God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, July 31, 2017

Gifts Are More Important Than Roles

Gifts are important over roles 

1 Corinthians 12: 13-26 

Every role is important in the body; every role is important. 

Every part matters!! 

  • eagerly desire to grow our gifts!! 

"In the same way, deacons are to be worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. They must first be tested; and then if there is nothing against them, let them serve as deacons. In the same way, the women are to be worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything. A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well. Those who have served well gain an excellent standing and great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭3:8-13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Love is Messy - Unconditional Love is Messier

Love is Messy - Unconditional Love is Messier

The concept of unconditional love is great and ideal for those of us that have proclaimed Christ as our Lord, but it can also be a daunting and quite perplexing at times. 
Most of the time I don't realize how conditional my love for others is. And when I get hurt because my conditions have not been met, disappointment sets is, resentment and bitterness can quickly creep in. When I least expect it, i have shut down, and shut out the people I am supposed to "love" so much. 

I then resort to self help books, seeking knowledge and self empowerment... and then I realize, 

No amount of sacrifice, knowledge, power, money, etc., will ever bring peace that comes from true love... we may deceive ourselves into thinking that we've "gained" or attained something, but God reminds us that we gain "nothing" seeking out these things. 
Scripture reminds us that true knowledge is attained only when we seek out God's heart -- "... God IS love." ~ 1 John 4: 8

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing."
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NIV

Here I Am Send Me

Here I Am Send Me - Philip 

God truly is in control... Acts 6

  1. Make yourself AVAILABLE Acts 8: 5-8

We must make ourselves available: when the right opportunity presents itself, we have to be available! 

Where is God wanting to send me this morning? How am I making myself available to be used by God? 

Why did God use Philip to go reach out to this influential person? 
God doesn't want titles, he wants a heart... he uses people that are willing to be used. 

Acts 3:8 - we have to be willing to sit down with others and take time out of the business of life to help others. 

  1. You must be FLEXIBLE 

We should be ready when and for whatever God sends me. 

John 12: 24 - sometimes we have to go through hard time in order for God to use us. 

  1. You have to be Knowledgeable 

We have to be in the word - talk about the word, and live it out!! 
 Read God's word, learn, apply!! Ask questions!!! Jesus was brilliant with the way he asked questions. 
Philip asked questions if the eunuch, then led him to Jesus!! 

Let's have the spirit of Philip "Here am I, send me!" 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Here Am I Send Me - Phillip

Here Am I Send Me - Phillip

Acts 6, Not the apostle Philip. The Philip that was put in charge of ministering to the orphans and widows. He was willing to go anywhere and do anything for God no matter how big or small!

Acts 8:7-8;26-27

Philip made himself available to be used by God. Whether is was caring for orphans and widows or following the spirit and converting dignitaries and heads of states!

Are you available to God to be used in any way God calls you to? Make yourself available! God can use anyone and often times uses people of low stature to accomplish extraordinary things! Philip had no name, title or position!

Do you want to be used by God?

2 Corinthians 12:9; it's not about how weak and powerless we are but about how strong and powerful God is!

Acts 3:1-10 we serve and help the people around us with what we have. All you need is a serving heart!

Phillip was flexible. We must be flexible! The spirit leads and we should be flexible and follow. Phillip left everything and went out to an isolated desert road to reach out to one soul.

John 12:24 hear and I send me requires self denial. When we make Jesus lord and we put to death our sinful nature and our own wants and desires we can be used in a very powerful way for God!

Acts 8:30 Phillip knew the word of God. He was knowledgeable in the scriptures to be able to share the God
Spel with the Ethiopian eunuch! How knowledgeable are you? Can you teach someone what the scriptures say about Jesus, salvation, and Gods will? Read, learn and apply!

Here am I send me!

2 Kings 7:3-11

2 Kings 7:3-11

Desperate men. Death at every turn. Before life with God and before salvation we were also doomed. Any direct we took would end in death with out God. If your a desperate man or woman trapped on both sides then this is a story for you! God used his full power to save Israel from an inescapable situation.

Romans 10:15

When you're in a dark place and you receive good news it is beautiful! All these men had to do is move towards salvation. If they had not gotten up and went to the enemies camp they would have died steps away from the miraculous salvation that God provided! We cannot earn our salvation; how ever if we sit and do nothing God will not save us. We have to accept the message. We have to move towards God!

God didn't make it hard. He made it easy but he still required them to step towards him. What moves do I need to start making today towards God? Repenting of sin in my life or changing my attitude towards God? What challenges do you need to overcome?

We all need good news! These men are rescued and quickly realize that this good news is too big to keep it to themselves! They immediately shared it with the people around them! It's the same way when find God. We have found forgiveness in an amount that is far beyond what we need. We need to share the good news! Everyone needs the good news of God! Everywhere we go we are surrounded by spiritually starving people longing to be fed. Here am I send me!

The power of testimony!

The power of testimony!

1 Thessalonians 2:8

Gods word is limitless in its power! Gods word never returns empty. And yet Paul refers to Gods word as "not only". Gods word is full of power, has all authority, and never returns empty; however, sharing your life with someone has an equally powerful impact!
Gods word manifest in us and in our testimony. Gods power manifest in us and our testimony! Paul recognized this biblical truth.

Sharing the gospel of Christ should be coupled with sharing your testimony. The scriptures come alive when they are proven true in your life!

Keys to a testimony:

Who were you before you met God?
How did God break into your life?
What was key to changing my life?
Who am I now with God and what is he doing in my life?

Rehaboam: All or Nothing

Rehaboam: All or Nothing

1 Kings 11: 11-13

2 chronicles 10:12-15, 18

  • Partial Obedience Won't Cut It                      1 Chronicles ** Deuteronomy 17:14 -17 
       2 Chronicles 12:1, 11-12  Rehoboam was not completely evil; he was a man of partial obedience: submission to custom, but not to God's word. 

What areas in my life insinuating it self into my life? Do I hear what I want to hear? Or am I listening to God's word? 
Partial obedience does what it wants to hear; dilutes the word of God into cultural religion. Dilutes true worship - it's about others; not true Christianity = is about self. 
Partial obedience acts hastily; Following God when you're in need and rejecting God during good times. 
Partial obedience = partial blessings

2 Chronicles 12:2, 5, 8

If we are not fully obeying God, we are enslaved to sin! 

Acts 26:14 

Partial obedience will show up in our family life. 
We have a hard time loving; we demand things of others with hypocrisy. Our spiritual lives will also suffer - weakens relationships, we resent those that are the opposite of us. 

