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Thursday, March 2, 2017

The discipline of deep friendships!

"Discipline of Friendships"

10% of all mean have no intimate friendships. Men do no value deep friendships. Why are men prone to having superficial friendships? Male companionship in biblical times was considered more important in many ways than any relationship with a woman for many reasons.

Fast forward to today and it has become culturally unacceptable to have a close endearing relationship with another man that is not viewed as homosexual. In the 20th and 21st century the male relationships are built around sports and activities instead of emotional bonds. For this reason men do not typically build deep intimate relationships with one another.

What can the bible teach us about building better relationships with each other? God's plan for man was always for us to be connected to a brotherhood that would create strong bonds!

1 Samuel 14:6;13-14 Jonathan and his armor barer had this type of relationship!

1 Samuel 17:1-11;45-47 where was Jonathan during this time? Why wasn't Jonathan standing up to Goliath? Where was his courage that he showed just a few chapters earlier? Was his faith weakened by the philistine like the rest of Israel? Have you ever been discouraged spiritually and another brother lifted you up?

1 Samuel 18:1 Jonathan and David became one in spirit. David inspired Jonathan! When searching for a male friendship, what are you looking for? Are you looking for worldly values? Jonathan and David came from two different back grounds. Jonathan was a kings son and David grew up in the country. Deep spiritual bonds transcend cultures, social status, financial status...etc

Our ability to have deep spiritual male friendships we have to get past the superficial conversations about sports and other things. We have to be willing to ask each other the tough questions that lead to an intimate relationships. We have to confess our sins to each other. We have to ask how we are doing spiritually and hold each other accountable.

Sent from my iPad

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