God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, October 31, 2016



Polarization basically means to separate to the furthest of opposite ends. Two choices that cause I tenses separation! Gods people should never be manipulated with polarizing issues. How would Jesus respond to a polarizing topic?

Mark 12:13-17

The Pharisees intended to trap Jesus. This was a carefully laid trap. A controversial issue of Jesus day. A polarizing topic for the Jews and Romans! If Jesus says yes he instantly becomes a traitor of his people. If he says no then he becomes a terrorist to Roman and would immediately be put into prison!

Giving Caesar what is Caesar was giving to Caesar what was in Caesar's image! What was created and minted by Caesar! Give to the world what belongs to the world! Jesus was more concerned with eternal things!

Give to God what is God's! Give to God what was made in his image. What was created and minted by God! Who was made in God's image? We are called to give our selves in deep devotion!

How do you know what image you are serving? What are you passionate about? What turns your heart and creates a fervor and energy that can hardly be contained? Worldly things or Godly things!

Are you passionate about the things that God is passionate about? My passion should be on eternal things!

What divides you will show what image you are bearing!

1 Corinthians 1:12-13

Paul rebukes the Corinthian church for being divided over spiritual things, how much more would God rebuke Christians for becoming divided over worldly things? Politics are the number one polarizing issues of our day!

What unites you?

1 Timothy 2:1-4

This is what we should be praying for! In doing this we are focused on God being in control and not a man or women who was elected to office! We need to acknowledge who leads this world!

John 17:20-23

While faced with over whelming stress and physical torture, Jesus prayed for others! Look at Jesus priorities! Complete unity is found only in Christ!

Sent from my iPhone

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