God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Storing up treasures!

Storing up treasures!

What matters most in my life? What would I give up anything for? This is an awesome important question! A question God wants answers in each one of us.

Matthew 6:19-23

What treasure am I storing up? Worldly treasures or heavenly ones? Am I chasing after the wrong things? Our pursuit of happiness can lead us astray. There are so many things in this world that promise happiness and yet they will never deliver! My focus should be heavenly things.

Storing treasure in heaven is a decisions. What we put our treasures in are intentional. We have to decide to focus on the right things.

You cannot serve two masters! Investing in Heaven is the only secure investment.

How I live my life shows where my treasures are. My life and not my words answers this question!

Matthew 6:25-32

Jesus calls us not to run after your basic human needs! He wants to supply them for us! God knows what we need and he want us to be

Matthew 6:33-34

Seeking first Gods kingdom is to rely
On God for our basic needs.

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