God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Gods kingdom is Victorious!

Gods kingdom is Victorious!

God is a God of victory but not the God of just victors!

Throughout the bible God helps the defeated to become victorious!

Jesus was victorious over death and through death gave us victory in life!

1 Corinthians 15:55

Titus 3:3-8

Gods plan for victory for jesus and for us is through death. We must die to ourselves so that we can live victorious!

Without God, every victory we have experienced has been temporary! With God victory is eternal!

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Thursday, November 21, 2019

The kingdom!

The kingdom!

Luke 12:35-48

Jesus parables were his way of teaching moral truths in a way that we can understand it. What is Jesus trying to teach us? Service in the kingdom! The servant must be ready to serve! Get ready to go to work doing Gods will and eagerly await the return of our master! To serve God we have to have our light ready to go in dark places, eyes wide open looking for an opportunity to serve!

Citizens of the kingdom must be serving. Being ready is not enough. We must act and get to work! Luke 12:42-44. Jesus is returning and he has expectations for us when he comes! Are you at work meeting the physical needs in your community? Are you at work meeting the emotional needs.

Reward or punishment waits! God is passionate about service! He wants his possessions taken care of. No amount of righteous doctrine can save an unserving soul!

Galatians 5:13-14 we were remade to serve!

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Leadership in the Kingdom!

Leadership in the Kingdom!

Bad leadership examples, punitive leadership, self serving leadership, lack of integrity, hypocritical...etc. leadership in our world is full of bad examples! In the Kingdom leadership is defined differently!

Matthew 20:20-28

Leadership in the kingdom of God is a leadership without positional ambition. God is looking to fill a completely selfless position. Your ambition as a leader in Gods kingdom should be to please God and bring him glory!

Leadership in the kingdom is without Worley authority. Leadership in the kingdom is defined by service! It is also defined by sacrifice! Leadership in the kingdom is built on the foundation of Jesus!

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A Kingdom that will last!

A Kingdom that will last!

All generations together. God has always had a generational plan. Huge chunks of the Bible are dedicated to genealogies. Number 1:5-15. 1 Chronicles has 9 chapters dedicated to genealogies.

The jews of the old Testimate had no concept of heaven and Hell. They did not think of eternity but heirs and off spring. God made promises to them through generations. Their children's children would be successful or own some possessions...etc

Genesis 15:1-6 even Abraham wanted a legacy through genealogy. Gods plan was for Abraham to live on through his offspring.

God's Kingdom is eternal.
God's kingdom is universal.

Matthew 3:7-9 Abraham's children were not his physical lineage. Abraham's children are the children of God.

Romans 8:14-17

We can all be spiritual fathers and mothers. Our spiritual lineage is more important than our physical one! God's kingdom is made of spiritual generations.

God's kingdom is multi-generational.

Numbers 8:23-26

Titus 2:3-6

1 Timothy 4:12

Gods kingdom would collapse onto itself if we do not keep a generational mindset. Our responsibility is to teach the next generation!

Even Jesus was in a sense God's next generation carrying on God's plan of salvation!

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Thursday, November 7, 2019

What is your passion?

Passion! What is your passion? What should your passions be? All of our passions should reflect Christ!

Luke 24:30-32

This is God's passion for us! Jeremiah 9:23-24

Luke 9:22 Jesus showed his passion through his suffering!

Purpose! What is your purpose? Has your purpose changed through Jesus?

Acts 17:24-27 We find our true purpose when we seek God!

Matthew 28:18-20 God's plan is for us to be used by him.

Romans 12:4-8 your purpose should also be to use the gifts that God has given us to glorify his will!

Matthew 22:36-40 Our love for God fuels our desire to for fill our purpose for God!

Philippians 1:20-24; 2 Corinthians 5:1-9

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Devoted to your first love!

Devoted to your first love!

When we turn from God is not one giant step but multiple little steps. One small decision after another that goes against what we now is right!

Judges 16:20 -- scary thought that you could be unaware that Gods has left you! Samson thought he would do what he had always done! Samson allowed sin to take him far away from God!

Same with King Saul. He started out as a king that tried to serve and honor God.

Revelations 2:1-3;4

Gradual erosion of your convictions and faith!

What is first love? That love that first brought you to God. That love you felt when you realized that Jesus blood was shed for you and God chose to forgive you regardless of what you had done!

First love is vulnerable. It needs to be protected and taken care of! Paul is a great example of someone who did not forget his first love! He continually reflected on what he had done to God and constantly consider himself unworthy to even be called an apostle!

Examples of first love! Romans 9:1-3 Exodus 32:31-32

How do you lose your first love? Matthew 24:12

With out continually feeding your first love it grows cold and malnourished! You have to be purposeful in your relationship with God!

Hebrews 2:1; 3:12-14

What convictions have changed in your life?!

How do we get our first love back?! Revelation 2:5 -- when you lose something you find it when you remember where you left it. Same for us spiritually, go back to where ever you left it. Start doing the things that you once did that created that love! It has to start with repentance!

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What is Church

What is church? 56% of Americans believe in the God of the bible and only 22% actually go to church! Why?

Church is not just Sunday but everyday! Church is give and take but unfortunately most of the people that go to church go to take what ever church has to offer and not give back!

The American church is defined by..prosperity gospel, the american culture, independence, Christianity is political and racial! Is this the church of the bible? False doctrines about church in america are all over the place. The american Christian has and individual relationship with God and rejects any communal relationship.

Acts 2:36-41

This first century church is the example of what God intended for church to be. The first century church was unadulterated by the world, culture or race. The church was a community where there was no concern for the individual but concern for the community.

The church was started with a mixture of cultures and races. People of all nations had gathered in Jerusalem. There was no care for property or individual wealth!

Look what they were devoted to: teaching, preaching, breaking bread and prayer! There is no room for self! The beauty of Gods plan for church is that as we serve and give selflessly we in return are given to and have our needs met! Everyone was giving to anyone!

Spiritual needs were more important than physical needs!

How do you have community and the church that God designed? Focus on Jesus and his example. Jesus was very rarely with someone one on one! Jesus always met with groups of two or more! Why would God say he is with us when two or more gather if it was just about us and one on one with God?

Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus consider the church his family and it mattered more to him than physical family!

Luke 19:10

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The mission of the church!

The mission of the church!

Matthew 5:14-16

Jesus creates imagery of a light shining in a dark place as a city on a hill that is a landmark for all around us. The idea of a city on a hill is about Gods church. If we are going to be a city on a hill as a church we have to be a light to the world!

