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Sunday, June 11, 2017

Kings of Judah

Kings of Judah

Rehoboam; all or nothing!

1 Kings 11:11-13

Rehoboam takes over the kingdom of Judah from his father Solomon. He took over the kingdom under rocky circumstances. He rejected the advice of his elders and listened to his friends and tried to rule Judah with an iron fist. As a result the kingdom was split!

2 chronicles 10:12-15;18; Deuteronomy 17:14-17; 2 Chronicles 12:11-12

Partial obedience will not cut it. God wants all or nothing! God did not want his people and their leaders to turn back to Egypt. Egyptian wives, culture, wealth and life styles lead Israel astray. The same is true for us if we surround our selves with the word we will be I ticked to live like they do. Rehoboam was not a man that was completely evil. He was partially obedient when he wanted to be.

Partial obedience hears what it wants to hear. As a Christian we would never outwardly say we are going to go against Gods word but we indirectly do it by living our lives in partial obedience. Partial obedience dilutes true Christianity and replaces it with cultural religious christians that follow the mainstream thought of the day.

Partial obedience acts first and seeks advice after. It means following God when you are in need and then abandoning it when things are going great.

Partial obedience means partial blessings. 2 Chronicles 12:2;5;8 God spared Israel from being wiped out but at the same time they were handed over into slavery. We think we are being set free when we make our own decisions. We think we control sin but sin controls us. Sin enslaves us. True freedom is found through God alone!

God is demonstrates this point in Acts 26:14. God pokes us in the direction he wants us to go and how often do I turn the other direction and fight against God? Every ox and every cow in the world will move in the direction away from the poking and prodding. As Christians, many of us fight God through partial obedience.

Children don't go half way. They embrace everything to the full. Whether it is eating or playing they are all in. We set boundaries on them. We need to pursue God in the same way; all of nothing! Partial obedience will destroy our families.

Partial obedience wrecks our a spiritual lives and keeps us from having an impact on anyone around us.

Mark 10:29-30 when we follow God whole heartedly we do not miss out on a single blessing! We get overwhelmed by the spiritual return. We are blessed beyond measure! How many blessings do we miss out on because of partial obedience?

John 19:17-30 Jesus is the ultimate example for us! Jesus obeyed all the way! To the very end!

Sent from my iPad

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