God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

What’s in a Name?

What's in a Name?

Names are very special things to God! Moses did not want to go to Egypt until
he new Gods name! Exodus 3:14

Names are powerful and were meant to to help define identity. Exodus 2:10, Moses, Adam, David, Jeremiah and many many more characters in the bible had names that had meaning!

John the baptist was named John by an angel of the lord and his father was mute until he named him John!

For some it was the 2nd name given that was significant! Abram-Abraham, Jaco-Isreal, Saul- Paul, Simon-Peter...etc! God used names to define and also to redefined a persons identity!

One man was given a name and was forced to change it.

Daniel 1:1-5

Daniel means — God is my judge!
Belteshazzar — Bel protect the king

The name they gave Daniel was meant to wipe him out and make him forget who he was. Satan does the same with us. Satan wants to redefined us into what he wants us to be!

Remember who you are and more importantly remember who you belong too!

The changed Daniels name, changed his diet and culture. They tried to make him conform to the babylonians around him! Daniel refused to be change by the world!
Daniel 1:8

He remained Daniel not matter what they called him. He refused to conform and be redefined by the world!

Are you different or are you just like the world?

Is your speech different? Are your interest and desires different?

How do you define sin? Do you define it by the bible or by the worlds definition?

How do you judge a person? Based on the worlds standard?

This world wants to steal your name and give you a new one! Refuse to be changed by this world and stay committed to stand apart!

Revelation 2:17 your true name is given by God and unique!

Sent from my iPhone

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