God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Stranger Things -- Balaam's Donkey

Stranger Things -- Balaam's Donkey

Numbers 22:4-35

One of the strangest stories in the bible. Lessons we learn in this story.

The mysterious prophet.

Balaam was not a part of Gods people. He was not from Egypt and was not with the Israel in the desert. He was a foreigner who was a prophet of the Lord! He was an outsider that had a deep relationship with God! Whoever Balaam blessed was blessed and he was know for his divination and counsel from the Lord.

Psalms 139:7-10

What arouses Gods anger?

Proverbs 6:16-19 what God hates most and angers Him is sometimes different from what we think would be the worst sins we could commit. Haughty eyes, lying, an evil heart, false witness...ect. Most of these are heart sins that start with the heart!

Balaam said all the right things but in his heart he wanted the reward and wanted to answer the Kings calling. God judges the heart. We think there is a difference in sins of the heart verses the actions we commit. If you want something sinful long enough you will give into it.

The talking Donkey?

Donkeys are not the most majestic animals. God chooses a donkey to speak to Balaam. This man of God who blesses and curses people had to listen to a donkey. We should careless who the messenger is and focus more on the message! God can use any,ore to speak to us. Are we listening? Balaam is so concerned with being right that he argues with the donkey! When we are prideful we will argue with someone who is clearly speaking from God!

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Stranger Things

Stranger Things

Matthew 17:24-27

Another strange and wonderful story. Two things you cannot cheat...Death and taxes! Jesus conquered both!

What did they want? The temple tribute tax. This was the only tax in Jesus day that was voluntary. The Romans taxed Israel and Israel also taxed its people. The tax burden was so great that the Jewish people were oppressed financially.

The drachma coin that was given to the temple tax was the same coin that judas received to betray Jesus.

What were Jesus options? Rabbi's and teachers were exempt to pay. As the son of a king (God), Jesus was also exempt. For Jesus to be asked pay this tax was insulting! Jesus could have chosen not to pay it but he chose to pay it and not stir up trouble. Probably because it was not yet time. Jesus was waiting for Gods timing to question and challenge the religious rulers and claim his sovereignty!

The world tried to force Jesus into two choices. Pay or not pay! Jesus never let others dictate to him what his choices were! Jesus created a third choice. A miracle! Option three for Jesus was the fish and the coin.

This was not a miracle of creation by creating a coin. This was a miracle of mastery. God created the earth, minerals, man minted the mineral silver into a coin, man dropped the coin in a lake, Gods created fish catches the coin and delivers it to Peter! This miracle displayed Jesus true authority above all and over all! Colossians 1:16

Why did Jesus pay? We cannot avoid doing what is right because it upsets people but we cannot intentionally alienate people because we don't want to do something. Jesus paid so that he was not a stumbling block. There was no consequence in paying the tax but there was a consequence in not paying the tax at that time. 1 Peter 2:13-15

Who did the temple belong too? Jesus had every right to be angry about the religious leaders even requesting that he pay the tax. Jesus chose to submit to their authority.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Hero Makers

Hero Makers

Making disciples! We are to be used by God to encourage people around them and call them to become hero's for God.

Jesus came, lived and died so that we could become what God always intended for us to be!

Mark 12:29-31

Discipleship is complete surrender to God. Complete love for God. Complete obedience to God! With all your heart, mind, soul, and strength! Nothing is left out!

1 Timothy 4:12-16

How was Timothy feeling that made Paul write these versus? Maybe he felt that he was too young to lead. Maybe he feeling inadequate or unequipped. Maybe he was feeling discouraged. Timothy had a desire to be righteous and to be pure and Paul
Admonishes him to do those things.

2 Timothy 2:15-16

Timothy was facing challenges and paul continues to encourage him in these areas in his life. Paul tells him not to be ashamed. Not to get sucked into godless chatter like rumors and myths.

As we try to help others and teach each other to be better followers of God, to become Godly hero's, we need to encourage and admonish they way Paul spoke to Timothy.

2 Timothy 2:22-24

Hero making and discipleship is about helping the heart change! Like mark 12:29-31 to change the heart we have to change all four — heat, mind, soul and strength.