1 Corinthians 1:26-27 shining is not about being excellent, the best, or most righteous. Is about being different. The church is made imperfect people that are called to be set apart from the world in the way we think, in our purpose, in the way love, and the way we deny self and give!

The church can shine and be different if we are willing to be like Jesus!

Matthew 5:38-42 some of the hardest teachings in the bible. This goes against everything in our human nature and our natural defense mechanisms!

A lite will be noticed! Matthew 5:14-16 don't hide what you are doing. Let your life be open and transparent to everyone around you!

It's not about intensity. Even a tiny light is noticeable in the darkness. Our world is a dark dark place.

The church is called to shine which by design gives glory to God! The end goal is to give glory to God! We don't shine so we can grow. Growth is a product of bringing glory to God!

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The Law of the Kingdom of God!

The Law of the Kingdom of God!

Hebrews 4:12 the word of Go, the law of God is living active. Timeless from one generation to another!

The constitution was only around a few years before we started passing amendments! It changes from generation to generation! The bible is not this way! It is relevant from one generation to another!

How can the bible not be irrelevant with the passing of time? Gods law is not based on human justice! It is based on divine love!

Genesis 2:15-17;3:4-5 why does give us law forbidding us from stuff? To protect us from harm! God's law is not his attempt to keep us from enjoying life. He is protecting us from the things that will causes harm!

Gods law is his expression of his limitless love for us!

If the law was given in Love then for filling and obeying God's law is an expression of love to God!

What is our responsibility to pushing people to follow Gods law? Jesus never demanded obedience from outsiders? To non christians Jesus loved and served them. Jesus try to persuade them to leave their lives of sin and save them from harm! John 4:23 — our responsibility to point people to God and love them!

Question about God's law from the problems of today...

1 John 4:16; Deuteronomy 15:12-15; Genesis 1:27 what about gender roles? Men and women are the complete image of God!

What about class and wealth? Proverbs 30:9 What about sexual attraction? Premarital sex? God condemned Greed and Rebellion far more than homosexuality?

Romans 3:23 mankind has falling from day one! We pick up a falling world and love them through their sin!

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The kingdom of God!

The kingdom of God!

The Kingdom is about Gods rein, his law, his power...etc! The kingdom is also about citizenship! Citizenship in Gods Kingdom!

When you're a citizen you enjoy the benefits of citizenship.

How does the bible view citizenship in Gods kingdom?

Jesus put heaven on hold to spend 40 more days on earth to teach more adequately about the Kingdom!

Matthew 28:18-20 kingdom citizenship is not exclusive and includes all nations!
1 Chronicles 16:23-24

If Gods kingdom is going to be all nations then the we have to go to all

Luke 14:15-23 anyone from any nation, any background, any economic status, any physical disability...anyone!

The kingdom is exclusive! Luke 14:24; Matthew 28:18-20 ("them" is the disciples)

Any who does not enter the Kingdom on Gods terms cannot get in! You cannot earn citizenship with power, wealth or worthiness!! Only through grace and humility! If you do not enter on those terms you do not enter the Kingdom!

Kingdom citizenship is eternal! Citizenship comes with teaching and being taught. Who os teaching you and who ate you teaching? If not you ate not living like a citizen of the Kingdom! If your not obeying, making disciples, baptizing disciples, then you are not living like a citizen!

Matthew 25:31-34 God will separate us by the way we treat others! Just being a citizen is not enough. You have to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God!

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Gather and worship!

Gather and worship!

We are called to gather, serve, and multiply! Lets focus on worship today!

1 Chronicles 16:7-35

This proclamation was given by King David before the ark of the lord was to be brought back. This was a big moment! David wanted all Israel to worship and praise the Ark of the Lord which represents the presence and spirit of God!

They were overjoyed that God presence was going to come into their city! Think about how much more we should celebrate the fact that Jesus who is God came to us in the flesh!

Accepting Jesus as God, your lord, and savior requires a lifetime of worship and praise. Standing in awe of God that he no longer dwells in a gold chest, tent, or temple but now dwells in you!

Job 38:1-18;40:1-9;42:1-6

Not worshiping God in reverence and praise is to stand up to the Almighty in defiance. Worship and praise comes from knowing who God is and then knowing who we are!

God, as powerful and mighty as he is, as scary as he is....but he loves you! Think about that!

2 Kings 22:
Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Have you lost the law? Worship keeps your mind focused on God and his word! God is worth and deserves our praise!

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The Kingdom!

The Kingdom!

Acts 1:3

Jesus had already lived, finished his ministry, died and resurrected and yet he cam back to earth and spent 40 more days! He put heaven on hold. What was so important that he postponed being reunited with God in heaven? The Kingdom! He was helping the disciples make it to heaven by teaching about the kingdom!

Jesus came for many reason and one of them was to teach the Kingdom of God! Luke 4:43

The kingdom is what Jesus was leaving behind for is so he wanted to ensure that we understood it!

The Kingdom in the Old Testament!

God established a nation of his people and a kingdom that he ruled. Israel sought to have an earthly king 1 Samuel

1 Chronicles 17:11-14 Israel received many kings both Good and bad.

Jeremiah 23:5-6 Jesus is prophesied as a righteous King that would come and save Israel from the oppression of an earthly king. They were waiting for another earthly king.

The Kingdom in Jesus day!

Luke 1:30-33 Israel waited 500 years for this proclamation!

John 18:36 Jesus is the king of the spiritual world and the physical world as well! Physical is temporary, spiritual is eternal!

The kingdom in our day!

What does kingship in our world? Wealth, status and no reign! No authority! As Americans we are blessed in a nation where we are rarely ruled over! The idea of a king is foreign to us. The only master we serve many times is ourselves! Many people run to Jesus as the moral and righteous king only after their own rule has destroyed their lives!

Colossians 1:13-14

Are you willing to submit to Gods reign? Are you allowing him to reign in every aspect of your life? Your finances, your marriage, your career, and your sexual purity? Does God reign in your life?!

Up coming subjects: the law of the kingdom? The rights in the kingdom? The service of the kingdom? A kingdom that will last! The victorious Kingdom!

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Saturday, August 24, 2019

Living by faith

Living by faith

Faith is a noun and a verb. In scripture faith is used as a verb. The followers of jesus were actively doing and practicing faith.

Galatians 3:1-3 the Galatians started trading their faith (spirit) for human efforts to obey the law. There is no need for faith in just doing something right or trying to be a good person.