We need to obey fully!! Mark 10: 29-30

John 19:17-30 Jesus obeyed until the very end; taking care of others until the very end!!! 
Jesus's Full obedience brought about eternal life for us! Being made perfect by God!!! 

Monday, June 26, 2017

Shepherding in the 21st century!

Shepherding in the 21st century!

Jude 1:3

Contend earnestly for the faith! What does that mean? To proclaim it, guard it, confirm it, fight for it! We are in the middle of the biggest cultural war that is being waged against Christianity. We are being forced to accept, bend, and water down our faith for the sake of tolerance. As shepherds and leaders of Gods church we need to contend earnestly for the faith!

We live in a socially acceptable godless word. God is being removed from every aspect of our lives through conformity. The moral rule book in the world is being re-written and the lines of morality are shifting. How can we make a difference?

The gospel with its call to repentance and a righteousness life style is viewed as a message of hate that excludes people. There is trouble in the world and there is trouble in the church. What do we stand for? What do we believe? There are so many more gray areas today. Gods world is black and white without double meanings or confusing contradictions.

We are guarding against sin as well as the culture shift. They call it new age or millennialism and accuse us of being old fashion or traditionalist. Gods word has to be our reference point.

2 Timothy 1:14 -- the early Christians were experiences the same struggles! 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2Timothy 4:3-4

2 Timothy 3:14-17; 4:2-4 -- There is hope! The gospel of Christ changes lives and transcends all generations! Continuing in the faith! Stand firm! All scripture is God breathed! The bible is the answer!

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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Shepherding in the 21st century!

Shepherding in the 21st century!

Jude 1:3

Contend earnestly for the faith! What does that mean? To proclaim it, guard it, confirm it, fight for it! We are in the middle of the biggest cultural war that is being waged against Christianity. We are being forced to accept, bend, and water down our faith for the sake of tolerance. As shepherds and leaders of Gods church we need to contend earnestly for the faith!

We live in a socially acceptable godless word. God is being removed from every aspect of our lives through conformity. The moral rule book in the world is being re-written and the lines of morality are shifting. How can we make a difference?

The gospel with its call to repentance and a righteousness life style is viewed as a message of hate that excludes people. There is trouble in the world and there is trouble in the church. What do we stand for? What do we believe? There are so many more gray areas today. Gods world is black and white without double meanings or confusing contradictions.

We are guarding against sin as well as the culture shift. They call it new age or millennialism and accuse us of being old fashion or traditionalist. Gods word has to be our reference point.

2 Timothy 1:14 -- the early Christians were experiences the same struggles! 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2Timothy 4:3-4

2 Timothy 3:14-17; 4:2-4 -- There is hope! The gospel of Christ changes lives and transcends all generations! Continuing in the faith! Stand firm! All scripture is God breathed! The bible is the answer!

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Father's Day

Father's Day


God demonstrates in his relationship with Jesus what type of relationship he wants with us and how much he loves us.

John 6:40; John 3:16,36; John 6:29; John 11:25; John 14:1 God's will is that we will put our faith in Jesus! In the gospel of John there are over 70 passages on putting our trust in Jesus! Everything rides on how you feel about his son. You cannot have a relationship with God without trusting in Jesus.

John 3:35-36 Jesus has all authority given to him by God. God has also given Jesus the authority to judge us on whether or not we will have eternal life.

Revelations 3:21 God gives Jesus all authority and Jesus wants to pass that same authority onto us!


Genealogies in the bible are very important. There are several in the Old Testament and New Testament.

Jesus learned everything from his father.

What Jesus did -- John 5:19;10:32;14:31
What Jesus said/taught -- John 3:31-32; 7:16; 12:49-50; 14:10,24

Fathers have a huge impact on their children.

John 8:25-47

Jesus redefined the genealogy of the Jews. No longer did it matter who your physical father was but who your spiritual father is. It no longer matters where you came from or what environment you grew up in. You have a choice in spiritual fathers. God or the devil! When people look at your life, when they hear what you say or see what you do, who do they think your father is?!

John 8:14 do you come from God and do you know where you are going?

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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Why do people ask questions about God that limit hi

Why do people ask questions about God that limit him to humanity? Questions like, "is God male or female?" Where is God? What does God look like?...etc.

God is all mighty, all knowing, and all powerful. He is not confined to human limitations. God is unimaginable and unfathomable. Man does not have the ability to comprehend God.

Man's heart is dispositioned to question. If this was not the case then man would have boundless faith.

Life of Purpose

Life of Purpose

2 Samuel 5:1-4; Acts 13:36

David served Gods purpose in his life. David started his rein when he was 30 and lived to about 70 years. There where many men how lived much longer during that time. David served Gods purpose and then he died! Are you serving Gods purpose for your life? Are your serving Gods purpose or your own? Are you trying to find Gods purpose in your life are you just comfortable and coasting through life with no spiritual direction?

Mathew 25:14-30 Parable of the talents example: God would rather you do something with the talent and risk loosing it than to do nothing! He called that servant; "wicked and lazy!"

2 Chronicles 34:1-3 Josiah only lived 39 years. Much shorter than David's life span but Josiah fulfilled Gods purpose in his life as well! Jesus lived even shorter. It's not about the time you have but what you do with the time that God has given you!

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Kings of Judah

Kings of Judah

Rehoboam; all or nothing!

1 Kings 11:11-13

Rehoboam takes over the kingdom of Judah from his father Solomon. He took over the kingdom under rocky circumstances. He rejected the advice of his elders and listened to his friends and tried to rule Judah with an iron fist. As a result the kingdom was split!

2 chronicles 10:12-15;18; Deuteronomy 17:14-17; 2 Chronicles 12:11-12

Partial obedience will not cut it. God wants all or nothing! God did not want his people and their leaders to turn back to Egypt. Egyptian wives, culture, wealth and life styles lead Israel astray. The same is true for us if we surround our selves with the word we will be I ticked to live like they do. Rehoboam was not a man that was completely evil. He was partially obedient when he wanted to be.

Partial obedience hears what it wants to hear. As a Christian we would never outwardly say we are going to go against Gods word but we indirectly do it by living our lives in partial obedience. Partial obedience dilutes true Christianity and replaces it with cultural religious christians that follow the mainstream thought of the day.

Partial obedience acts first and seeks advice after. It means following God when you are in need and then abandoning it when things are going great.

Partial obedience means partial blessings. 2 Chronicles 12:2;5;8 God spared Israel from being wiped out but at the same time they were handed over into slavery. We think we are being set free when we make our own decisions. We think we control sin but sin controls us. Sin enslaves us. True freedom is found through God alone!

