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Saturday, June 22, 2019

The worlds definition of success is wrong

The worlds definition of success is different than the God's definition of success! Take marriage for example. The family unit to God is a great example of whether or not someone is managing life well or not. How a man handles the affairs of his own house says a lot about what type of man he is. You don't have to be married to manage your house well. What are you doing with the things God has entrusted to you!

Jesus is the only answer to any problem life may throw at you. Following Jesus creates a man that manages life well and becomes successful in all that he does!

Genesis 29:15-35

Jacob was the chosen seed to be blessed by God and carry on the messianic seed to the messiah! Jacob was a deceiver and a conman who had an ability to also lead. Laban saw Jacobs ability and that God was blessing Jacob in everything that he did. Laban's plot and Leah's plight in life. Laban wanted to get rich off of Jacob and marry off his older daughter that may not have gotten married and could have been a burden to him. Leah finds herself stuck in a marriage with a man that doesn't love her! She comes to the conclusion after the third son that she will praise the lord rather than seek an unfulfilling desire for Jacob!

BAD NEWS -- Sin does you! Sin creates sin. Lies beget lies...it never stops until you break the cycle and repent! Always Leah in the morning! Jacob was disappointed! When we put so much into the desires of this world we will always be disappointed! This world was not meant to satisfy us! Only God can fill and satisfy us! I am made for something beyond this world! Idolizing get only makes it worst!

GOOD NEWS -- God works with weak people! The bible is full of weak people who God used despite their flaws and short comings. The God does not condone Jacobs behavior or treatment of Leah! God did not condone Laban's actions either! The old testament is full of grace! God works through weak people! Jacob mistreated Leah and God rescued her and brought her to a place where she was able to look beyond her plight and focused on the glory of God! God also works in weak people! Leah just wanted to be loved by Jacob. She was weak emotionally and full of distress and depression! Leah despite her struggles and despite her plight in life she was chosen by God to carry on the Messianic seed and not Rachel! Was it worth it for Leah?! She was the mother of of Christ the messiah! She was apart of Gods salvation plan for the world! She was the fulfillment of Gods promise!

It's always Leah in the morning and it will only be Rachel when we get to heaven!

Sent from my iPad

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