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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Family Matters

Family Matters

Parenting in general:

Deuteronomy 6:1-3; Isaiah 66:13; Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:21; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8; Titus 2:1-8

There are not a whole lot of scriptures in the bible about parenting. There are many examples of bad parenting. Many wicked kings of Israel ended up having children that God raised up and became righteous men of God. God can use any parent; however, God does promise that if we instill biblical principals in our children that they will not turn away from them.

Being a perfect parent is impossible. It is not conceivable and God does not put that expectation on us. Growing and changing is the expectation. Regardless of the mistakes made, God expects us to continue to grow and change. Repentance is the expectation!

Parenting teens and young adults:

Lecturing less, listening more. Influencing and coaching. We accomplish this by our example more than by our words. Teens still need boundaries but it is a tricker proposition when they get older. You can't control a teen. You have to let them live life in some ways. When we are too controlling you get rebellion. Some times you just have to change your approach and then change your approach again if you have to.

To be honest we don't trust our kids. But we need to communicate to them, "I trust your heart but not your experience".

You have to pick your battles more. Determine what is really important and focus on those things and relax on the rest. The relationship you have with your teen is changing and will continue to change into adult hood. Embrace the change, don't fight it. As parents we are the ones who have to adapt.

"A man convinced against his will holds the same opinion still" -- this about that! Ask a lot of questions. Stop lecturing and listen more.

You want your kids to have the convictions you have without going through the heart aches you went through to get them. But sometimes that is not realty. They each have their own path.

Three things adult children need from us -- freedom, friendship, and love! Giving advice only when asked unless you cannot in good consciences not say anything. Ask for permission to give advice even in that situation. Advice from a parent comes across more as criticism instead of advice.

Think about what makes up a good friendship and keep that in mind when trying to be a good friend to your adult child. Our kids never out grow their need for support and love from their parents. Unconditional love is always going to be a need they have.

You have a life time to influence and it goes back to your faithfulness.

Sent from my iPhone

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