God is demonstrates this point in Acts 26:14. God pokes us in the direction he wants us to go and how often do I turn the other direction and fight against God? Every ox and every cow in the world will move in the direction away from the poking and prodding. As Christians, many of us fight God through partial obedience.

Children don't go half way. They embrace everything to the full. Whether it is eating or playing they are all in. We set boundaries on them. We need to pursue God in the same way; all of nothing! Partial obedience will destroy our families.

Partial obedience wrecks our a spiritual lives and keeps us from having an impact on anyone around us.

Mark 10:29-30 when we follow God whole heartedly we do not miss out on a single blessing! We get overwhelmed by the spiritual return. We are blessed beyond measure! How many blessings do we miss out on because of partial obedience?

John 19:17-30 Jesus is the ultimate example for us! Jesus obeyed all the way! To the very end!

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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Kings of Judah; King Josaih!

Kings of Judah; King Josaih!

1 Corinthians 10:11

2 chronicles 34:1-2

Became king at 8yrs old. Josiah did amazing things for god and was one of the most righteous kings of Judah. Josiah had a horrible example in his father and he lived in an evil period of time.

2 chronicles 34:3-7; 15-19 at 16 he started seeking a relationship with God. He took action and built convictions in Gods word and commands! In Josiah's day the whole nation of Judah was immersed in idolatry and false Gods. An entire generation lived without the Gods word and the Bible was lost for generations!

We live in an evil day as well! 2 Timothy 3:1-3; 4:3-4 our world has rejected god! Our wold is no different from one generation to the next. If we just follow the pattern of the world around you, you will end up a wicked man of woman. How did Josiah break the cycle?

2 chronicles 22-33 Josiah sought God, became broken over his sin, humbled himself before God and took action to repent! He also called the people around him to do the same! Because of his leadership and convictions he helped change the destiny of a nation!

What does it take for us to seek God? It's never too early to run to God and it's never too late to turn to God either! What are you seeks my after? Where do you spend your time and money on? There is a different between looking and seeking. Seeking implies a relentless pursuit of something. You don't stop until you find it!

What are you seeking after? We seek after many ungodly things sometimes and that is the definition of idolatry! Putting anything before God! Seeking the Lord is hard!

It's hard to seek the lord and obey Gods word.

God worked through Josiah and he can work through us as well!

2 Chronicles 34:33 when Josiah ended his life he lived a testimony of one who radically changed the nation of Judah!

Don't be discouraged by living in an evil world! Be encouraged to seek God with all your heart and change your destiny and the destiny of the people around you!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Generational Christianity

Generational Christianity

Psalms 78:1-7; psalms 145:3-6

God plan has always been for one generation to pass on God's word to another generation.

What happened when God had to chose a home for his son to be raised in? God had to pick a family to raise his son to become the savior of the world. Who have you entrusted your kids to? Do you not scrutinize everyone before you entrust your children to them? What did God see in Mary and Joseph? Sobering thought to think about.

Luke 1:26-38 Mary's reaction tells the story of who she was and why God chose her! "What ever you want God", isn't that the attitude that Jesus had in the garden 33 years latter? Where did he learn that? Joseph also agreed to accept Mary as his wife even though she was pregnant. Matthew 1:20-25

Joseph and Mary both had a go anywhere, do anything for God. As parents for the messiah, they help raise Jesus the way that God intended for them to raise his son! Who taught Mary and Joseph this kind of obedience to God? Generation to generation. We also know that the book of James and Jude were written by Jesus's half brothers. Jesus left a legacy in his own family.

Satans plan has always been to divide families and to stop generational Christianity.

Galatians 3:26-28 we all have cultural baggage that we bring into the church but with God we are all one. Christ brings us all together and connects us to our spiritual family. Colossians 3:11-16

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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Family Matters

Family Matters

Parenting in general:

Deuteronomy 6:1-3; Isaiah 66:13; Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:21; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8; Titus 2:1-8

There are not a whole lot of scriptures in the bible about parenting. There are many examples of bad parenting. Many wicked kings of Israel ended up having children that God raised up and became righteous men of God. God can use any parent; however, God does promise that if we instill biblical principals in our children that they will not turn away from them.

Being a perfect parent is impossible. It is not conceivable and God does not put that expectation on us. Growing and changing is the expectation. Regardless of the mistakes made, God expects us to continue to grow and change. Repentance is the expectation!

Parenting teens and young adults:

Lecturing less, listening more. Influencing and coaching. We accomplish this by our example more than by our words. Teens still need boundaries but it is a tricker proposition when they get older. You can't control a teen. You have to let them live life in some ways. When we are too controlling you get rebellion. Some times you just have to change your approach and then change your approach again if you have to.

To be honest we don't trust our kids. But we need to communicate to them, "I trust your heart but not your experience".

You have to pick your battles more. Determine what is really important and focus on those things and relax on the rest. The relationship you have with your teen is changing and will continue to change into adult hood. Embrace the change, don't fight it. As parents we are the ones who have to adapt.

"A man convinced against his will holds the same opinion still" -- this about that! Ask a lot of questions. Stop lecturing and listen more.

You want your kids to have the convictions you have without going through the heart aches you went through to get them. But sometimes that is not realty. They each have their own path.

Three things adult children need from us -- freedom, friendship, and love! Giving advice only when asked unless you cannot in good consciences not say anything. Ask for permission to give advice even in that situation. Advice from a parent comes across more as criticism instead of advice.

Think about what makes up a good friendship and keep that in mind when trying to be a good friend to your adult child. Our kids never out grow their need for support and love from their parents. Unconditional love is always going to be a need they have.

You have a life time to influence and it goes back to your faithfulness.

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Acts 20:28-31

I cannot help others if I am not watching myself both emotionally and spiritually. Keeping watch over yourself is the most important thing you can do in shepherding with anyone else. Watch the flock. Keep your eyes open and protect the church.

Ten things that will help you keep the right perspective.

- our role is to equip people to do their part (equip the saints for?...works of service). We need to help people help the, selves and then help other people.
- we have different overlapping roles. It's ok. God made us different for a reason and uses us all differently.
- you have to fight being self righteous. Never look down on anyone no matter what the situation may be.
- there are always two sides to every story. Be very slow to react until you know both sides.
- it's not always "everyone". It can feel that way but ask questions find out who specifically.
- know the difference between scripture and opinion.
- be willing to try new things. There is not a one size fits all solution.
- we can't help everyone. Sometimes we are not equip to help in certain situations or people just don't want help.
- people can and do change. Don't give up and have faith.
- the majority of the people in your church are probably doing ok. Not everyone is struggling.

