God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Shepherding and Leading


• We want to provide teaching to help the Christians grow stronger in their faith and knowledge of God that equips them for their relationships.



I.Moses as Shepherd

(Exodus 3:1-2a) 

God led his people but he did it by the hand of Moses.  
Moses was the extension of God's rule in their life.                                                                     Do we truly believe God is leading us? 


(Ex 17)  Moses struck the rock but it was God who caused the water to flow.
(Ex 33:11)  "The Lord would speak to Moses as one that speaks to a friend".  Intercede for people praying for them.  
(Exodus 20:19)  Moses on Mt. Sinai to receive the law.
(Hosea 12:13)  The Lord used Moses to lead the people out of Egypt.  

II.Moses as Prophet

(Ex 32:31)  These people… (Exodus 17:4)  what to do with these people…
(Ex 34:9)  Us…and ours… Transition in Moses' heart toward identifying with the people.  
(Mark 6:34)  Perhaps this was in Jesus' mind when he said the people were like sheep without a shepherd.  (Numbers 27:15-20)  


III.Moses as Leader

Leadership was the particular aspect of shepherding noted here-leading them out & bringing them in.  (Numbers 27:15-20)
Joshua was noted as having the spirit of leadership.
Moses was to invest some of his authority in Joshua so that the people would follow him.
We aren't to lord over people-yet the people are to be willing to be led.


IV.David as Shepherd

(1 Samuel 16:11, 17:14-15, 31-37)

David called the people not to lose heart on account of the Philistine…
Sometimes we must fight battles for people- some are bruised reeds.  David protected the flock as a shepherd from the lion and the bear.  
David was actively shepherding the flock before he became the shepherd of God' s people.

Characteristics of David as a Shepherd

Protector, courageous, seeker of the lost (v 34-35).
David gives the credit to God.  Our confidence must also be in God.  
God is committed to his own glory.  We must be a guardian of God's name and honor, not because he can't defend himself but because it's a matter of our hearts.

V.David as Ruler 

The Kings of Israel weren't like the Pharaohs and the Caesars that had absolute power-their rule would be more like stewards from among the people.
(2 Samuel 5:1-2)  Choose the Kings to "rule".  The Hebrew word for rule is 'Nagid' (like a prince) to mean their authority is derived not inherited.  There is another source of authority, which we know is God.

Examples of God guarding his Authority

David wanted to transport the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem on an oxcart, which
seemed sensible, yet this was against God's prescribed manner for how the Ark should be carried.  (2 Samuel 6)
"Melek'  The King.  God is the 'Melek' and David was the 'Nagid' The Prince.
David wanted to build a house for God (2 Samuel 7:7).  This idea seems like a good idea but God objects; he is the one that determines the terms.  
God is loving but not sentimental.


We must remind people of the Sovereign command of God, God holds his shepherd accountable by equipping them, blessing them and disciplining them when needed.  This makes for a spiritually minded community.  Whenever we begin to lead in any way that is contrary to the word or authority of God, he will deal with us.


(Psalm 78:70-72)  

Reference to David's shepherd leadership
David led with integrity of heart and skillful hands.


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