Heart - how we feel
Mind - what we think
Soul - what we desire
Strength - how we act

Questions that address the heart and get to the root of what the problem is and how to overcome it.

What do you think?
What are you feeling?
What do you want?
What do you need to do?

Our motivation to change comes from the cross — 2 Timothy 2:11-13

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Everything Changed!

Everything Changed!

The bible loves the idea of change. God is unchanging but loves when we change!

Isaiah 61:1-7

Isaiah inspired by God and full of the holy spirit prophesied hundred of years before Jesus that He would come and change the world forever!

Jesus changed everything!

John 9:1-12

"The man called Jesus"; When we first encounter Jesus this how we know Him. The man called Jesus. We know him from a distance.

The blind man does not even ask to be healed. The people around him were discussing his blindness and judging his life. Jesus just breaks into this mans life and tells him everything is about to change!

What part did this man play in his healing? He had no faith. He never asked for help. He had no knowledge of Jesus. The only part he played was being obedient! Jesus stuck mud in his eyes and told him to go wash it off and he did!

Do we acknowledge our blindness and need for help?

John 9:13-34

Jesus is a prophet! The Pharisees tried to argue and disprove Jesus and His authority. You can argue doctrine and theology but you cannot argue change in someones life! The fact that the man was blind and now he can see is not subjective and open to an argument.

The blind mans parents are more concerned about what the religious world thinks and what they might do to them. The blind man is the complete opposite. He is fearless and resolute on what happened in his life!

John 9:35-41

Lord I believe! The blind man goes from addressing Jesus as "a man", "the prophet", to "Lord and savior"!

Lordship is total surrender! Lordship means everything has changed! You no longer make decisions based on self. You no longer serve your needs. Your life has meaning that does not evolve around you!

The blind man's life is changed forever! He leaves healed because of his obedience, humility and surrender! For the Pharisees they leave un changed. Steeped in sin and unwilling to accept Jesus as their savior!

How do you view Jesus in your life? Like the blindman or like one of the Pharisees?

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The Art of Intimacy

The Art of Intimacy

Validation -- Proverbs 4:7 though it cost all you have, get understanding. Proverbs 20: 5 the purposes of a wo/ mans heart are deep waters and man of understanding draws them out

• Validation is NOT...
"you're right" about "someone's self esteem" "being fearful of speaking the truth"
• Validation IS...

saying "you are important"

"You are more important than proving I'm right"
Learning how NOT to be a defensive listener
Saying I GET YOU
you're not alone "I respect you"

Why is validation important: we all want to be heard.
• Roadblocks

"They will take advantage of this
"This is SO not how I talk (flowery, touchy geeky)
"This takes too much time"
Fear - it is not

Definition of empathy: understanding the meaning someone makes, putting oneself in your partner's shoes, feeling what they feel (Philippians 2:3-4).

Perspective taking
A visceral response to another
• The Importance of Timeouts

Diaphragmatic breathing - with arguments, we need to breath to calm down. Our fight or flight response causes adrenaline to rush into our body and our brain. Our heart rate speeds up, and we start to perspire.

Our body warns us that we should not be in that situation - it may be a good time for a timeout. *** put a time on the timeout (it takes 20 minutes for the adrenaline to leave the body).

"I can feel myself getting worked up, can we take a timeout."
Give the space the other person need.
If we ask for a timeout, we need to use our timeout!
If you take the timeout, you need to be the one that initiates when you come back for resolution.
Follow up with another couple, let them help. We all need support.
Do these things safely!

How to validate -- reflect, ask questions, confirm, and empathize! Proverbs 2:2

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The Art of Sexual Intimacy

The Art of Sexual Intimacy

How does God view sex and how does he want us to talk about it? Sexuality is designed by God to help us know him more fully!
Ezekiel 16:4-37; Ezekiel 23:3b; 23:7-8; 20-21 God describes his relationship with Israel in sexual terms we can identify with.

God knows that we can relate to sexual intimacy and uses it to describe how he wants us to love him. The passion level of our love for God should just as passionate if not more.

