God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Battle Plan

Battle Plan

Mark 10:35-45

There is a desire inside all of us to do great things and yet we are all easily appeased and settle for much less!

What is your battle plan for temptation? You can either white knuckle it and just bear through temptation you will eventually fall. The key is to desire God over anything else in your life! To desire God above any other desire!

Three things that must be done I order to do this.

- Admit the struggle
- Identify the lie (the empty promise a temptation offers)
- Replace it with the truth

Romans 12:1-3

What is the most difficult struggle for you to admit to?

What lie is that struggle feeding you?

How can you experience truth and replace the lie?

Sent from my iPad

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