God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Presence in the Lord

The Presence in the Lord

Mike Talifaro

The Holy Spirit is with us!

The presence of God...

Gen 4:14

Ex 33:14-15

We need to love in God's presence

2 Chronicles 7: 1, 3

John 1:14

The presence of God dwells within us!

Acts 2

When God moves into our hearts, it's spectacular!!!

God's people have always lived in God's presence

We can't get away from God's presence

Psalm 139-7

God is with us til the end of the age!!

Luke 11:13

The presence of God

Psalms -

Praise - makes us aware of God's presence of our lives!

Peace- he shelters me; his presence brings us peace and provides for us! Jesus is the bread of life; he is enough and gives us what we need! It's about trusting God ❤️

Preaching- His presence helps us process problems with proper perspective!

Power -

Sent from my iPhone

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