God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, October 24, 2016

Miraculous Jesus!

Miraculous Jesus!

Jesus always preached outside. From lakes, mountains shorelines... Etc

John 6:1-15

Again Jesus is out doors ministering to people and performs one of the greatest miracles in the bible. Jesus lead them into the country side. Jesus lead them to a place where they would be in need. Jesus does that for us as well. He leads us to places where we need him and then he provides big time!

Mark says that Jesus split the people into groups of fifty and a hundred. Why did he do this? There was no denying how many people he fed! His miracles over came the physical limitations we have. He over came numbers by feeding five thousands with a couple of loaves and fish. He overcame gravity when he walked on water!

Jesus did miracles in our physical world but his intent was to open our eyes to the spiritual world!

John 6:25-35

The crowd only wanted free food. Even after that they still wanted a sign? How could they not believe? We overlook the miracles that Jesus has done in our lives as well! We need to be reminded! Who has been a liar and through the Jesus has learned to tell the truth in all circumstances? Who has never been faithful and through Jesus has become faithful not only to your spouse but faithful to the Lord! Who has battled with one sin or another for years and through Jesus has become victorious?! Don't under value the miracles that Jesus has done in your life!! If you can't answer yes to those questions then you need Jesus!!

Jesus ultimate miracle was his resurrection from the dead! Jesus had victory even over death and sacrificed himself for us so that we too can die to sin and be raised to a new life!! Praise God for the gift of grace and mercy that he lavishes on those who have made Jesus lord! We don't have to live in sin any longer! We are a new creation in Jesus!

Sent from my iPhone

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