Galatians 5:16-25
John 4:10-11
John 7:37-39

Are we sowing to for fill the will of the spirit?

Galatians 6:7-10

The doing can overshadow the being at times.

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On the hook. Caught! What are you hooked on? What has hooked you?

2 Chronicles 33:11

On the Hook!

2 Chronicles 33:1-11

Manasseh refused to listen the Lord! He forgot the example of his father and turned away from God! Manasseh was overly wicked and his heart was far from God! 2 kings 21:16

Sin works like a hidden hook in a pleasing little package that separates us from God and drags us far away from him! James 1:14-15

What sins are bobbing around in front of you waiting to hook you?

God wants us living off the hook!!

Isaiah 59:1-2;12;15

On God's Arm!

Our sins testify against us. We are hopelessly separated from God. God is the only one that can save!

Isaiah 53:1,5

Jesus has removed the hook of sin out of our lives!

Off the Hook!

2 Chronicles 33:12-17

Manasseh humbled himself before God and was off the hook!

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Saturday, July 27, 2019



This is an important question that God wants us to ask! The answer to that question is what motivates us!

Why do we gather? Why do we serve? Why do we spread the gospel?

Genesis 11:3-9; Acts 2:1-12 Gods plan was that we build a church that speaks all languages to glorify him! The builders of the tower of Babel were self focused in their mission!

Acts 2:42-47

We are not called to build an organization! We are called to build the body of God! Our interest should be God's interests.

We are to be a community of faith that reflect him in n all that we do!

Matthew 5:43-48

Nimrodic thinking is a progression to tribalism and that is not Gods plan. God wants diversity in his kingdom! We need to love all people and even those we don't naturally agree with or give a long with!

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 our world needs a savior! Our needs to humble themselves before God through prayer!

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Colossians 3:1-4

Our endgame is heaven! Is heaven and after thought or something that you talk about and think about everyday!

Hebrews 11:36

How did he first century view the endgame! There home was heaven and heaven was their endgame! They willing went through all sorts of hardships for the gospel!

John 14:4-6

Jesus is the only way! Have you made someone or something your endgame? There is only one way and only endgame that leaves us victorious.

Luke 9:23-25

Hebrews 12:1-3

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The presence of God!

The presence of God!

What is the impact of Gods presence on you today? Impact physically? Impact spiritually? There are multiple examples in scripture about Gods presence! His love, his power, his faithfulness!

We need Gods presence! We need to live in his presence! God no longer dwells in a temple but has chosen to move into your body as his new temple!

Psalms 139:7;

How to experience Gods presence everyday: reading psalms, praise, peace, preaching, power,

To the political correctness of today...Jesus said he was full of grace and TRUTH! Paul said watch your LIFE and DOCTRINE! Our conviction should not waiver under pressure from the world!

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Church compensation:

Church compensation:

1 Corinthians 9:1-14

Jesus commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel!

Risk management in the church:

Daniel 6:3-5

Daniel was an exceptional administrator! There was no corruption in him!

Three standards as a board member.

1.) Biblical rights and wrongs
2.) Corporate rights and longs
3.) Philosophy which can be neither right or wrong

Board responsibilities are fiduciary and risk management.
With risk management there are two focuses to evaluate. What is the likely hood that something might happen? What are the consequences if that thing happens? Three ways to deal with risk. Avoid it, transfer it, or control it.

Three types of risk as a church. Physical risk of the members, financial losses and damages, legal and financial responsibility of board members.

Board members have personal liability. Directors and officers insurance is a good idea.


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The Presence in the Lord

The Presence in the Lord

Mike Talifaro

The Holy Spirit is with us!

The presence of God...

Gen 4:14

Ex 33:14-15

We need to love in God's presence

2 Chronicles 7: 1, 3

John 1:14

The presence of God dwells within us!

Acts 2

When God moves into our hearts, it's spectacular!!!

God's people have always lived in God's presence

We can't get away from God's presence

Psalm 139-7

God is with us til the end of the age!!

Luke 11:13

The presence of God

Psalms -

Praise - makes us aware of God's presence of our lives!

Peace- he shelters me; his presence brings us peace and provides for us! Jesus is the bread of life; he is enough and gives us what we need! It's about trusting God ❤️

Preaching- His presence helps us process problems with proper perspective!

Power -

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Thursday, July 11, 2019

Post modern world and biblical truths!

Post modern world and biblical truths!

The greatest challenge for Gods people has always been not to conform to the surrounding culture! This is not a new issues! Ex 23:34; lev 20:22-23; debut 12:30; her 10:2; un 15:19; 17:14-16; rom 12:2; 1 for 5:9-10 jams 1:27; 1 in 2:15

Our culture is found in God.

Postmodernism? It is hard to define because it is based on multiple realities. Postmodern culture is based on individuals finding their own reality.

How we got here? 1960's era had the biggest shift in cultural philosophy. The greatest virtue of postmodernism is tolerance!

Characteristics of postmodernism: no absolute truth, moral realism, reject boundaries and authority, about the present (here and now).

Positives: reminds us to help those who are disadvantaged.

Genesis 3:1-

God is always working and his mission is to use us to reach a lost world. God will never allow culture to keep him from accomplishing his mission!

Acts 17:23; 17; 28 Paul studied and connected with the community around him!

How to reach a postmodern world? Engage in your community! Show commonality (God has championed many of the goals of the postmodern world to help the marginalized)! Jesus was a champion for diversity, woman's rights, financial inequality, the weak...etc!

1 Corinthians 13:8 Love never fails!

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Reignite our passion for God?!

Reignite our passion for God?!

Without Gods presence none of it matters!

Luke 24:32; Matthew 22:37-40

1 John 4:

Ways to ignite passion and zeal:

Praying, focusing on godly relationships, being obedient, making what is important to God important to us!

Luke 15:10; Matthew 5:6

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Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?!

Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?!

James 5:17 Elijah was a man like us and yet God used him to be powerful leader and prophet of Israel!

1 kings 19:13-14 Elijah had a moment of fear and insecurity! God was not done with Elijah and God is not done with us yet either!

1 Kings 19:19-21; 2 Kings 2:9

Matthew 28:16-20; Malachi 4:5-6

God has challenged us to go!

2 kings 2:6-10; 2:11-14

Elijah -- the lord is my God!
Elisha -- my God saves!