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Mothers Day

Mothers Day

Mother's Day can be a very emotional day and a struggle for most people. People that have lost their mothers or grandmothers. Although we celebrate mothers and the gift that they are from God it can be hard for some people who are still grieving and mourning. Grieving is an emotional event created by God to allow us to process pain and suffering.

God devoted a lot of the psalms for lamenting.

Psalms 13:1; psalms 22:6; psalms 55:4-7; psalms 69:2-3; psalms 88:3;6;13-14

In life there will always be tragedy and suffering, why is there suffering?
- other people! Everyone has free will and people chose evil over good!
- our own sin. We cause suffering in other people.
- our bodies. Our bodies are determination and were not meant for eternity. They will cause suffering!
- Satan!
- God. Ultimately God allows suffering. It may come from other sources but God has the power to stop it.

Deuteronomy 32:39 ;1 Samuel 2:6; Isaiah 45:7

It's uncomfortable sometimes to think about why God allows suffering in the world.

What are the benefits of suffering?
- develops moral character.
- draws people to God ( psalms 119:71 )
- the way we Handel suffering draws other people to God.
- develops compassion for others and enables us to help others.
- makes us more like Jesus
- makes us more grateful
- better understand Gods love for us.
- forces/allows you to live a life of self denial.

Looking backwards we can always see how God has been working in our lives even in suffering. How do we react in the moment? What do we do when bad things happen? Anger, pride, fear?

Look at the way the psalmist cries out to God. Psalms 13,43,60 you can feel the passion, grieve and suffering. They petition God in there times of need and they express confidence in God and praise him! In suffering we want two things. We want it to end as soon as possible and we want understanding. Why is this happening to me? The psalmist cries out to God in expressing their pain and they move to faith and trust in God. This is what God wants from us in suffering.

How do you move toward faith and confidence in God? Psalms 62. God is strong and loving! A complete faith trust both; that God is strong and loving!


Suffering is unavoidable. You may not know why you are suffering. God is with you (psalms 62:11-12). You need to move from hopeless desperation to security and trust! Psalms 126:6

Even Jesus had to suffer to become what God wanted him to be!

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Disciples of Jesus

Disciples of Jesus

Jesus prayed all night before selecting his disciples and created a group of twelve disciples. Luke 6:12
Jesus met in groups and spent time with his disciples. What did he do with them? He gave them instructions. Matthew 21:6; Disciples do what Jesus tells them to do. Serve one another, deny self, seek the lost...etc

Mathew 23:1 Jesus taught his disciples and they listen to his words. Luke 8:9 they didn't just hear the words. They talked about what it meant. John 4:8 they bought food together and ate it together. Mark 11:19 they traveled together out of town and spent time together. John 4:2 they baptized together. Luke 11:1 they prayed together. Matthew 18:1 they argued almost themselves and were not perfect. They were full of sin just like everyone else.

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Treasure in jars of clay.

Treasure in jars of clay.

Matthew 11:1-4

John the Baptist, the one called to prepare the way for the Lord was now questioning him. Why? Jesus didn't quote scriptures that validated who he was. He showed John his life. His ministry. The things he was doing on a daily basis! My personal ministry says a lot about who I am and what I stand for.

Matthew 11:7-9

Originally Johns mission was so ver clear to him in the beginning! Maybe things did not happen the way he had envisioned. Doubting God is a temptation that does not escape anyone.

2 Corinthians 4:1-4 ;5-7

We are not guaranteed blessings. We cannot loose heart and have to focus on the ministry of Christ in all situations! We have treasures in jars of clay. The jars are not attractive to the world and made of a fragile material that the world rejects but these jars are filled with treasures from heaven! Grace, mercy, salvation, forgiveness, true love, unconditional love, security in God...etc.

John 12:23-26;27-28

Much will come out of our sufferings and sacrifices than any material blessings that we may receive. If we die to self we live in Christ!

2 Corinthians 5:11-15;

2 Corinthians 6:3 would Christ discrete my ministry? What would he discredited it for? What is my ministry lacking that would not please God?

2 Corinthians 6:4-11 this is our treasures in jars of clay. Matthew 6:19-21 Jesus talked about treasure often because he knew our hearts would be constantly pulled in a worldly direction. If my treasure is truly in jars of clay then my heart is going to be grounded in a relationship with God!

If there is anything in my life that is keeping me from finding the treasure that God has giving me then it needs to be removed!

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Friday, April 28, 2017

One Day To Live, One Eternity to Live!

One Day To Live, One Eternity to Live!

What am I really loving for? Who am I really living for? Am I really living my life for things that matter? Knowing that you were dying would change everything!

Jesus spoke of things that make no sense to the world! Luke 9:24; Matthew 20:26-27; Luke 6:20-22; 26-28;
Even the apostles reacted in ways that make no sense to the world! Acts 5:40-42 ...the resurrection of Jesus changed everything! Only the resurrection can make sense of Jesus teachings and the apostles actions! Mark 9:32; Luke 9:45; Luke 18:34; John 10:6....the resurrection made it all make sense! John 2:22; John 12:16 The resurrection has unlocked everything for us today as well!

Before the resurrection the apostles were cowards and spineless! After the resurrection they were bold and unyielding with no fear in the face of death!

1 Corinthians 15:1-8 the resurrection has been under attack! We need to stand firm on the gospel! The gospel of Christ is nothing without the resurrection! 1 Corinthians 15:12-22

So what power is there in the resurrection? 1 Corinthians 6:14 the resurrection gives us the promise of forgiveness, eternity and a new life! Romans 4:25

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The Kingdom!

The Kingdom!

A man's last words are important. When someone speaks his last words you listen, you take notice of what is said. But what about A man's words after he has come back to life from death? How important are those words?

What did Jesus spent his time doing after the resurrection? Acts 1:3 Jesus spent 40 days with the disciples after his resurrection! What happened in those 40 days? He taught about the Kingdom of heaven! This was one of the first things he preached at the beginning of his ministry as well that the Kingdom was near!

What is the good news? It's the Kingdom. What is the Kingdom? It's the good news! Jesus talked a lot about the Kingdom and the resurrection! Because of salvation, because of grace, because of Jesus....we have the Kingdom to look forward to! In Matthew 13 Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God in the form of several parables.

Matthew 13:24-30

The Kingdom is not for everyone! Jesus talked a lot about judgement and the fact that not everyone will be allowed to enter the Kingdom!

Matthew 13:32

The Kingdom grows! It starts small and it gets big. The Kingdom is like yeast. You let a little bit in and it just takes over your life! How are you growing? Being in the Kingdom causes growth!

