God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Kingdom!

The Kingdom!

Acts 1:3

Jesus had already lived, finished his ministry, died and resurrected and yet he cam back to earth and spent 40 more days! He put heaven on hold. What was so important that he postponed being reunited with God in heaven? The Kingdom! He was helping the disciples make it to heaven by teaching about the kingdom!

Jesus came for many reason and one of them was to teach the Kingdom of God! Luke 4:43

The kingdom is what Jesus was leaving behind for is so he wanted to ensure that we understood it!

The Kingdom in the Old Testament!

God established a nation of his people and a kingdom that he ruled. Israel sought to have an earthly king 1 Samuel

1 Chronicles 17:11-14 Israel received many kings both Good and bad.

Jeremiah 23:5-6 Jesus is prophesied as a righteous King that would come and save Israel from the oppression of an earthly king. They were waiting for another earthly king.

The Kingdom in Jesus day!

Luke 1:30-33 Israel waited 500 years for this proclamation!

John 18:36 Jesus is the king of the spiritual world and the physical world as well! Physical is temporary, spiritual is eternal!

The kingdom in our day!

What does kingship in our world? Wealth, status and no reign! No authority! As Americans we are blessed in a nation where we are rarely ruled over! The idea of a king is foreign to us. The only master we serve many times is ourselves! Many people run to Jesus as the moral and righteous king only after their own rule has destroyed their lives!

Colossians 1:13-14

Are you willing to submit to Gods reign? Are you allowing him to reign in every aspect of your life? Your finances, your marriage, your career, and your sexual purity? Does God reign in your life?!

Up coming subjects: the law of the kingdom? The rights in the kingdom? The service of the kingdom? A kingdom that will last! The victorious Kingdom!

Sent from my iPhone

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