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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray

Growth is the most important thing in a relationship with God and it starts with prayer. How do we grow and learn to pray like Jesus? Are you willing to learn? Prayer is usually the area we need to grow in the most!

Luke 11:1 the disciples saw the power that Jesus received through prayer and they wanted to learn! How hunger are you to learn? To know God deeper, to learn something from Jesus? Too many people rely on past events to validate their spirituality. Are you growing more now than you did before?

We need to be hungry for growth. Jesus is our standard and to be like him requires an intense hunger to grow. We have to have a heart to grow.

Why did the disciples want to learn to pray like Jesus?

Look at Jesus example of prayer:

Luke 9:18; John 17:1; Matthew 19:13; Luke 22:32; Matthew 14:23; Luke 6:2; Mark 6:41; Mark 7:34; Luke 10:21; Matthew 26:36-38; Luke 9:28-29; Luke 9:51

Jesus prayed in private and in public. Do you pray equally in public and private when no one is looking? Jesus prayed for others. How large of a circle is my others? How many people do you pray for? Jesus prayed outside and all night. Prayer was more important to Jesus than sleep or food. Jesus fed people and healed them through prayer. Jesus used the full range of human emotions when he prayed. There was no emotion that Jesus did not take to God in prayer! Everything needs to be taken to God in prayer. Jesus depended on prayer! Jesus set his face to Jerusalem to go and die. He was able to do this because of prayer!

Prayer should be priority in our lives! Prayer should be the most frequent thing in our lives. We should not be devoted to anything more often than to prayer!

Luke 3:21-22 Jesus began his ministry on this earth with prayer. Luke 23:46 Jesus ended his ministry on this earth with prayer!

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