Matthew 13:44

The Kingdom cost you. It cost everything you have! This is what the kingdom is like. It will take everything you have. If you hold anything back you won't be able to afford it! Once you get it though you will be rich beyond measure! When someone is desperate they will do anything. How desperate for the Kingdom are you?

Will you spend everything you have for the Kingdom? What are you not willing to give up?

The Kingdom doesn't come easy! It is obtainable for everyone; however, everyone does not take hold of it! Jesus never let the Kingdom come easy. He did not answer all the questions about the Kingdom and left many questions unanswered.

Friday, April 14, 2017

One Month To Live!

One Month To Live!

If you knew you where dying how would that change your life? Jesus was a man just like us in every way and he had to deal with the emotional stress of knowing he was about to die. John 2:19 jesus knew his death was coming! But not only his death but his suffering as well!

Knowing your going to die changes your perspective. You would not live just for your self. Dying to your self is the only way to truly live. There is no fear in death when you chose to die. Jesus understood this! John 15:1-17 ...this is Jesus knowing that he has a week to live. His choice words were meant to leave behind a guide for his disciples. He teaches the how to embrace life, die to self and remain in the vine! Continued connection to Jesus is necessary for life!

Bearing fruit confirms life. The purpose of life is to bear fruit. The opposite of death is life. The branch that does not bear fruit is already dead. John 12:24 the Christian is like a kernel of wheat. We have to die to reproduce! If we don't die to self we bear no fruit! If we don't give up this life we bear no fruit. Without fruit we die! We must die so that we can grow!

Loving one another is equally important but it also requires us to die to self! John 15:13 -- who would I die for? Who am I not willing to die for? What am I unwilling to die for? What am I unwilling to give up?

Matthew 16:25

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Two weeks to live!

Two weeks to live!

The dying know what really matters! Death sobers you and gets you focused. The realty is that most of will never know how much time we have to live. Most of us will face death at the most Inopportune time in our lives! We should live everyday as though we have one month to live! How you live on a month to month basis?

John 14:1 -14

Jesus kept heaven and the other side on the front of his thoughts and mind. Why do are hearts get troubled? We have the wrong focus. Keeping our minds on God is the key! What am I allowing to distract me from the potential that God wants for me? Focus on Jesus if you know Jesus then you will know God!

Get past our troubled hearts and do as Jesus did! We live now in this life based on what we believe about the after life! We all have one life to live, how important should it be for us to live it in the way that God intended for us to live it.

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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Shepherding and Leading


• We want to provide teaching to help the Christians grow stronger in their faith and knowledge of God that equips them for their relationships.



I.Moses as Shepherd

(Exodus 3:1-2a) 

God led his people but he did it by the hand of Moses.  
Moses was the extension of God's rule in their life.                                                                     Do we truly believe God is leading us? 


(Ex 17)  Moses struck the rock but it was God who caused the water to flow.
(Ex 33:11)  "The Lord would speak to Moses as one that speaks to a friend".  Intercede for people praying for them.  
(Exodus 20:19)  Moses on Mt. Sinai to receive the law.
(Hosea 12:13)  The Lord used Moses to lead the people out of Egypt.  

II.Moses as Prophet

(Ex 32:31)  These people… (Exodus 17:4)  what to do with these people…
(Ex 34:9)  Us…and ours… Transition in Moses' heart toward identifying with the people.  
(Mark 6:34)  Perhaps this was in Jesus' mind when he said the people were like sheep without a shepherd.  (Numbers 27:15-20)  


III.Moses as Leader

Leadership was the particular aspect of shepherding noted here-leading them out & bringing them in.  (Numbers 27:15-20)
Joshua was noted as having the spirit of leadership.
Moses was to invest some of his authority in Joshua so that the people would follow him.
We aren't to lord over people-yet the people are to be willing to be led.


IV.David as Shepherd

(1 Samuel 16:11, 17:14-15, 31-37)

David called the people not to lose heart on account of the Philistine…
Sometimes we must fight battles for people- some are bruised reeds.  David protected the flock as a shepherd from the lion and the bear.  
David was actively shepherding the flock before he became the shepherd of God' s people.

Characteristics of David as a Shepherd

Protector, courageous, seeker of the lost (v 34-35).
David gives the credit to God.  Our confidence must also be in God.  
God is committed to his own glory.  We must be a guardian of God's name and honor, not because he can't defend himself but because it's a matter of our hearts.

V.David as Ruler 

The Kings of Israel weren't like the Pharaohs and the Caesars that had absolute power-their rule would be more like stewards from among the people.
(2 Samuel 5:1-2)  Choose the Kings to "rule".  The Hebrew word for rule is 'Nagid' (like a prince) to mean their authority is derived not inherited.  There is another source of authority, which we know is God.

Examples of God guarding his Authority

David wanted to transport the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem on an oxcart, which
seemed sensible, yet this was against God's prescribed manner for how the Ark should be carried.  (2 Samuel 6)
"Melek'  The King.  God is the 'Melek' and David was the 'Nagid' The Prince.
David wanted to build a house for God (2 Samuel 7:7).  This idea seems like a good idea but God objects; he is the one that determines the terms.  
God is loving but not sentimental.


We must remind people of the Sovereign command of God, God holds his shepherd accountable by equipping them, blessing them and disciplining them when needed.  This makes for a spiritually minded community.  Whenever we begin to lead in any way that is contrary to the word or authority of God, he will deal with us.


(Psalm 78:70-72)  

Reference to David's shepherd leadership
David led with integrity of heart and skillful hands.


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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

One month to live!

One month to live!

What if that was your reality? What would you worry about? What would your priorities be? How would you view God? What would you do? How much clarity and purpose would you have?

John 2:18-22

Jesus new that he was dying. He knew the date and the hour was coming. With one month to live, how did he live? As Jesus approaches the end of his life a very distinct line is drawn. He starts to focus more and more on the disciples and apostles. One month to live...

John 12:23-33

Jesus came to give his life. Jesus came to die. From the moment he was born his whole life was pointing towards his death. Jesus life on earth was not just a great example of how to live but it was a complete representation of God in the flesh! The whole motivation for his ministry was to save the world through his death and honor Gods will for eternal salvation!

Jesus life demands a response from us! Mary responded when she anointed him with oil. The disciples responded by dropping everything and following him. The poor widow in the temple responded by giving the last thing she had. Martha responded when she seeped over Jesus feet and washed them with her tears. What response have you had? How has the life of Jesus changed your life?