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Saturday, June 22, 2019

The worlds definition of success is wrong

The worlds definition of success is different than the God's definition of success! Take marriage for example. The family unit to God is a great example of whether or not someone is managing life well or not. How a man handles the affairs of his own house says a lot about what type of man he is. You don't have to be married to manage your house well. What are you doing with the things God has entrusted to you!

Jesus is the only answer to any problem life may throw at you. Following Jesus creates a man that manages life well and becomes successful in all that he does!

Genesis 29:15-35

Jacob was the chosen seed to be blessed by God and carry on the messianic seed to the messiah! Jacob was a deceiver and a conman who had an ability to also lead. Laban saw Jacobs ability and that God was blessing Jacob in everything that he did. Laban's plot and Leah's plight in life. Laban wanted to get rich off of Jacob and marry off his older daughter that may not have gotten married and could have been a burden to him. Leah finds herself stuck in a marriage with a man that doesn't love her! She comes to the conclusion after the third son that she will praise the lord rather than seek an unfulfilling desire for Jacob!

BAD NEWS -- Sin does you! Sin creates sin. Lies beget lies...it never stops until you break the cycle and repent! Always Leah in the morning! Jacob was disappointed! When we put so much into the desires of this world we will always be disappointed! This world was not meant to satisfy us! Only God can fill and satisfy us! I am made for something beyond this world! Idolizing get only makes it worst!

GOOD NEWS -- God works with weak people! The bible is full of weak people who God used despite their flaws and short comings. The God does not condone Jacobs behavior or treatment of Leah! God did not condone Laban's actions either! The old testament is full of grace! God works through weak people! Jacob mistreated Leah and God rescued her and brought her to a place where she was able to look beyond her plight and focused on the glory of God! God also works in weak people! Leah just wanted to be loved by Jacob. She was weak emotionally and full of distress and depression! Leah despite her struggles and despite her plight in life she was chosen by God to carry on the Messianic seed and not Rachel! Was it worth it for Leah?! She was the mother of of Christ the messiah! She was apart of Gods salvation plan for the world! She was the fulfillment of Gods promise!

It's always Leah in the morning and it will only be Rachel when we get to heaven!

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Sunday, June 9, 2019

Love never fails!

Love never fails!

What does the bible say about love?

1 John 4:8; Galatians 5:6; 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Matthew 24:12

mark 10:6-10 God himself is the one that has joined you with your spouse! Malachi 2:16

One advantage of marriage is that it allows you to fall back into love together if you ever fall out of love temporarily! How to make a good marriage better? You remember that the measure you use is the measure that God will use on you! Matthew 7:1-5; James 2:12; Proverbs 20:10; Colossians 3:13-14

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The Resurrection!

The Resurrection!

Philippians 3:10-11

The power of the resurrection is the power of change!

Genesis 2:25-3:13

What has the knowledge of good and evil done for you? As little children we have no concept of good and evil. As adults our eyes are opened and it does nothing to help us in our lives but to show us how sinful our natures are!

We were created for so much more than just balancing good and evil! God created us and set us apart to live holy lives through the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Luke 24:13-35

The power of the resurrection to restore your life and the power to finish your life!

Acts 2:42-47
Galatians 3:28

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Who do you say that I am?

People knew of Jesus and people knew Jesus. There were wide and different views on who he was. Jesus asked his disciples Who do you say i am? Who do you say Jesus is? Does your life demonstrate that belief? What a Interesting question for jesus to ask. Who do people say you are? Who do you say you are? Do people know the real you? Peter knew Jesus intimately and they correctly answered the question.

Who are you before God? What does God see and who does he say that you are?

Who do you say Jesus is?

1. Jesus is the son of God

Who does your life say Jesus is?

2. Jesus is revealed

3. Jesus is the way

Jesus knew what people thought of him, so why ask the question? He wanted to hear what his disciples would say

Why cesari philipi? Pagan city on the edge os israel and the gentile world. City of multiple faiths and beliefs. Mlt gods. Bail the sun god and storm god

Trans figuration

Peter didnt learn about jesus from books and teachers — you know jesus by spending time with him

Share about how god works in mspired
Me with this lesson. Share about debbie and her moment

Public consensus is not a way to find truth in you life. Who do people say that i am? Public opinion was wrong. Public opposition is useless

I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the father accept through me

Why is this question so how important? Share things jesus said about himself

Who is Jesus? Is he the savior or your personal savior?

People believe in Julius Caesar, alexander the great — they all left monuments physical evidence — jesus was homeless and left only the evidence of his written word and changes lives!!

Talk about — if you really believe that jesus is the son of God, that he is lord of your life and your savior, then why is it a struggle for you to control your temper, tongue, purity, open your mouth, give back, serve...ect

Why people wont acknowledge jesus for who he says he is. If jesus is who he says he is then he may ask something of you. You mayhave to give

Need three points!!!

Who do people say that i am?
Truth is never found in public opinion

Who do you say that i am?
Truth is found in a personal relationship with Jesus

Truth is not found in man but in God

Jesus never said he was a prophet. What dod jesus say about himself? Why would people concede to him being a prophet. If jesus is the sone of God then i have to listen , i have to examine my life, i have to acknowledge his power and authority

How could they miss who jesus was? Why don't we see jesus for who he is? Why do we not see him as the christ and just a prophet.

Do you see god for in your life?

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Deuteronomy 8:1-20

Deuteronomy 8:1-20

Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8 when he was tempted in the desert! Very important passage with a lot of key points on how to please God and have a full relationship with him. This passage says several times about forgetting and remembering.

Two things we forget. Three things we need to remember!

We forget Gods protection! It's easy to remember the negative things in our lives but we need to focus on the good things that God has done in our lives! We have no idea how much God has worked behind the scenes. He is constantly working in our lives! Moses describes the land that God is giving them but with a warning. We forget where it came from! How am I doing with all the good that God has giving me? It is easy to forget our place, Why? Pride! Pride is full of ignorance, selfishness, and foolishness! We cannot take credit for anything in our lives! God gives each one of us the ability!

Remember God. Remember Gods works, word, and warranties! Gods works are what God has specifically done in your life! Remember to keep Gods word active in my life! Gods word is relevant today and we need to hang our lives on His every word! Remember Gods warranties! His promises and guarantees! If we do its Gods way we are blessed.

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Hebrews 12:1-3

Hebrews 12:1-3

In this short verse there is encouragement, admonishment, warnings, and challenges! It all starts by being reminded by a great cloud of witnesses! Men and women who have gone before us and overcome! Like bookends we have godly examples of men in front of us and we have Jesus behind us!

