothes? Everyone was invited. When there was still room they went and found more people to fill the banquet! One man came and was not suppose to be there.

The initial invitees did not want to come and The master tried to persuade them to come. God wanted to make sure they knew how awesome the banquet would be. Through kindness the master persuaded them and even sent his son.

When persuasion did not work and the invitees responded with evil intent the master destroyed their city! God will always try with kindness to lead us to repentance. If Thiago does not work and we do not repent he uses discipline!

The man that was thrown out knew it was a wedding and new he should of had wedding clothes. God help the people get prepared through kindness and then through discipline. If that doesn't work and you still do not respond you become like the man that was thrown out. You gotta show up to the wedding and you have to be prepared for a wedding!

Being invited does not mean your welcome at the banquet. Showing up does not mean your welcome at the banquet. Only the one dressed and ready for the wedding is welcome at the banquet!

Where is God acting in kindness in our lives? Where is God discipling us and what do we need to change in order to be ready?

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We have an awesome God!

We have an awesome God!

"Then sings my soul, my God to thee, how great thou are!"

In all that God is, he is too vast for any of us to truly understand or comprehend who he is! We cannot fathom Gods mercy and grace. We cannot fathom Gods endless love! It is beyond our understanding!

Isaiah 40:13-14; Isaiah 55:8-9; Romans 11:33-36; 1 Corinthians 1:25-31;

God spoke the universe into existence! God spoke and there was light. He spoke and the earth was formed! Genesis 1:3-24 How powerful is our God! We have an awesome God! What is there that he cannot do or overcome?!

John 1:1-2, 14 God always had a plan to free me from the consequences of sin! God loves me beyond compare. Through Jesus God displayed the ultimate act of love!

This awesome God that we serve and are in awe of has called us to be his people. Psalms 100:1-5

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hall of Fame!

Hall of Fame!

Many states have halls of fame. People are inducted into a hall of fame for many reasons. Hall of games are created for different reasons. We like to take note of extraordinary men and document their extraordinary circumstances and achievements.

Enoch was mentioned in the bibles hall of fame.

Hebrews 11:5-6

Enoch was in the faith hall of fame because he did not die and he walked faithfully with God! He left earth and went straight to heaven.

Genesis 5:18-24

What if you could skip the death and just go straight to heaven. What if there was a door and you could just enter it and go to heaven, would you open it? Enoch skipped judgement, skipped the agony of death, and just went with God! From life to heaven with nothing in between. Even Jesus did not escape death!

All of this was possible because Enoch had faith and walked with God all the days of his life!

By faith we are saved from spiritual death. Who doesn't want to skip death? Spiritual death is eternity in hell. Faith in God is the first step to skipping spiritual death!

Faith is about believing but the other side of faith is being faithful! Faithfulness is what God is looking for. Faithfulness starts with being content. If you are happy and content with God you will be faithful! Philippians 4:12-13

Enoch was faithful in a relationship with God for 300 years! God is pleased with faithfulness! It is impossible to please God without faith or without being faithful?! How faithful am I in my prayer life? How faithful am I in my reliance on Gods word? How faithful am I to Gods timing? How faithful am I in obeying Gods word?! How faithful am I in giving to God? You can answer these questions by asking how content am I?

Luke 22:42 Jesus was content with Gods plan for him! Jesus was content even though Gods answer was not what he was asking for!

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Matthew 23:1-3; 23:25-26

Not obeying and studying Gods word will lead you to hypocrisy! The Pharisees cared more about how they looked and there traditions rather than obeying the word of God!

Do you keep the same integrity in your private life as you do when your around other people?

Matthew 6:5-6

It takes humility to deal with hypocrisy! The Pharisees aloud their pride to keep them from accepting Jesus and giving all of their lives to him!


Luke 9:25
Deuteronomy 12:1-2

Idolatry is putting ANYTHING before God!

Colossians 3:1-3

Never give your life to something death can take away.


John 9:25-27

Testify how God has changed your life!

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Saturday, August 13, 2016


"By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames."
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3:10-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

-- build with care

-- what foundation are we building on?

-- how do we get off track and build the wrong foundation?

-- we like to build with Gold, silver and costly stones. But what happens to them in the fire?

-- our marriages will be tested, our families will be tested, what we build as the leaders of our houses will be tested.

-- how do we build a foundation on Jesus? (Praying together, asking spiritual questions, leading devotionals, being like Jesus)

-- "only as one escaping through the flames"....don't be that guy. God wants us to have a solid foundation in him.

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