One month to live, how would you be? What would you be willing to sacrifice? How much love would you want to impart to your love ones? How would you serve God?

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Teach Us To Pray

Teach Us To Pray

Growth is the most important thing in a relationship with God and it starts with prayer. How do we grow and learn to pray like Jesus? Are you willing to learn? Prayer is usually the area we need to grow in the most!

Luke 11:1 the disciples saw the power that Jesus received through prayer and they wanted to learn! How hunger are you to learn? To know God deeper, to learn something from Jesus? Too many people rely on past events to validate their spirituality. Are you growing more now than you did before?

We need to be hungry for growth. Jesus is our standard and to be like him requires an intense hunger to grow. We have to have a heart to grow.

Why did the disciples want to learn to pray like Jesus?

Look at Jesus example of prayer:

Luke 9:18; John 17:1; Matthew 19:13; Luke 22:32; Matthew 14:23; Luke 6:2; Mark 6:41; Mark 7:34; Luke 10:21; Matthew 26:36-38; Luke 9:28-29; Luke 9:51

Jesus prayed in private and in public. Do you pray equally in public and private when no one is looking? Jesus prayed for others. How large of a circle is my others? How many people do you pray for? Jesus prayed outside and all night. Prayer was more important to Jesus than sleep or food. Jesus fed people and healed them through prayer. Jesus used the full range of human emotions when he prayed. There was no emotion that Jesus did not take to God in prayer! Everything needs to be taken to God in prayer. Jesus depended on prayer! Jesus set his face to Jerusalem to go and die. He was able to do this because of prayer!

Prayer should be priority in our lives! Prayer should be the most frequent thing in our lives. We should not be devoted to anything more often than to prayer!

Luke 3:21-22 Jesus began his ministry on this earth with prayer. Luke 23:46 Jesus ended his ministry on this earth with prayer!

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Monday, March 20, 2017

Marriage Counseling

Base scripture:

"Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!"
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:1-8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Probing Questions:

What are two things you need pray for the most in your marriage?

What area do you think you personally need to grow in the most in being a better spouse?

If you could ask your spouse to change one thing this week what would it be?

What is your love language? List them 1-5 in order of priority: Gifts, Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Physical Touch?

In what practical ways can you meet your spouse's needs in their love language?

(For Him) In what ways do you need to grow in leading your family? Being considerate? Being compassionate?
In what ways can you grow in meeting your wife's emotional needs?

(For Her) in what ways do you need to grow in submitting? Being respectful? Being encouraging?
In what ways can you grow in meeting your husbands physical needs?

Friday, March 10, 2017



2 Timothy 3:16-17

All five things mentioned in this scripture have to do with one person to another. They were meant to be relational and used in a health spiritual relationship in Gods church. Sure you can learn on your own and correct your own ways...etc but it is more effective when used from one brother to another!

Men have some great qualities in how they build friendships. Men are loyal. Lighthearted. We bond easily and make life long friendships. Men also have huge weaknesses in how we build our friendships. We are naturally superficial. We have a hard time expressing our feelings...etc.

One another relationships in the church matter to God. His plan for us has always been to build deep life long friendships that call us higher spiritually! There are things that come natural to us in friendships and there are things that don't. The five things in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 can feel unnatural sometimes in a friendship but they are important in Gods plan!

How to create a strong friendship?

1 Samuel 20:41-42 Jonathan and David made a covenant together. There friendship was reinforced with spoke word.

Proverbs 17:17 as men we don't like to be called needy but we need to be willing to need each other. Brothers are made through adversity.

Proverbs 12:26 we need to chose our friends wisely.

Proverbs 22:11 pure heat and giving grace creates strong friendships.

Proverbs 27:6 true friends care about each other and are willing to speak up when they see something wrong in our character.

Matthew 11:19

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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


John 11:1-44

Jesus knows what we are going though. He knows the deliverance he is going to give us. Nothing is too big for Jesus to solve.

Jesus timing is perfect! Everything happens when it happens for a reason. Jesus showed up four days late for a reason. It didn't make sense to the disciples to go to Judaea.

Jesus wept for Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Jesus deeply cares for us and wants to be intimately involved in our lives!

Our story is part of Gods bigger story. Lazarus life was apart of a bigger story that God was using to impact the people around him. Even 2000 years latter we are still talk about this story.

There is nothing that we will ever face in our lives that God cannot overcome! There is nothing too small and nothing too big. God cares and wants to heal us!

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Sunday, March 5, 2017



◦ A penny saved... is a penny earned!
◦ People will save if they care about it.
0. The wisdom of saving
◦ Prov. 6:1-11 Go to the point of exhaustion, work hard and pay off any debt.
◦ He who will not work, will not eat.
◦ Prov. 30:24-25 An ant is wise because they store up food in the summer.

◦ Genesis Joseph had a savings plan. He saved during the time of ABUNDANCE! Because the famine would be worse.
◦ What do I do with years of abundance? When there's more than enough?
◦ Prov.21:20 we devour the entire paycheck, it's a foolish way to live.
◦ Prov. 21:5 Living Bible (TLB)
5 Steady plodding brings prosperity; hasty speculation brings poverty.
◦ Save 1,000
◦ Pay off debt
◦ Then save three months of salary
• Spouse's Bday $10
• Xmas $250
• Vacation $500
• Church event $750
• Special Missions $2000
• New tires $400
◦ We save so we can be good stewards. To help others. To give to others. Joseph was able to reunite with his brothers because he had saved and planned ahead of time.
◦ He knew that God had allowed him to be sold into slavery so good could happen.
◦ Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good
◦ He used Joseph's sacrifice to accomplish it.
◦ The verse written about Joseph echoes the life of Christ.
◦ God used the betrayal of Jesus.

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Is money good or evil?

Is money good or evil?

Money has no ability to have moral character! It is just an object.

Luke 16:10-12

Jesus equates money and riches as a "little things". To God how we handle money is extremely important in how we will handle any other blessing he gives us. Everything we own is Gods. Do we look into scriptures and search to find out what God wants us to do with his stuff? It's not just about giving back to him.

Money was the 2nd most talked about topic in the new testimate. We need to find out what God wants us to do with the things he has blessed us with.

Proverbs 22:7 -- slave to the lender. Debt is destructive. It can destroy people's lives!
Proverbs 22:26-27 -- debt is dangerous.
Proverbs 11:15

God gives ample warning against debt but never says that it is a sin. In fact God gives instructions on how to lend money. God understands that there are circumstances where someone would need debt.

1 Timothy 6:6-10 -- this scriptures is the key to financial management! Being content with what you have is the counter action to greed! We don't want to admit that we are greedy. If your not content then you are greedy. Without contentment it is never enough. Most debt comes from greed. Not from basic needs but because of bad choices and greedy desires.