How do we stay faithful to the end? Fixing our eyes on Jesus! Remembering Gods grace and mercy! What we set our eyes on can really taint our view of the world around us! Even the life we live and our time on earth. It changes our goals and priorities!

Philippians 3:7-14

Paul had his eyes fixed on Jesus! Paul also had perspective on where he was going!

Hebrews 12:2-3

Live with the end in mind! Stay focused on where we are going!

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Take the first step

1 Timothy 4:15; Philippians 3:12-14; 2 Chronicles 16:9

Celebrate the first step! Do you value the small steps in your life?! God is happy when we take a step towards righteousness! All the steps in life we take are worth it if it leads us closer to God!

Psalms 2:11; 89:16; 145:7 we need to celebrate!

What steps is God calling you to take today to get closer to him!

1 Timothy 4:15; Job 17:9

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Jesus never lost sight or focus on who he was and w

Jesus never lost sight or focus on who he was and what he was meant to be!

Matthew 11:1-5

Jesus came to seek the lost and heal the hurting of this world. This was his ministry!

Mark 5:21-42 Jesus after helping one, helped another on his was to help someone else! There were several reasons for Jesus not to help.

Jesus Never miss an opportunity to help! Are you taken advantage of the opportunities to help the people around you? Jesus has set an example that we must follow!

Jesus dropped everything to help the hurting! Even those of us who are willing to help usually help when it is convenient for us.

Jesus wasn't done until everyone was helped!

Don't grow weary of doing what is good! Sometimes we get discouraged because people around us are not stepping up to help.

Even at the cross Jesus did not stop until it was finished and every person in the world was helped!

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Mission Possible!

Mission Possible!

With God the impossible is possible! Jesus gave his disciples a mission for seek and save the lost in all corners of the world. A daunting task that in many ways seems impossible.

2 Corinthians 5:20

That is our mission! We are now the ambassadors of Christ! 2 Corinthians 4:6-12

Do you feel hard pressed in life? Hard pressed on every side! We have no direction to go to get away from it! When will all this stop? Have you felt that?

Hard presses but not crushed! God will not allow that pressure to crush us! What ever you are going through, you are going —> through it! Through God we are able to endure where people without God are crushed!

We are perplexed (complete doubt!) but not in despair! The world has the same problems but without God they have no hope!

We are persecuted but not abandoned! Persecution was not just physical. We are never beyond help!

Struck down but not destroyed!

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Be courages and what you do matters!!

Be courages and what you do matters!!

Haggai chapter 1 and 2

Israel was in excile for about 50 years. Isaiah prophesied about Israel's return.

Return to the land! Ezra 5:1-2

The jews returned home and lived in Israel for about 16 years before the temple was rebuilt.

Haggai explains to the jews why there has been constant frustration and a hand against everything they have tried to do with in those 16yrs. Haggai 1:4-6

What are you really living for? Things that will last for eternity or are we storing money in purses with holes in it?!

Haggai 1:8-10

After 18 years of frustration the Israelites learned that God should come first!

Haggai 2:14-19

God is saying that blessings are in n the way! If we repent and continue to work for the Lord the blessings will come.

An insignificant replacement — Haggai 2:3 — the Israelites were discouraged because that didn't feel like they could rebuild the temple the way Solomon did.

Be of courage, work, do not fear! Haggai 2:4-5 — just work! God will bless our efforts! The temple is never going to be built unless we work! Be courages and WORK!

Work because God is with us! Haggai 2:4b-5

Haggai 1:13-14; 1 Chronicles 28:20

Haggai 2:6-9 once we build the house God will fill it with glory!!! Even greater than the temple that Solomon built!

How was Haggai's prophecy for filled?

John 2:19-20; Revelations 21:22

Jesus and God himself are the temple and through the cross we can approach the temple and love with God for eternity!

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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Genesis 29

The worlds definition of success is different than the worlds definition of success! Take marriage for example. The family unit to God is a great example of whether or not someone is managing life well or not. How a man handles the affairs of his own house says a lot about what type of man he is. You don't have to be married to manage your house well. What are you doing with the things God has entrusted to you!

Jesus is the only answer to any problem life may throw at you. Following Jesus creates a man that manages life well and becomes successful in all that he does!

Genesis 29:15-35

Jacob was the chosen seed to be blessed by God and carry on the messianic seed to the messiah! Jacob was a deceiver and a conman who had an ability to also lead. Laban saw Jacobs ability and that God was blessing Jacob in everything that he did. Laban's plot and Leah's plight in life. Laban wanted to get rich off of Jacob and marry off his older daughter that may not have gotten married and could have been a burden to him. Leah finds herself stuck in a marriage with a man that doesn't love her! She comes to the conclusion after the third son that she will praise the lord rather than seek an unfulfilling desire for Jacob!

BAD NEWS -- Sin does you in! Sin creates sin. Lies beget lies...it never stops until you break the cycle and repent! Always Leah in the morning! Jacob was disappointed! When we put so much into the desires of this world we will always be disappointed! This world was not meant to satisfy us! Only God can fill and satisfy us! I am made for something beyond this world! Idolizing get only makes it worst!

GOOD NEWS -- God works with weak people! The bible is full of weak people who God used despite their flaws and short comings. The God does not condone Jacobs behavior or treatment of Leah! God did not condone Laban's actions either! The old testament is full of grace! God works through weak people! Jacob mistreated Leah and God rescued her and brought her to a place where she was able to look beyond her plight and focused on the glory of God! God also works in weak people! Leah just wanted to be loved by Jacob. She was weak emotionally and full of distress and depression! Leah despite her struggles and despite her plight in life she was chosen by God to carry on the Messianic seed and not Rachel! Was it worth it for Leah?! She was the mother of of Christ the messiah! She was apart of Gods salvation plan for the world! She was the fulfillment of Gods promise!

It's always Leah in the morning and it will only be Rachel when we get to heaven!

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Saturday, April 13, 2019

Jesus is a master healer! Jesus is our everything!

Jesus is a master healer! Jesus is our everything!

What are your challenges?

Lingering sins?
Relationship issues?
Forgiving others?
Childhood issues?
Grief and loss issues?

When we are honest with our selves we draw closer to God! Jesus provides every answer for every problem we may ever face or are facing! Jesus is the answer!

Luke 7:11-16

Jesus sees!

Jesus saw this women and noticed her need. What does Jesus see in you? What does Jesus want to heal in your life?

