God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, November 13, 2016



Worship is really defined by posture. To worship is to bow down! How should we worship God?

Exodus 7:14-16

We are freed to worship. Moses entire message to Egypt was to let my people go. Why? So that they could worship the lord in the wilderness!

We are free to worship!

Exodus 3:7-

Like Moses who was giving a message from God we too have been giving a message! People are hurting and searching for freedom. Our message is a message of hope and good news that frees people from the captivity of sin through Jesus. Why? So that they can worship God!

God has freed us from sin so that we can worship him unrestrained and boundless! Worship is a life style. It's not just about music or praise! Worshiping God should be evident in every aspect of our lives! Being obedient is worship! Jesus spent 33 years on earth worshiping God. Everyday was a day to worship in all things!

Ephesians 5:18-20

Corporate worship and individual worship are equally important! Sing to God during your personal times with God. In corporate worship we are together worshiping God! Our focus should be one God and only God!!

How important is worship to God? So important that God brought plagues and miracles against Egypt to free his people so they could worship him!! How serious should I take my worship to God?!

Exodus 10:7-11

True worship involves everything in my life! My possessions, my family, my friends, my entire life!!

Exodus 10:24-29

Moses would not leave and worship with out the women, children, and his possessions! It's my job to include and teach my family how to worship! Moss would not leave with out things to sacrifice. You can not worship God with out sacrifice. What am I giving up for God in my worship! Moses did not back down on this with Pharaoh.

Sacrifice is pain full. Giving up something that you want for God is not always easy but is necessary for worship!

Exodus 5:1

Worship is a festival. Worship is a party and a celebration! We are free to celebrate in worship! We need to be somber and reflect on Jesus, the cross and who we are before God! Then there is a time where we celebrate and rejoice in Jesus and the sacrifice he has made!

Sent from my iPad

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