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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sent to be Holy

Sent to be Holy

What does holy really mean? We use holy in many ways. Holy bible, holy cow, holy days, Holy Spirit...etc Holy means set apart, separate and pure. We are A holy creation in God through Jesus and are called to be set apart from the world. As soon as we were set apart and became a new holy creation we were back in an unholy world. Being Holy and living in the world creates constant conflict! Israel was also called to be Holy and then live in an unholy land!

Joshua 7:1-5;6-11

Israel had just come off a great victory in defeating Jericho is routed by a small army! Joshua who was so courageous in spying out the Jordan and reporting back encouraging words is now filled with fear. Joshua is now face down in fear over 36 people were killed.

One man's sin affects the whole camp! We are all connected and depend on each other! God called for all of the devoted things to be destroyed! One man's decision to keep the devoted things caused destruction to a nation! What sin (devoted thing) am I holding on too?

Joshua 7:20-26

The progression of Achan's sin: He saw, he coveted, he took, he hid, and he died! The only way to break the progression of sin is through confession. Coveting will always lead to hiding and hiding will always lead to death! What consecrated thing am I not treating with righteousness?

Why did Achan wait so long to confess? He waited until he had no escape and no where to hide! God used Achan to set an example. No matter how bad our situation is it is better than Achans! Everyday that we draw breath we have a chance to repent!

True repentance begins with confession. Being real with yourself on what you have done and seeing how you have hurt God.

Philippians 2:10-11; Matthew 21:42-46

Vs. 44 -- better to fall on Jesus and become broken than to have Jesus fall onto you and being crushed! Then it is too late! The only way to stay clean in a world of filth is to wash yourself everyday through confession!

Sent from my iPad

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