Jesus feels!

Jesus was filled with compassion and his heart went our to her! Jesus feels for what you are going through! Jesus knows how to heal our heats and minds! He is able to empathize and sympathize with what we are going through!

Jesus speaks!

Jesus speak simplicity into complex situations! Jesus says come to me with your hurts! Jesus says I have died for you so that you do not have to suffer! Jesus speaks truth into our lives. Truths that combat the lies that Satan tries to trick us into believing!

Jesus touches!

Jesus touches us in unique ways! In what way will Jesus touch you today?

Jesus presents!

Jesus presents us healed and whole! Jesus transforms our lives! He presents us better than he found us!

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Faith: The Adventure

Faith: The Adventure

The faith that saves you may not be the faith that carries you through all of life's struggles! Faith in God has many faucets! The easier things get the lazier we get!

Luke 7:36-50

By not washing Jesus feet the pharisee invites Jesus into his home to insult hm. What a thought, "that she is a sinner"! Full of judgement and self denial with regards to the sin in his own life!

The sinful woman had to endure scorn, shame, and humiliation to have faith in Jesus! Her faith required her to go through a lot of discomfort. For her the need to be at the feet of Jesus was more important than the struggles to get there!

Tough times should increase your faith!

Life without Faith is discouraging. Life without faith is lonely. Faith frees us to have a full life regardless of the circumstances!

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Monday, March 25, 2019

Treasure principal: Godly Stewardship

Treasure principal: Godly Stewardship

Is what I have here on earth worth more than what God has in store for me in heaven?! Stewardship is about managing. We are all stewards.

Matthew 25:14-30

Everyone is going to come into some kind of wealth in your life. It may not be as much as your neighbors and it will only be as much as your ability! Who are you in this story.

Luke 16:1-13

There is an account. God will evaluate how we manage our funds.

Three reasons we are poor money mangers:

Greed, laziness, idolatry.

Ephesians 5:1-5

John 8:31-33

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Joy of giving!

Joy of giving!

Many world views. Most are selfish in nature. Our world view is Christian. The Christian view is selfless. Even John 3:16 -- for God so loved the world that he GAVE! God always gives and he continues to give! We are never more like Jesus than when we give!

To be a giver you have to have a reason to give! The first century Christians gave up everything. Why? They were captured by the son of God! Luke 4:16-21

To have joy in giving will require sacrifice!

Matthew 20:24-28

We can't just be good American Christians! God calls for a life of sacrifice and servitude! Mark 12:43 Jesus was watching! Faith is important to be able to give sacrificially.

You got to give to live! Luke 6:38

Real giving leads to real joy! Acts 20:35; Proverbs 11:25; 1 Chronicles 29:14

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Jesus is a master healer! Jesus is our everything!

Jesus is a master healer! Jesus is our everything!

What are your challenges?

Lingering sins?
Relationship issues?
Forgiving others?
Childhood issues?
Grief and loss issues?

When we are honest with our selves we draw closer to God! Jesus provides every answer for every problem we may ever face or are facing! Jesus is the answer!

Luke 7:11-16

Jesus sees!

Jesus saw this women and noticed her need. What does Jesus see in you? What does Jesus want to heal in your life?

Jesus feels!

Jesus was filled with compassion and his heart went our to her! Jesus feels for what you are going through! Jesus knows how to heal our heats and minds! He is able to empathize and sympathize with what we are going through!

Jesus speaks!

Jesus speak simplicity into complex situations! Jesus says come to me with your hurts! Jesus says I have died for you so that you do not have to suffer! Jesus speaks truth into our lives. Truths that combat the lies that Satan tries to trick us into believing!

Jesus touches!

Jesus touches us in unique ways! In what way will Jesus touch you today?

Jesus presents!

Jesus presents us healed and whole! Jesus transforms our lives! He presents us better than he found us!

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Luke 2:41-47

Luke 2:41-47

What were you doing at 12 years old. What one word best describes you at 12?

Jesus did three things!

Listened, asked questions and understood.

Jesus listens! To be a great listener you have too...Practice humility, seek understanding, patiently love!

I need to be sensitive to what people are going through. Staying connected in the word creates sensitivity and helps you to be aware of other peoples needs.

Proverbs 18:13

Jesus was a master at asking questions! Proverbs 20:4. Questions draw people out and lead to sustainable change.

Mark 6:38
We need to ask questions that help people see the resources that are in front of them. Questions help people become solution oriented.


Church, power of scripture, holy spirit, relationships, goals in life!...ect.

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Sunday, February 17, 2019



Recap from the message Sunday

Ephesians 3:20

Christ's sacrifice once for all!

Hebrews 10:19-25

Three "let us" in this passage! What are they? Let us draw near to God! Let us hold unswervingly! Let us consider! I believe all three of these are connected and build off each other! We're not going to spur one another on towards love and good deeds unless we solid in our convictions and draw close to God! So how do we draw near to God, hold unswervingly, and spur one another on?

Vs. 19 "since we have confidence to enter", why is confidence important? Confident in what? Confident in approaching God, confidence that Gods spirit is in me, confident that my sins have been forgiven! Confident that Jesus is the answer! Do you feel confident?

What steals your confidence?

"Let us draw near to God" Vs 22 "cleanses us from a guilty consciences". That's why confession is so important. You can draw near to God with a guilty conscience!

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess" vs. 23 notice it says profess! Why is that? That is why we need to share our faith! And not just with nonbelievers but with other brothers! Our conversations should be deep! When you stop professing your faith and what you believe that is when you start listening to all the noise around you and Satan will use that errors your convictions!

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds" this is the goal right?! Who are you spurring on? Who are you allowing to spur you on? We don't like the word spur do we? Why couldn't it have said "just gently suggest and then let me make my own decision". We need to be spurring each other on and we need to be willing to be spurred. This is a healthy aspect of a godly relationship! We need to be in each other's lives! Share about Chris.

But it also says encourage! How do we encourage one another? Share about Rhett. For one we don't stop meeting together!

And lastly it says, "as we see the day approaching"! Jesus is coming back! We have to keep an eternal perspective!

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Different for Jesus

Different for Jesus

John 1:1-3

Jesus wasn't from real life! He is from heaven! Flesh and blood Jesus looked like he was from earth and his organs were human but Jesus was definitely different!

John 2:21-22; 3:3-4; 4:13-15; 32-33 Jesus was speaking their language but he was speaking in a heavenly dialect! Because we have a hard time understanding heaven bound Jesus we think he has no understanding of our lives!

