God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, September 19, 2016

Storm Chasers! Part 1

Storm Chasers! Part 1

Storms are coming! No matter where you are in life, you can't escape life's storms. The first century church was in a world of chaos and they views the church like a boat. Before the symbol of the cross the first century church used the symbol of the anchor! Being anchored to Jesus was import to the first church...Hebrews 6:19

What keeps us from being crashed against the rocks of blown out to sea? It's the anchor of our faith, it's having a relationship with Jesus!

Genesis 6:5-22;7:1-13

The story of Noah has become a fairy tale kids story in many of our minds. Noah wrote the first 5 books of the bible and was a man used by God to do his will. Noah was directed to build an ark and was giving specific details on the size length and width! There was no instructions to add a rutted or sail or anything else that would steer the boat. Noah and his family were left to trust God and God alone!

Noah did not chose his storm. Noah was a righteous man who loved his family and tried to live his life to please God and the storm that God gave him had nothing to do with bad choices or consequences from his own actions! Too many times the storms in our lives are self inflicted. We sin, we rebel and then the storm comes as a result of consequences. Other times life happens and God allows a storm in our lives. Either way God is in control and we either need to repent, trust God and have faith!

Storms come whether we are prepared or not. We can't burry our heads in the sand and pretend there not going to come! Noah was prepared and did what God asked.

We may not be able to chose which storms will come but we do get to chose how we respond to the storm. Sometimes we don't have time to prepare and God just calls for immediate obedience. Genesis 6:22

Obedience is a better virtue that independence or free thinking. God doesn't want us to not think for ourselves but many times we over think and many times make decisions contrary to being obedient to God because we think we know better! Immediate obedience is a valuable virtue and should be practice daily!

How closely do I obey gods word when it cost me time, money, independence, lordship in my own life? Noah's response allowed God to save him. If Noah didn't build a boat he would not have been saved. The obedience and Gods rescue was necessary for him to be saved. Noah built a boat with no rutted or steering mechanism and the boat alone could not save him. God had to rescue Noah and his family!

Am I being obedient to God and trusting in his rescue plan?

Genesis 9:13 the storm will eventually end. The rainbow comes when the storm passes! The rainbow is proof that the storm ends. It's a promise that storm has ended. Because of Noah's obedience his family was saved. Who will be saved by my obedience?

How big of a boat am I building? Am I just focused on my self. Is my boat big enough to save my family and the people around me?

Sent from my iPhone

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