God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Devoted to your first love!

Devoted to your first love!

When we turn from God is not one giant step but multiple little steps. One small decision after another that goes against what we now is right!

Judges 16:20 -- scary thought that you could be unaware that Gods has left you! Samson thought he would do what he had always done! Samson allowed sin to take him far away from God!

Same with King Saul. He started out as a king that tried to serve and honor God.

Revelations 2:1-3;4

Gradual erosion of your convictions and faith!

What is first love? That love that first brought you to God. That love you felt when you realized that Jesus blood was shed for you and God chose to forgive you regardless of what you had done!

First love is vulnerable. It needs to be protected and taken care of! Paul is a great example of someone who did not forget his first love! He continually reflected on what he had done to God and constantly consider himself unworthy to even be called an apostle!

Examples of first love! Romans 9:1-3 Exodus 32:31-32

How do you lose your first love? Matthew 24:12

With out continually feeding your first love it grows cold and malnourished! You have to be purposeful in your relationship with God!

Hebrews 2:1; 3:12-14

What convictions have changed in your life?!

How do we get our first love back?! Revelation 2:5 -- when you lose something you find it when you remember where you left it. Same for us spiritually, go back to where ever you left it. Start doing the things that you once did that created that love! It has to start with repentance!

Sent from my iPhone

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