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Saturday, June 24, 2017

Father's Day

Father's Day


God demonstrates in his relationship with Jesus what type of relationship he wants with us and how much he loves us.

John 6:40; John 3:16,36; John 6:29; John 11:25; John 14:1 God's will is that we will put our faith in Jesus! In the gospel of John there are over 70 passages on putting our trust in Jesus! Everything rides on how you feel about his son. You cannot have a relationship with God without trusting in Jesus.

John 3:35-36 Jesus has all authority given to him by God. God has also given Jesus the authority to judge us on whether or not we will have eternal life.

Revelations 3:21 God gives Jesus all authority and Jesus wants to pass that same authority onto us!


Genealogies in the bible are very important. There are several in the Old Testament and New Testament.

Jesus learned everything from his father.

What Jesus did -- John 5:19;10:32;14:31
What Jesus said/taught -- John 3:31-32; 7:16; 12:49-50; 14:10,24

Fathers have a huge impact on their children.

John 8:25-47

Jesus redefined the genealogy of the Jews. No longer did it matter who your physical father was but who your spiritual father is. It no longer matters where you came from or what environment you grew up in. You have a choice in spiritual fathers. God or the devil! When people look at your life, when they hear what you say or see what you do, who do they think your father is?!

John 8:14 do you come from God and do you know where you are going?

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