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Sunday, February 17, 2019

How to make a good marriage better!

How to make a good marriage better!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Your spouse is not your enemy. We all have a common enemy that is out to destroy our unity. You and your spouse are on the same team. Working together as a perfect team. Just as God designed it! Satan's goal is to divide the one team that God created and make two opposing teams at odds with each other!

Being like Christ in following his example of humility is the key to a successful marriage! Do you want to be as humble as Jesus in your marriage? Every relationship gets off course and has bumps and arguments. You have to determine what your priorities are? Do you want to when an argument or do you really want to be like Christ?

How does the humility of Christ help a marriage? Humility tries to bring out the best in each other! Philippians 2:3-4; Romans 12:1 Humility can abound in our relationships when we take the focus off of our selves and focus on the other.

Humility seeks out and values our spouses perspective! Proverbs 18:2 humility puts effort and time in listening rather than taking.

Humility embraces the golden rule of marriage! Matthew 7:12 humility causes you to treat your spouse the way you want to be treated! The golden rule of marriage is to change anything about your self that your spouse wants you to change! Humility allows you to change what you need to change. Ask your spouse, "what is the one thing that you would like me to change at this point in my life?"

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