Knowing God protects our hearts! Knowing God guards and guides our sexuality! Knowing God brings a powerful passion of the body and control over the flesh. We have to stay in Gods word daily to help keep Satan from corrupting our sexuality. Romans 1:22-24;28; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5; 2 Peter 1:3-4; Ephesians 4:22


1 Corinthians 7:3-5 this scriptures talks about delegated power. The word "Duty" creates an incorrect definition. The overall meaning of the passage is not about making demands sexually but looking to serve one another sexually and meet needs. 1 Corinthians 7:33-34; Genesis 24:67. We are made stewards of our spouses bodies and are called to return them to God in a better condition than we received them.

For people who have been hurt sexually... Psalms 10; 147; Jeremiah 33; Amos 9 -- Sexual sin in marriage -- masturbation, pornography, Relational impact, personal impact, spiritual impact.

It takes work to build emotional intimacy that can lead to great sexual intimacy. The same with intimacy with God. Psalms 139; Deuteronomy 33:1-2; Isaiah 41:13; 49:16; 40:11 God knows us intimately and sets and example for us to reach that level of intimacy we need to have as couples!

Intimacy in marriage -- verbal, relational, physical, sensual, sexual.

Levels of intimacy -- clinches, facts, opinions, hopes and dreams, feelings, fears, failures, weaknesses, needs.

Risks of intimacy -- exposure, fear of their response, fear of loss,


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Stranger Things

Stranger Things

If something is strange it does not automatically make it interesting. When something is strange and is also filled with wonder it catches our attention and makes us ponder things! The bible is full of stranger things in the bible that are filled with wonder!

One of the stranger stories in the bible is the story of Jacob wrestling with God.

Genesis 32:22-32

Never give up! This is what the story is all about. The story does not say that Jacob did a good job of wrestling but simple says he never gave up and never quit! Sometimes not giving up is all you can do and it is enough in Gods eyes!

Heaven is all about not loosing and giving up until the end. It does not matter how you get their or how successful in your spiritual life you are. Its about finishing the race and not giving up!

All Gods expects from is is to not give up! We are not promised easy, we are promised honor through perseverance. You win the race by finishing the race.

God rewards those who never give up. The world does not always reward perseverance. Giving up is acceptable and justified. But God always rewards those who never give up! God rewarded Jacob as well. Jacob was named the deceiver for most of his life was given a new name and identity! 

Luke 18:1-8

Perseverance is connected to faith! 

Because Jacob never gave up his name was changed and he became the father of a nation of Gods people.

Have you giving up on God? Have you stopped wrestling? Do you need to get back up again? Persevere and God will bless you!

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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Hero Makers

Hero Makers

Making disciples! We are to be used by God to encourage people around them and call them to become hero's for God.

Jesus came, lived and died so that we could become what God always intended for us to be!

Mark 12:29-31

Discipleship is complete surrender to God. Complete love for God. Complete obedience to God! With all your heart, mind, soul, and strength! Nothing is left out!

1 Timothy 4:12-16

How was Timothy feeling that made Paul write these versus? Maybe he felt that he was too young to lead. Maybe he feeling inadequate or unequipped. Maybe he was feeling discouraged. Timothy had a desire to be righteous and to be pure and Paul
Admonishes him to do those things.

2 Timothy 2:15-16

Timothy was facing challenges and paul continues to encourage him in these areas in his life. Paul tells him not to be ashamed. Not to get sucked into godless chatter like rumors and myths.

As we try to help others and teach each other to be better followers of God, to become Godly hero's, we need to encourage and admonish they way Paul spoke to Timothy.

2 Timothy 2:22-24

Hero making and discipleship is about helping the heart change! Like mark 12:29-31 to change the heart we have to change all four — heat, mind, soul and strength.

Heart - how we feel
Mind - what we think
Soul - what we desire
Strength - how we act

Questions that address the heart and get to the root of what the problem is and how to overcome it.

What do you think?
What are you feeling?
What do you want?
What do you need to do?