Debt is just a means to feed our materialism.


Step 1 -- stop adding more debt
Step 2 -- save a thousand dollars
Step 3 -- payoff the debt
Romans 13:7-8 -- God says pay it all back! God says let no debt stay outstanding.
Step 4 -- live with in your means

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The discipline of deep friendships!

"Discipline of Friendships"

10% of all mean have no intimate friendships. Men do no value deep friendships. Why are men prone to having superficial friendships? Male companionship in biblical times was considered more important in many ways than any relationship with a woman for many reasons.

Fast forward to today and it has become culturally unacceptable to have a close endearing relationship with another man that is not viewed as homosexual. In the 20th and 21st century the male relationships are built around sports and activities instead of emotional bonds. For this reason men do not typically build deep intimate relationships with one another.

What can the bible teach us about building better relationships with each other? God's plan for man was always for us to be connected to a brotherhood that would create strong bonds!

1 Samuel 14:6;13-14 Jonathan and his armor barer had this type of relationship!

1 Samuel 17:1-11;45-47 where was Jonathan during this time? Why wasn't Jonathan standing up to Goliath? Where was his courage that he showed just a few chapters earlier? Was his faith weakened by the philistine like the rest of Israel? Have you ever been discouraged spiritually and another brother lifted you up?

1 Samuel 18:1 Jonathan and David became one in spirit. David inspired Jonathan! When searching for a male friendship, what are you looking for? Are you looking for worldly values? Jonathan and David came from two different back grounds. Jonathan was a kings son and David grew up in the country. Deep spiritual bonds transcend cultures, social status, financial status...etc

Our ability to have deep spiritual male friendships we have to get past the superficial conversations about sports and other things. We have to be willing to ask each other the tough questions that lead to an intimate relationships. We have to confess our sins to each other. We have to ask how we are doing spiritually and hold each other accountable.

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Monday, February 13, 2017

Sent - Just Like Us

Sent - Just Like Us

The demon possessed man was sent by Jesus. We are all sent. We may not be sent around the world or sent to save a nation. Most of us have just been sent to displays Gods power to the people around us. The demon possessed man was changed by Jesus and was sent to testify the miracle that Jesus did in His life!

Mark 5:1-20

Just like us -- he was saved by Jesus. This man was tormented and self destructive! What torments you? What destructive behavior has plagued your life before coming in contact with Jesus. What behavior is still tormenting you today that Jesus needs to cast out?

Just like us -- he wanted to do something great for Jesus. When we are saved and when we see the depth to which we have been rescued, we are motivated to do something great for God! Have you forgotten the former life you lived without Jesus? Do you remember the path of destruction that you were on?

Just like us -- Jesus had big plans for him. He wasn't allowed to go with Jesus. He wasn't sent to some foreign land. He was sent with some big mission to save the world. He was sent to his home town. To witness to his friends and family! Jesus told him to just tell others what God had done for him! This was no small mission!

Mark 5:19

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sent - The Church

Sent - The Church

Acts 11:25-26; 13:1-6; 14:21-22;26-28

God send his church individually and collectively so that the gospel can be known. The Holy Spirit guides us for that purpose. Gods will is to use his church to spread his word to the ends of the earth!

A church must mature in order to be sent. A church is planted and is filled with new Christians. Spiritual maturity is vital for the church to be health and grow. The church's purpose is to mature and grow for the purpose of planting another church. Are you doing everything you can do to help the church mature?! The church also equips every saint and believer to be able to contribute to the mission. As a church we should never be content and should always be eager to grow!

A mature church must send! Paul and Barnabas were sent. When a mature church sends out a mission team it is exciting. It's inspirational! Who will be next? Will it be you? Are you growing in your spiritual maturity for the purpose of helping lead and plant a new church? Our hearts should always be focused on being sent.

Those that don't go still must be sent! Where ever you are you have a mission field. Your neighborhood, your job, your family, your inner circle of friends...etc. Maybe your not sent afar but your missionary work and spiritual maturity is the same! Your sent to serve regardless of where you are. Inside the church and outside the church. Matthew 28:18-20

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Storing up treasures!

Storing up treasures!

What matters most in my life? What would I give up anything for? This is an awesome important question! A question God wants answers in each one of us.

Matthew 6:19-23

What treasure am I storing up? Worldly treasures or heavenly ones? Am I chasing after the wrong things? Our pursuit of happiness can lead us astray. There are so many things in this world that promise happiness and yet they will never deliver! My focus should be heavenly things.

Storing treasure in heaven is a decisions. What we put our treasures in are intentional. We have to decide to focus on the right things.

You cannot serve two masters! Investing in Heaven is the only secure investment.

How I live my life shows where my treasures are. My life and not my words answers this question!

Matthew 6:25-32

Jesus calls us not to run after your basic human needs! He wants to supply them for us! God knows what we need and he want us to be

Matthew 6:33-34

Seeking first Gods kingdom is to rely
On God for our basic needs.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Who's in charge of Your Church?

Who's in charge? Not your evangelist, not your elders, not you! Jesus is in charge!! Jesus is the leader.

How would you congregation be if they acted like Jesus was in charge?

How the church is lead:

Love, humility and teamwork with a common knowledge and mutual understanding that Jesus is in charge.

Embrace each other's gifts-embrace the roll; the elder, the evangelist, etc!

Be lovely to work with; am I a joy to lead?

Talk to each other and not about each other! No factions!!

Acts 14:23

Paul in charge - when Paul leaves, the elders are in charge of the church.

The New Testament church has flexible leadership.

Acts 13:1 - the exception

1 Timothy 3: 2 ... the overseer "IS.."

Who's in charge? Jesus is!! And we are united through him to edify his church!!

Acts 15: 1-2

"Question?" Its better to talk, rather then to run someone out if the church.

The apostles called on the elders. Even though they knew the answers, they still had discussion.

They lifted those elders up; team work!

Vs 22 The apostles, the elders and the church made a decision together.

Vs 28 The Holy Spirit was at the center of the decisions of the church.

Humility is key to being able to maintain unity

Ephesians 4....

Rolls are relational not positional.
It's about the church being lifted up.

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sent to be Holy

Sent to be Holy

What does holy really mean? We use holy in many ways. Holy bible, holy cow, holy days, Holy Spirit...etc Holy means set apart, separate and pure. We are A holy creation in God through Jesus and are called to be set apart from the world. As soon as we were set apart and became a new holy creation we were back in an unholy world. Being Holy and living in the world creates constant conflict! Israel was also called to be Holy and then live in an unholy land!

