God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Christmas service!

Christmas service!

Christmas deliveries! Santa delivers the presents to the world. We ship presents to each other all over the globe. We wait in anticipation for deliveries on Christmas Day.

Jesus -- the ultimate delivery!

Luke 1:26-33

Jesus was Gods present to the world! Born of a virgin, humbled as a man; Jesus was the son of God sent to die for our sins!

Jesus was delivered but it was Gods plan that we deliver Jesus to each other! Just as Jesus grew in the womb of Mary, We have a responsibility to grow Jesus inside of us and then deliver him to the world! The very first thing the shepherds did when they knew Jesus had come, they went and shared it with everyone!

Who am I delivering Jesus to? Who am I telling that the savior has been born? Who am I sharing the life of Jesus with?

Jesus was delivered and Jesus will deliver us! More personally, Jesus will deliver me! It's easy to acknowledge that the world needs saving. It's harder to recognize that we personally need saving. Even the best of us is full of sin and unable to save our selves! We need Jesus, you need Jesus, I need Jesus!

Sent from my iPhone

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