Our motivation to change comes from the cross — 2 Timothy 2:11-13

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Tuesday, January 30, 2018



Hosea 1:1-9

Most books in the bible the lord spoke through a prophet to deliver his message. With Hosea God used him to deliver his message through the way Hosea lived of his life! God told Hosea to marry a prostitute, name your children "not loved" and "not my people".

All throughout the bible God had an amazing heart for marriage and weddings. He described heaven as a wedding feast. God took the sacred union that he created and used it to make a profound statement through Hosea's life!

God describes Israel by the way Gommer lived! Hosea 2:4-8

Gommer was unfaithful and Israel was unfaithful! Hosea 2:13

Just like Hosea knew what Gommer was going to do to him when he married her; God knew what Israel was going to do as well and he still chose Israel!

Gommer was unfaithful, Israel was unfaithful and we are unfaithful!

Romans 1:21-27; Romans 3:23

Gommer was a broken bride and we are a broken bride as well.

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Monday, January 22, 2018

The Hope Of The Gospel

The Hope Of The Gospel

Colossians 1:3-7

Paul's says your faith and love spring from your hope! The hope of heaven is motivating. God intends for the gospel to provide us unfailing hope!

Acts 8:26-40

The Eunuch was a noble, a man of stature. He was seeking earnestly to know and come closer to God!

The Eunuch was not able to go into the temple that he had traveled to in Jerusalem

Deuteroronmy 23:1; Isaiah 56:1-8

Acts 8:32-40 why did the Eunuch struggle over this passage? "Who can speak of his descendants". The Eunuch could relate to who Isaiah was speaking about.

1 Peter 1:18-21 Jesus being the sacrifice was always Gods plan.

Forgiveness is a denial of justice! The cross is not about justice or fairness. The cross was unfair!

We have to connect to the cross! We connect and then disconnect. We have to stay connected!

Acts 8:36-40

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Joy To The World!

Joy To The World!

How many of us feel joyful everyday? It very easy to feel joyful on certain days and very difficult on other days. We associate joy with our circumstances and the feeling of happiness! Joy is n the bible is so much more. It is quite different from the worlds definition!

Where does true christmas joy come from? The Joy found in christianity!

Luke 2:8-11

"Good news" and "Great joy"! If your looking for true joy you just found it. A savior has been born. Our destiny has been changed! Grace has been given!

The Jews knew where this savior was going to come from. Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-6
Its not about what you know as much as what you do with what you know! The Pharisees never went to Bethlehem to check out the prophecy of Jesus birth. Common Shepherds knew and acted on it!

Luke describes Jesus as Savior, Christ, and Lord! We all desperately need a savior. True joy comes through surrendering to that fact! When you surrender and make Jesus lord your circumstances matter less. Joy is no longer only associated with happiness.

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Who will you be in 2018?

Who will you be in 2018?

We serve a God that loves Holidays! He created multiple days in the jewish calendar to help his people remember him. He is a God of new beginnings! Fresh starts and second chances!

David is a great example of who we change from one year to the next.
1 Samuel 17:48-49; 2 Samuel 11:1. As a young man David was ready and eager to fight, as an older man he stayed home and let others fight the battle. Why?

Who ever you are today is not who you have to be tomorrow. God has given all of us a second chance. If like David you have lost your way and have not been as eager to serve God you can change and God allows you to start over!

Later in Davids life he became comfortable. His priorities changed. It was easier to leave a bed among sheep and go to war than it was to leave a bed in the palace and go to war! David probably felt that someone else could do it. David gave into the sin in his heart and the lust of his eyes and chose not to be the man that God called him to be!

What changed for David? In the chapter before David was still fighting and leading Gods people. So how did it happen? His heart slowly drifted away. Actions may stay the same for awhile and yet the heart may not be drifting away. Eventually your actions will follow your heart! You have to guard your heart! Proverbs 4:23

David drifted in his heart because he forgot who God ways. He became comfortable just living a good life. He lost his zeal and passion for serving God.

As a shepherd it is easy to live humbly. As a king, worshiped by everyone, its hard to remain humble. When David was a shepherd he lived in humility. When David became King he lived in honor and pleasure! David forgot where he came from and who blessed him with all of the success that he was blessed with!