While Jesus was from heaven he was also fully human! Jesus understands real life!

John 19:25-27; Matthew 22:30

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How to make a good marriage better!

How to make a good marriage better!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Your spouse is not your enemy. We all have a common enemy that is out to destroy our unity. You and your spouse are on the same team. Working together as a perfect team. Just as God designed it! Satan's goal is to divide the one team that God created and make two opposing teams at odds with each other!

Being like Christ in following his example of humility is the key to a successful marriage! Do you want to be as humble as Jesus in your marriage? Every relationship gets off course and has bumps and arguments. You have to determine what your priorities are? Do you want to when an argument or do you really want to be like Christ?

How does the humility of Christ help a marriage? Humility tries to bring out the best in each other! Philippians 2:3-4; Romans 12:1 Humility can abound in our relationships when we take the focus off of our selves and focus on the other.

Humility seeks out and values our spouses perspective! Proverbs 18:2 humility puts effort and time in listening rather than taking.

Humility embraces the golden rule of marriage! Matthew 7:12 humility causes you to treat your spouse the way you want to be treated! The golden rule of marriage is to change anything about your self that your spouse wants you to change! Humility allows you to change what you need to change. Ask your spouse, "what is the one thing that you would like me to change at this point in my life?"

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How to make a good marriage better!

How to make a good marriage better!

Proverbs 5:18 your wife should be appreciated and you should be thankful for her!
Ephesians 5:28 your wife more than anything else needs to be lead! As a marriage couple we are one body! Our wives need to be lead! As the head we need to care and protect the body!

If your sex life is lacking it is probably because you are not loving and leading your wife! Loving and leading your wife is the determining factor in most wives for feeling satisfied in their relationship! Proverbs 30:21 "an unloved woman who is MARRIED!" 1 Corinthians 7:5

Keeping courtship is a challenge the longer you have been married! Revelation 2:4 remember your first love and remember what you did at first! Leading in humility and leading spiritually is what our lives need!

Three things that no woman can resist! Three P's!

Praise her often! Song of Songs 6:4 make a list of what you appreciate about your wife. Tell her often! Hebrews 3:13 praising your wife often helps you see what you are blessed with and changes your heart to grateful and appreciate the gift that God has given you!

Protect her! If your wife is not protected, you get neglected! 1 Corinthians 13:7 you need to discover where your wife needs to be protected! Psalm 23:1 if your are the good shepherd to your wife she will lack nothing! Do you refresh your wife's soul? I should not be putting my burdens on my wife. God is my example in protecting my wife!

Pamper her! Treat her as the weaker partner and the daughter of God that she is! Your spouse is on loan from God to you!

Your spouse is your doorway to having a little peace of heaven on earth!

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The SUPERiority of Jesus!

The SUPERiority of Jesus!

Jesus is superior to angles! Hebrews 1:1-4 Jesus is the radiance of God's glory! What you have in Jesus is more powerful than any angel that could be watching over you! Hebrews 3:5-6 Jesus is superior to any man or leader that has ever walked the earth!

Jesus is superior to any high priest that has ever lived! Hebrews 4:14-15 Jesus is seated in heaven interceding for us and telling God he knows what it is like to be them and to be tempted and let their sins be forgiving through me! Hebrews 4:16 because of Jesus we are able to approach Gods throne with confidence! Hebrews 7:23-24 Jesus is the solution for eternity!

Hebrews 7:27-28 Jesus is the superior sacrifice! Hebrews 10:1-12

Jesus is the superior covenant! Hebrews 8:6-12 the covenant of the law was much more than an agreement! Breaking the covenant was cause for death! The covenant that Jesus has made with us is superior!

Jesus is superior to put your faith in! Hebrews 11:39-40 faith in Jesus is what binds us all together in unity regardless of culture, race, political views, etc...

Jesus is superior at saving! Hebrews 2:2-4; 7:25

Jesus is superior at giving rest! Hebrews 4:7-11

Jesus is a superior motivation! 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Hebrews 3:12-15; 4:12-13; 5:11-14; 6:1-3; 9-12; 10:19-25

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All eternity is determined by how you answer

All eternity is determined by how you answer this question!

The question is not who do you want jesus to be? Or who do you think jesus is. The question is who is jesus (truth) and who is he in your life!

When you correctly identify who jesus is he in return shows you who you really are (i.e. peter) simon means a reed and peter means rock

John the baptist raised from the dead — thats pretty amazing!

Takes courage and relationships and God to reveal who jesus is

Why is that important for him to be lord and not a teacher

Examples: nicodemus thought we know you are a good teacher...etc

If jesus is not the son it is impossible to be born again.

Is Jesus lord of your life or just an influence?

Last supper — all disciples called jesus lord and judas called him Rabi

A teacher has no ability to save

New years resolutions — how are they going? What has changed? Jesus is lord is the only thing that will sustain you.

Judas did not want jesus to die but he didnt make jesus lord of his life. Money, greed was his God. What have you put before God? Judas was tormented over it.

Its intentional — you have to make jesus Lord

Who do people say you are? Are you a fan or a player? Example Alabama — i'm a fan. The players sweat it our training each week preparing for the game. I just show up on saturday to just watch. And i have an opinion on everything that happens and critical

Conclusion — if jesus is not lord of your life do you really know him? If you dont what are you going to do about it?

Not revealed by flesh and blood. You will never know Jesus through head knowledge. He has to be revealed in your life!

People gave jesus honor but neglected who he truly is and underestimated him.

Because of the revelation of who Jesus is, it defines who peter is. Peter gets a new name! In understanding who Jesus is you are able to understand who you are truly meant to be!

Peter means rock. Peter becomes a ROCK, unmovable and unshakable because of knowing Jesus.

Share about who i am (sinful nature) and who God has made me to be!

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Scriptures on loving a responsible life

"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat." We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed. Yet do not regard them as an enemy, but warn them as you would a fellow believer."
‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3:6-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬


"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬


"Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)

He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.

A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭3:1, 4-5, 7, 12‬ ‭NIV‬‬


"Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:7-8, 14‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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Different for Jesus!!

Different for Jesus!!

Jesus in real life! Our lives should represent Jesus. Our everyday lives should emulate Jesus and display him! Christ was different, virgin birth, child teacher at 13, first miracle turning water to wine!

1 Peter 1:13-22

The biblical word "holy" means to be set apart, sacred, and different! 1 Peter 1:15-16 What's the problem with being different?

