God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, November 13, 2016



Matthew 6:25-34

Picking your priorities is important to keep from getting distracted! Matthew 6 tells us that God and His kingdom should be priority! What distractions are your giving into? Anything that takes me off of being God focused is a distraction!

Mark 1:35; Proverbs 3:5 we have to stay close to God and trust in him. We need to lean on God!
Social media has become a huge distraction for many of us. The first thing we do in the morning is check our Facebook or update a status. We should be going to God. He should be our priority!

Philippians 4:6 turning to God will truly meet our needs. God wants to be involved in our life! He wants to be needed by us! We should cast all anxiety, desires and request on Him and turn only to Him for what we need!

Matthew 22:36-40

Loving God with all you heart, mind and soul is to love without distractions! We also need relationships. God wants us to have love filled relationships with the people around us! In today's age many people are replacing real relationships with social media. Deep love connections are traded in for a false reality and superficial acquaintances that will never meet our needs!

Luke 10:25-37

Jesus example of a love filled relationship requires sacrifice! The Good Samaritan did not allow distractions from keeping him from loving. He took time out of his day to help a neighbor in need. Social media can also be a distraction in helping people. We all portray an image online that is our best and sometimes different from reality. Very few people really realize what is going on in our lives. The pressure to look good becomes a distraction from getting the help we need!

Social media creates laziness and distracts us from doing the good we ought to do. As we spend more and more time on our phones we neglect the world around us. It's selfish! God calls us to be the Good Samaritan; however, we will never be able to focus on the needs around us if we are distracted!

How can you be like the Good Samaritan this week? Stay focused on God, stop getting distracted with things from this world!

Sent from my iPad

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