God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The kingdom of God!

The kingdom of God!

The Kingdom is about Gods rein, his law, his power...etc! The kingdom is also about citizenship! Citizenship in Gods Kingdom!

When you're a citizen you enjoy the benefits of citizenship.

How does the bible view citizenship in Gods kingdom?

Jesus put heaven on hold to spend 40 more days on earth to teach more adequately about the Kingdom!

Matthew 28:18-20 kingdom citizenship is not exclusive and includes all nations!
1 Chronicles 16:23-24

If Gods kingdom is going to be all nations then the we have to go to all

Luke 14:15-23 anyone from any nation, any background, any economic status, any physical disability...anyone!

The kingdom is exclusive! Luke 14:24; Matthew 28:18-20 ("them" is the disciples)

Any who does not enter the Kingdom on Gods terms cannot get in! You cannot earn citizenship with power, wealth or worthiness!! Only through grace and humility! If you do not enter on those terms you do not enter the Kingdom!

Kingdom citizenship is eternal! Citizenship comes with teaching and being taught. Who os teaching you and who ate you teaching? If not you ate not living like a citizen of the Kingdom! If your not obeying, making disciples, baptizing disciples, then you are not living like a citizen!

Matthew 25:31-34 God will separate us by the way we treat others! Just being a citizen is not enough. You have to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God!

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