The meaning of being different!

1 Peter 1:13

Being different has to start with the battle of control over our minds! Our minds have to be holy if our lives are going to be holy! Romans 12:2; 1 John 2:15; 1 Peter 1:17

1 Peter 2:1-2

God calls us to be different. Are you hearing the call and more importantly are you listening to the call? Will you be different for Jesus this year?!

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What’s in a Name?

What's in a Name?

Names are very special things to God! Moses did not want to go to Egypt until
he new Gods name! Exodus 3:14

Names are powerful and were meant to to help define identity. Exodus 2:10, Moses, Adam, David, Jeremiah and many many more characters in the bible had names that had meaning!

John the baptist was named John by an angel of the lord and his father was mute until he named him John!

For some it was the 2nd name given that was significant! Abram-Abraham, Jaco-Isreal, Saul- Paul, Simon-Peter...etc! God used names to define and also to redefined a persons identity!

One man was given a name and was forced to change it.

Daniel 1:1-5

Daniel means — God is my judge!
Belteshazzar — Bel protect the king

The name they gave Daniel was meant to wipe him out and make him forget who he was. Satan does the same with us. Satan wants to redefined us into what he wants us to be!

Remember who you are and more importantly remember who you belong too!

The changed Daniels name, changed his diet and culture. They tried to make him conform to the babylonians around him! Daniel refused to be change by the world!
Daniel 1:8

He remained Daniel not matter what they called him. He refused to conform and be redefined by the world!

Are you different or are you just like the world?

Is your speech different? Are your interest and desires different?

How do you define sin? Do you define it by the bible or by the worlds definition?

How do you judge a person? Based on the worlds standard?

This world wants to steal your name and give you a new one! Refuse to be changed by this world and stay committed to stand apart!

Revelation 2:17 your true name is given by God and unique!

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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Managing your life!

"In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching you received from us. For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat." We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. Take special note of anyone who does not obey our instruction in this letter. Do not associate with them, in order that they may feel ashamed. Yet do not regard them as an enemy, but warn them as you would a fellow believer."
‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3:6-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬


"Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4:16‬ ‭NIV‬‬


"Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.

He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full respect. (If anyone does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of God's church?)

He must also have a good reputation with outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the devil's trap.

A deacon must be faithful to his wife and must manage his children and his household well."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭3:1, 4-5, 7, 12‬ ‭NIV‬‬


"Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

So I counsel younger widows to marry, to have children, to manage their homes and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander."
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭5:7-8, 14‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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2 Timothy 1:6 -- the spirit of God is like a fire t

2 Timothy 1:6 -- the spirit of God is like a fire that is in us that needs to be fanned into a flame that grows! God wants us to fan the flames and not quench it! What ever quenches your fire, cut it out!!

Acts 2:17 we were meant to dream! The spirit fuels our dreams!

Genesis 37:1-11

God is going to give you a dream that is wild and ambitious and you may have dismissed it! Stay in tune with the spirit through your dreams. You may not understand your dream at first. Share your dreams with someone else!

Genesis 37:12-36

Joseph was in route to be king through his dream and ended up heading in the opposite direction and became a slave. This is usually where we give up on our dreams, when we don't see things working out the way we think they should! Joseph never gave up on his dream!

Genesis 39:1-10

Joseph's "reward" for being righteous is that he is sent to jail. This dream of Joseph is cause more trouble in his life.

Genesis 40:1-19

Share your dreams with other dreamers! Sometimes we need help interpreting our dreams.


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Wednesday, January 9, 2019

All creation waited and celebrated!

All creation waited and celebrated the coming of Christ. All creation waits and celebrates the 2nd coming of Christ!

Matthew 2:1-12; Romans 8:19-21

Jesus is what this world was created for! As Christians we should be waiting and celebrating the 2nd coming of Christ! Are you excited?! Are you more in awe of worldly things than you are of the glory of Jesus?! How quickly we forget sometimes!

2 Peter 3:10-14

Jesus is coming back! On that day, whatever you had planned for that day will be interrupted. How should you live? Knowing this on a daily basis, what would your priorities be? We should be always looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth!

Are you looking forward to Jesus!? It's a daily decision we have to make! When you focus on current problems you feel more stressed and depressed. God wants to liberate us from the struggles of this world and it starts with looking forward to Jesus and the life to come!

Revelations 21:4-5

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The Holy Spirit in acts!

The Holy Spirit in acts!

Luke wrote both books and they mirror each other in the sense that they both show the presence of God. Acts was a sequel to the book of Luke and there were very similar stories that happened to Jesus and the by the spirit happened to the apostles in acts as well!

Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-2

The Holy Spirit is all through the books of Luke and acts! The Holy Spirit emboldens us to do the ministry of our father!

Luke 19:10; Acts 17:25

Gods spirit is in you to work in the ways that God wants to for fill his will! Are you listening to the spirit to do the work of the father!

Acts 4:13; John 14:25-27

The spirit equips us to do the ministry of our father. The spirit intercedes for us! The spirit unifies us to do the ministry of the father.

John 13:34

The spirit is a seal with a guarantee for us! Ephesians 1:13-14

Ephesians 4:29-31

We can grieve the Holy Spirit when our hearts are not connected to God and his righteousness!

1 Corinthians 13:1-3

The spirit enables us to love like our father! The sprit enables us to be what the father created us to be!

Galatians 5:22-23 these are the things that show the spirit is in us!

The Holy Spirit in you!! Acts 2:17-18; 2 Timothy 2:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:19

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2 Timothy 1:6 -- the spirit of God is like a fire that is in us that needs to be fanned into a flame that grows! God wants us to fan the flames and not quench it! What ever quenches your fire, cut it out!!

Acts 2:17 we were meant to dream! The spirit fuels our dreams!

Genesis 37:1-11

God is going to give you a dream that is wild and ambitious and you may have dismissed it! Stay in tune with the spirit through your dreams. You may not understand your dream at first. Share your dreams with someone else!

Genesis 37:12-36

Joseph was in route to be king through his dream and ended up heading in the opposite direction and became a slave. This is usually where we give up on our dreams, when we don't see things working out the way we think they should! Joseph never gave up on his dream!

Genesis 39:1-10

Joseph's "reward" for being righteous is that he is sent to jail. This dream of Joseph is cause more trouble in his life.

Genesis 40:1-19

Share your dreams with other dreamers! Sometimes we need help interpreting our dreams.


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