God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Who do you say that I am?

People knew of Jesus and people knew Jesus. There were wide and different views on who he was. Jesus asked his disciples Who do you say i am? Who do you say Jesus is? Does your life demonstrate that belief? What a Interesting question for jesus to ask. Who do people say you are? Who do you say you are? Do people know the real you? Peter knew Jesus intimately and they correctly answered the question.

Who are you before God? What does God see and who does he say that you are?

Who do you say Jesus is?

1. Jesus is the son of God

Who does your life say Jesus is?

2. Jesus is revealed

3. Jesus is the way

Jesus knew what people thought of him, so why ask the question? He wanted to hear what his disciples would say

Why cesari philipi? Pagan city on the edge os israel and the gentile world. City of multiple faiths and beliefs. Mlt gods. Bail the sun god and storm god

Trans figuration

Peter didnt learn about jesus from books and teachers — you know jesus by spending time with him

Share about how god works in mspired
Me with this lesson. Share about debbie and her moment

Public consensus is not a way to find truth in you life. Who do people say that i am? Public opinion was wrong. Public opposition is useless

I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the father accept through me

Why is this question so how important? Share things jesus said about himself

Who is Jesus? Is he the savior or your personal savior?

People believe in Julius Caesar, alexander the great — they all left monuments physical evidence — jesus was homeless and left only the evidence of his written word and changes lives!!

Talk about — if you really believe that jesus is the son of God, that he is lord of your life and your savior, then why is it a struggle for you to control your temper, tongue, purity, open your mouth, give back, serve...ect

Why people wont acknowledge jesus for who he says he is. If jesus is who he says he is then he may ask something of you. You mayhave to give

Need three points!!!

Who do people say that i am?
Truth is never found in public opinion

Who do you say that i am?
Truth is found in a personal relationship with Jesus

Truth is not found in man but in God

Jesus never said he was a prophet. What dod jesus say about himself? Why would people concede to him being a prophet. If jesus is the sone of God then i have to listen , i have to examine my life, i have to acknowledge his power and authority

How could they miss who jesus was? Why don't we see jesus for who he is? Why do we not see him as the christ and just a prophet.

Do you see god for in your life?

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