God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, November 28, 2016

What do you really need? Needs vs wants.

What do you really need? Needs vs wants.

2 Peter 1:3-11

God has given me everything I need to live a full life capable of honoring him! Regardless of material circumstance I have everything I need! God provides! God will not forsake me. God will honor all of his promises!

As a fisherman Peter had a great understanding of what it means to be in need and being provided for. He went out everyday in need and had to rely on God to be successful!

What does God mean that he gives everything that we need? He gives us the knowledge of Jesus! What else do we need? Knowing Jesus is the gift that gives us the ability to live a godly life!

How does a promise give us what we need? A promise can help deliver a desire that we could never accomplish on our own. In my nature I desire things some good and some evil. The world and its promises are traded for Gods promises that truly are for filled! Gods promises free us from the desires and empty promises of this world!

God gives everything we need through the knowledge of Jesus and then we get to go live it! Be like Jesus! Simple and difficult at the same time! Taking hold of what God has given us is to strive to be like Jesus!

Vs 5 -- God gives us a how to on being like Jesus. You begin with faith. Even a little bit of faith! Through faith you add goodness, and the knowledge. Self control is a practice once you have goodness in your heart and knowledge of what is good and evil! Perseverance in faith knowledge and self control leads to godliness! Only after all these things are you able to love the way Jesus did!

Sent from my iPad

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