God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 17, 2019

All eternity is determined by how you answer

All eternity is determined by how you answer this question!

The question is not who do you want jesus to be? Or who do you think jesus is. The question is who is jesus (truth) and who is he in your life!

When you correctly identify who jesus is he in return shows you who you really are (i.e. peter) simon means a reed and peter means rock

John the baptist raised from the dead — thats pretty amazing!

Takes courage and relationships and God to reveal who jesus is

Why is that important for him to be lord and not a teacher

Examples: nicodemus thought we know you are a good teacher...etc

If jesus is not the son it is impossible to be born again.

Is Jesus lord of your life or just an influence?

Last supper — all disciples called jesus lord and judas called him Rabi

A teacher has no ability to save

New years resolutions — how are they going? What has changed? Jesus is lord is the only thing that will sustain you.

Judas did not want jesus to die but he didnt make jesus lord of his life. Money, greed was his God. What have you put before God? Judas was tormented over it.

Its intentional — you have to make jesus Lord

Who do people say you are? Are you a fan or a player? Example Alabama — i'm a fan. The players sweat it our training each week preparing for the game. I just show up on saturday to just watch. And i have an opinion on everything that happens and critical

Conclusion — if jesus is not lord of your life do you really know him? If you dont what are you going to do about it?

Not revealed by flesh and blood. You will never know Jesus through head knowledge. He has to be revealed in your life!

People gave jesus honor but neglected who he truly is and underestimated him.

Because of the revelation of who Jesus is, it defines who peter is. Peter gets a new name! In understanding who Jesus is you are able to understand who you are truly meant to be!

Peter means rock. Peter becomes a ROCK, unmovable and unshakable because of knowing Jesus.

Share about who i am (sinful nature) and who God has made me to be!

Sent from my iPad

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