God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, February 17, 2019



Recap from the message Sunday

Ephesians 3:20

Christ's sacrifice once for all!

Hebrews 10:19-25

Three "let us" in this passage! What are they? Let us draw near to God! Let us hold unswervingly! Let us consider! I believe all three of these are connected and build off each other! We're not going to spur one another on towards love and good deeds unless we solid in our convictions and draw close to God! So how do we draw near to God, hold unswervingly, and spur one another on?

Vs. 19 "since we have confidence to enter", why is confidence important? Confident in what? Confident in approaching God, confidence that Gods spirit is in me, confident that my sins have been forgiven! Confident that Jesus is the answer! Do you feel confident?

What steals your confidence?

"Let us draw near to God" Vs 22 "cleanses us from a guilty consciences". That's why confession is so important. You can draw near to God with a guilty conscience!

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess" vs. 23 notice it says profess! Why is that? That is why we need to share our faith! And not just with nonbelievers but with other brothers! Our conversations should be deep! When you stop professing your faith and what you believe that is when you start listening to all the noise around you and Satan will use that errors your convictions!

"Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds" this is the goal right?! Who are you spurring on? Who are you allowing to spur you on? We don't like the word spur do we? Why couldn't it have said "just gently suggest and then let me make my own decision". We need to be spurring each other on and we need to be willing to be spurred. This is a healthy aspect of a godly relationship! We need to be in each other's lives! Share about Chris.

But it also says encourage! How do we encourage one another? Share about Rhett. For one we don't stop meeting together!

And lastly it says, "as we see the day approaching"! Jesus is coming back! We have to keep an eternal perspective!

Sent from my iPad

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