God's Free Word Book Store

Saturday, July 27, 2019



This is an important question that God wants us to ask! The answer to that question is what motivates us!

Why do we gather? Why do we serve? Why do we spread the gospel?

Genesis 11:3-9; Acts 2:1-12 Gods plan was that we build a church that speaks all languages to glorify him! The builders of the tower of Babel were self focused in their mission!

Acts 2:42-47

We are not called to build an organization! We are called to build the body of God! Our interest should be God's interests.

We are to be a community of faith that reflect him in n all that we do!

Matthew 5:43-48

Nimrodic thinking is a progression to tribalism and that is not Gods plan. God wants diversity in his kingdom! We need to love all people and even those we don't naturally agree with or give a long with!

2 Chronicles 7:13-14 our world needs a savior! Our needs to humble themselves before God through prayer!

Sent from my iPhone

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