God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, October 15, 2016

The deep idol of control, significance

The deep idol of control, significance

Our lust and desire for control actually brings fear to our lives. The need for control drives fear and fear drives workaholism. Control drives insecurity and anger when things don't go our way.

To change these things we have to replace the lie with the truth. With fear we have to replace it with trust. With control we have to replace it with surrendering. The most frequent command in the bible is to not be afraid. Do not give into fear!

Proverbs 3:5
Matthew 6:25;32-33
Philippians 4:6-7

Control desires power and power pulls you away from God. To replace the desire for power we need to understand stewardship! Being a good steward means to value the things that God values.

What temps you the most? Fear, workaholism, anger, and power.

When was the last time you got really angry? What caused it?

How should the concept of stewardship change our perspective on the things and people that God has put in our lives?

Deep idol of significance!

Several traps go along with this idol. The approval trap. Are you constantly trying to keep others happy, have a hard time saying no, do you avoid conflict?

The recognition trap, is a desperate attempt to make your self feel significant by being recognized or your achievements.

The relationship trap is a desire for wanting to be wanted by someone. Your relationship becomes the most important thing in your life and provides you a false sense of security.

Philippians 2:5-11

Which of the significance trap is most relevant for you? Approval, recognition, or relationship trap.

Which of the comfort traps is most relevant to you? Fear of responsibility, the dependence on consumption, or turning to escapes.

The deep idol of comfort.

Several traps come with seeking comfort. The fear of responsibility, being dependent on consumption, and turning to escapes. Each one will trap you and keep you from growing spiritually!

We have to replace the idol of comfort with the purpose of God.

Which of the comfort traps is most relevant to you? Fear of responsibility, the dependence on consumption, or turning to escapes.

Sent from my iPad

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