God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Rehaboam: All or Nothing

Rehaboam: All or Nothing

1 Kings 11: 11-13

2 chronicles 10:12-15, 18

  • Partial Obedience Won't Cut It                      1 Chronicles ** Deuteronomy 17:14 -17 
       2 Chronicles 12:1, 11-12  Rehoboam was not completely evil; he was a man of partial obedience: submission to custom, but not to God's word. 

What areas in my life insinuating it self into my life? Do I hear what I want to hear? Or am I listening to God's word? 
Partial obedience does what it wants to hear; dilutes the word of God into cultural religion. Dilutes true worship - it's about others; not true Christianity = is about self. 
Partial obedience acts hastily; Following God when you're in need and rejecting God during good times. 
Partial obedience = partial blessings

2 Chronicles 12:2, 5, 8

If we are not fully obeying God, we are enslaved to sin! 

Acts 26:14 

Partial obedience will show up in our family life. 
We have a hard time loving; we demand things of others with hypocrisy. Our spiritual lives will also suffer - weakens relationships, we resent those that are the opposite of us. 

We need to obey fully!! Mark 10: 29-30

John 19:17-30 Jesus obeyed until the very end; taking care of others until the very end!!! 
Jesus's Full obedience brought about eternal life for us! Being made perfect by God!!! 

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