Joshua 7:1-5;6-11

Israel had just come off a great victory in defeating Jericho is routed by a small army! Joshua who was so courageous in spying out the Jordan and reporting back encouraging words is now filled with fear. Joshua is now face down in fear over 36 people were killed.

One man's sin affects the whole camp! We are all connected and depend on each other! God called for all of the devoted things to be destroyed! One man's decision to keep the devoted things caused destruction to a nation! What sin (devoted thing) am I holding on too?

Joshua 7:20-26

The progression of Achan's sin: He saw, he coveted, he took, he hid, and he died! The only way to break the progression of sin is through confession. Coveting will always lead to hiding and hiding will always lead to death! What consecrated thing am I not treating with righteousness?

Why did Achan wait so long to confess? He waited until he had no escape and no where to hide! God used Achan to set an example. No matter how bad our situation is it is better than Achans! Everyday that we draw breath we have a chance to repent!

True repentance begins with confession. Being real with yourself on what you have done and seeing how you have hurt God.

Philippians 2:10-11; Matthew 21:42-46

Vs. 44 -- better to fall on Jesus and become broken than to have Jesus fall onto you and being crushed! Then it is too late! The only way to stay clean in a world of filth is to wash yourself everyday through confession!

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Sent to the promise land! Abraham was called by God and sent to land that was promised to him. Being called by God can be a lonely thing. When God pricks your heart and puts his will on your conscience it can go against human reason. The people around you will doubt.

Genesis 12:1-8

When your sent you have to leave something behind.

When your called to something your sent away from something. All Abraham took with was what he could carry. God calls everyone of us and expects us to sacrifice for him. God calls us away from sinful practices, traditions, worlds security...etc. Luke 14:26 says we even have to give up our entire lives!

When you leave an old life behind God helps you build a new one. You can't build a new life on an old foundation! God calls out of our old life's to live a new life with him. To be a new creation for Him! Are you willing to leave behind your old life! To change your life you have to lose it! We have to tear down the old foundation and build a new house through God!

When your sent it transforms you!

For Abraham being sent changed his name and the meaning of his life. Abram to Abraham literally changed the definition of who he was. Abraham means father of many nations. Abrahams purpose in life changed after he was sent by God! If God changed just a few letters in your name, who would you be for him? What would your purpose be?

When you are sent you have something to look forward too!

Just like Abraham, God promises us a promise land! When your looking forward to something you will put up with almost anything. For example, who would go through a pregnancy if there was not a baby at the end? When you have a designation in mind, when you have an end goal you will persevere! God has promised us more that a physical land. God has promised us heaven! Revelation 21:4

How can we get negative about our journey when we know our destination is heaven?!

John 14:6 the only way is Jesus! If we are not on the path that goes through Jesus we are on the wrong path!

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Sunday, January 15, 2017



Sent to the promise land! Abraham was called by God and sent to land that was promised to him. Being called by God can be a lonely thing. When God pricks your heart and puts his will on your conscience it can go against human reason. The people around you will doubt.

Genesis 12:1-8

When your sent you have to leave something behind.

When your called to something your sent away from something. All Abraham took with was what he could carry. God calls everyone of us and expects us to sacrifice for him. God calls us away from sinful practices, traditions, worlds security...etc. Luke 14:26 says we even have to give up our entire lives!

When you leave an old life behind God helps you build a new one. You can't build a new life on an old foundation! God calls out of our old life's to live a new life with him. To be a new creation for Him! Are you willing to leave behind your old life! To change your life you have to lose it! We have to tear down the old foundation and build a new house through God!

When your sent it transforms you!

For Abraham being sent changed his name and the meaning of his life. Abram to Abraham literally changed the definition of who he was. Abraham means father of many nations. Abrahams purpose in life changed after he was sent by God! If God changed just a few letters in your name, who would you be for him? What would your purpose be?

When you are sent you have something to look forward too!

Just like Abraham, God promises us a promise land! When your looking forward to something you will put up with almost anything. For example, who would go through a pregnancy if there was not a baby at the end? When you have a designation in mind, when you have an end goal you will persevere! God has promised us more that a physical land. God has promised us heaven! Revelation 21:4

How can we get negative about our journey when we know our destination is heaven?!

John 14:6 the only way is Jesus! If we are not on the path that goes through Jesus we are on the wrong path!

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Seeing God!

Seeing God!

Isaiah saw God and never was the same! Why did Isaiah call God holy? Why was Isaiah awe struck by what he saw? With his own eyes he saw the majesty and splendor of the Lord and it changed his life for ever!!

Isaiah 6:1-4

1- God is alive! Psalm 90:2

2- God is authoritative! Isaiah 6:1 Gods throne gives him the right to rule the world. God the creator gives him the right to rule the world!

3- God is omnipotent! Isaiah 6:1gods throne is high and above any other authority on this earth! Isaiah 46:10; Daniel 4:35

4- God is magnificent! Isaiah 6:1

5- God is revered! Isaiah 6:2 Isaiah describes powerful beings in heaven that even with all their power were in submission to God! God is so much greater than anything we can imagine!

6- God is holy! Isaiah 6:3 In our language there is a limit to the ways that we can dis robe God! We run out of words! These powerful beings could only repeat the words holy, holy, holy! God is absolute and everything else is derivative! There is nothing on earth that we can compare to God! 1 Samuel 2:2; Isaiah 40:25

7- God is glorious! Isaiah 6:3-4 Ultimate God is glory! Gods glory is just a manifestation of Gods holiness! His Glory is the full display of his holiness! Leviticus 10:3 Some day God will blow away everything that competes with His glory in the hearts of men! One day every knee shall bow!

Isaiah 6:5-8 after seeing God, his holiness, his glory...ect; Isaiah responded with here am I send me! If I come in contact with God how can I respond in any other way? Here am I send me! What can I do for God? How can God use me? This is the reason for my existence! This is the purpose of my life!

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Judges 6:7-10

Judges 6:7-10

God sent a prophet before the angel was sent to Gideon. Before the miracles that were done in front of Gideon, God sent a prophet in the hopes that they would listen to him. Am I listening to God's word or expecting some miraculous sign? Gods word should be enough!

Gideon did not want to be sent. He did not want to hear what God wanted him to hear. God prompts us through his words and sometimes he intervenes miraculous until we surrender to his will.

Judges 7:1-23

Gideon was the most afraid and was kept while God let the rest of the men that were afraid go home! Gods battle plans are never what we expect. What is my part in Gods battle plan?

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