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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Generational Christianity

Generational Christianity

Psalms 78:1-7; psalms 145:3-6

God plan has always been for one generation to pass on God's word to another generation.

What happened when God had to chose a home for his son to be raised in? God had to pick a family to raise his son to become the savior of the world. Who have you entrusted your kids to? Do you not scrutinize everyone before you entrust your children to them? What did God see in Mary and Joseph? Sobering thought to think about.

Luke 1:26-38 Mary's reaction tells the story of who she was and why God chose her! "What ever you want God", isn't that the attitude that Jesus had in the garden 33 years latter? Where did he learn that? Joseph also agreed to accept Mary as his wife even though she was pregnant. Matthew 1:20-25

Joseph and Mary both had a go anywhere, do anything for God. As parents for the messiah, they help raise Jesus the way that God intended for them to raise his son! Who taught Mary and Joseph this kind of obedience to God? Generation to generation. We also know that the book of James and Jude were written by Jesus's half brothers. Jesus left a legacy in his own family.

Satans plan has always been to divide families and to stop generational Christianity.

Galatians 3:26-28 we all have cultural baggage that we bring into the church but with God we are all one. Christ brings us all together and connects us to our spiritual family. Colossians 3:11-16

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