God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, July 30, 2017

2 Kings 7:3-11

2 Kings 7:3-11

Desperate men. Death at every turn. Before life with God and before salvation we were also doomed. Any direct we took would end in death with out God. If your a desperate man or woman trapped on both sides then this is a story for you! God used his full power to save Israel from an inescapable situation.

Romans 10:15

When you're in a dark place and you receive good news it is beautiful! All these men had to do is move towards salvation. If they had not gotten up and went to the enemies camp they would have died steps away from the miraculous salvation that God provided! We cannot earn our salvation; how ever if we sit and do nothing God will not save us. We have to accept the message. We have to move towards God!

God didn't make it hard. He made it easy but he still required them to step towards him. What moves do I need to start making today towards God? Repenting of sin in my life or changing my attitude towards God? What challenges do you need to overcome?

We all need good news! These men are rescued and quickly realize that this good news is too big to keep it to themselves! They immediately shared it with the people around them! It's the same way when find God. We have found forgiveness in an amount that is far beyond what we need. We need to share the good news! Everyone needs the good news of God! Everywhere we go we are surrounded by spiritually starving people longing to be fed. Here am I send me!

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