God's Free Word Book Store

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What is Church

What is church? 56% of Americans believe in the God of the bible and only 22% actually go to church! Why?

Church is not just Sunday but everyday! Church is give and take but unfortunately most of the people that go to church go to take what ever church has to offer and not give back!

The American church is defined by..prosperity gospel, the american culture, independence, Christianity is political and racial! Is this the church of the bible? False doctrines about church in america are all over the place. The american Christian has and individual relationship with God and rejects any communal relationship.

Acts 2:36-41

This first century church is the example of what God intended for church to be. The first century church was unadulterated by the world, culture or race. The church was a community where there was no concern for the individual but concern for the community.

The church was started with a mixture of cultures and races. People of all nations had gathered in Jerusalem. There was no care for property or individual wealth!

Look what they were devoted to: teaching, preaching, breaking bread and prayer! There is no room for self! The beauty of Gods plan for church is that as we serve and give selflessly we in return are given to and have our needs met! Everyone was giving to anyone!

Spiritual needs were more important than physical needs!

How do you have community and the church that God designed? Focus on Jesus and his example. Jesus was very rarely with someone one on one! Jesus always met with groups of two or more! Why would God say he is with us when two or more gather if it was just about us and one on one with God?

Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus consider the church his family and it mattered more to him than physical family!

Luke 19:10

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