We become spiritually inactive when our hearts stray from God. Davids sin began with inactivity and then became much, much worse!

Choosing to sit out of the battle is a false choice. You are in a battle whether you want to be or not! Ephesians 5:10-12

Who will you choose to be this year? Like David we all have the chance to repent! David chose to repent!

Decide today who you will be tomorrow! Make the changes that you need to make. Repent in the areas that you need to repent! Accept the gift of grace that God has given you. Accept the power of the cross and allow it to change your life!

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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Through out the Old Testament God had a plan and re

Through out the Old Testament God had a plan and revealed that plan through scripture. Generation after generation passed leading up to the coming of Jesus and for good reason. God wanted time to pass, to build history, to demonstrate his unfailing love and everlasting power!

Jesus birth into this world was filled with majesty! Jesus was every single thing that the Old Testament said he would be and so much more than ever could have been conceived. What an honor to live today and be able to look back and understand the complete story of God gracious promise!

We get the benefit of seeing the scriptures as a whole. We know when he came, why he came, and how he came. God has revealed to us things angels longed to have know and yet were kept from fully understanding. Salvation has come to earth and we have Gods full grace and mercy poured out onto us without measure!

Listen to the words of Isaiah the prophet as he describes ourLord Jesus!

Isaiah 53:1-12

We have been set free! We have been given a second chance without merit. We have been forgiven without deserving grace. What sins have you committed. What horrible acts do you regret? Who have you hurt with your selfish nature. What relationship have you ruined because of your pride? Jesus came to set us free from sin and guilt! Repentance starts with accepting God's gift of grace and falling on your knees in complete obedience to Gods plan for your life! Jesus came to mend the broken hearted, to repair the damage of sin, and to reconcile us to God!

Praise God for Jesus and his mercy. Praise God for his unfailing love unfailing his power to save. Through God we have the power to change. To live Godly lives and to honor God through all that we do!

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Monday, December 4, 2017

Isaiah 41

""Who has stirred up one from the east, calling him in righteousness to his service? He hands nations over to him and subdues kings before him. He turns them to dust with his sword, to windblown chaff with his bow.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. "All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob, little Israel, do not fear, for I myself will help you," declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.

so that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the hand of the Lord has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it.

"Tell us, you idols, what is going to happen. Tell us what the former things were, so that we may consider them and know their final outcome. Or declare to us the things to come, tell us what the future holds, so we may know that you are gods. Do something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear. But you are less than nothing and your works are utterly worthless; whoever chooses you is detestable."
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:2, 10-11, 13-14, 18, 20, 22-24‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Christmas and knowing God

Christmas and knowing God

What people believe when they think of Christmas? The holiday is celebrated by other religious people other than Christians. But christmas like christianity has become "all about me" and what I can benefit from it and less about God and the reason for why we worship.

We need to put more effort into knowing God and to know what God wants from us and less about what God can do for us! People pick a church based on how they feel and less about what God says.

Who is God? What matters to God? Where did God come from? You don't truly know someone unless you can answer those questions.

John 1:1-14

If you do not recognize God you will not receive him. You cant have a relationship with him without knowing him.

Scriptures that create questions about God that take thought to answer and require pondering! Who is God, how does he work. Genesis 3:22; Exodus 8:9-10; Romans 8:28;

Just like in a love relationship you want to know that person, you want to discover knew mysteries about them and you study their personalities and characters.

John 1:15-18

Jesus knew God better than anyone! What did he do with all that knowledge about God? "He made him know!" When you know God that is what you do. You want to share God!

We represent God the same way Jesus did. Jesus lived a life that shined in the darkness. We are called to represent God and shine as well!

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Saturday, December 2, 2017

Ephesians 2:1-10

"And you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience— among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:1-10

— What dead in road were you on when God saved you? Following the path of the world leads straight to destruction! Dead men walking blinded by our own sins!

— when you follow your selfish desires and make decisions on passions of the flesh you r taking a path away from God!

— We were born opposed to God and in our sinful natures were subject to his wrath. Our sin justifies the judgement against us and we have no hope but to find salvation in Jesus!

— Praise God for his great mercy and the grace that he freely gives! His love is so great that he would not stand to watch us be condemned with out hope! Praise Jesus for his sacrifice and his willingness to accept our punishment and blame!

— What an amazing God we serve! Not only have we been saved and forgiven without merit, God has seated us in a place of honor!

— What did we do to deserve such treatment? Nothing! Gods only request is that we have faith and believe! We are not expected to be perfect or earn our salvation in some way. We do not have a debt that has to be repaid at a certain time. God just simply asks that we make an effort to be obedient and when we fall He is does not count it against us!

— We were created in Gods image and for this very purpose! All we can do in response to this is love and worship God with all our hearts!

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gratitude is a necessity in our relationship God. U

Gratitude is a necessity in our relationship God. Unfortunately Being grateful is unnatural. Gratitude creates a happy life style and a health outlook. Ungratefulness is really a by product of dissatisfaction and lacking contentment. So how do we put on gratitude in our lives? You have to start simple! Breath, life, nature, all the beautiful things that God has created for you!

Psalms 19

David had the right perspective of who he was and who God is and how he fit in Gods creation. David was grateful and praise God. David was grateful for Gods word which allowed him to be grateful for the other things in his life! Look at the ways that David described Gods word! If your grateful for the word you read it, study it, and live it! David was also grateful for forgiveness. When you realize your forgiven it is easy to forgive others and gratefulness comes easy. When you know your forgiven your life changes. Nothing can rob you of joy!

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The man with gratitude!

The man with gratitude!

Luke 17:11-19

Nine men obeyed Jesus and went away. They were not bad men. They were obedient and went an showed them selves to the priest. The samaritan was exceptional and the only one who came back and said thank you! To Jesus, gratitude was note worthy and worth talking about. The story's main theme is not about Jesus healing power but about the one man that came back and was grateful!

Romans 1:24-31

The man that has gone head long into the world and given themselves over to every sin the world has to offer. How does someone become like that? How do they get there? Romans 1:21-23

It begins with an unwillingness to be thankful for God! Lack of gratitude for God leads to a road of destruction that you may not be able to return from!

Gratitude is not just an act of courtesy but a necessary action that we must have in our hearts to have a relationship with God.

Why is it so hard to be grateful?

We allow ourselves to be the center of our universe. We think we deserve instead of thinking we do not deserve. When we come to expect something we no longer give thanks for it. How grateful can you be when you think you deserve everything?

How can we be more grateful? You open your eyes and see what God has done in your life. You focus on the blessings you have and not on the stuff you do not have!

Make a list of all the things that God has given you and see how it changes your perspective! Make a list of all the things you are thankful for on something and you will be grateful! Look at that list often and you'll stop focusing on all the things you do not have. We have so much to be grateful for!

Luke 17:19 why would Jesus say this to the one guy that came back? Did the other nine not get healed? Jesus says you don't just get a physical healing you get a spiritual one as well! The samaritans gratitude healed and made him well spiritually!

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Sunday, November 5, 2017

Making every effort!

Making every effort!

What is it to make every effort? What goes into "making every effort"?

Ephesians 4:1-3

Why did Paul say keep the unity? Is unity natural? It takes a constant effort to be unified! In order to have unity we must be prisoners of the Lord. Think about that? In prison you don't call the shots. You eat when they says it's time to eat, you sleep when they say you can sleep...etc.

What is your biggest struggle? Patience, humility, gentleness? What efforts are you making to overcome that struggle? What is God calling you to make more effort in?

Jesus is the reason we are unified! Jesus is the complete example of patience, humility, and gentleness. Unity provides a strength that you can provide on your own.

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Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Church Building

The Church Building

Throughout the bible God has had special places of worship and special places of significance that gave a physical presence for God! For example, Genesis 26:16-18, Exodus 3:4-5. God is everywhere and yet some places are considered holy ground. There a places where you can go and feel the presences of God more freely, or a place where thousands of people chose to repent before you! Leviticus 16:3, 2 Chronicles 3:8.

Luke 17:20-21 Jesus recognized that God was not a physical being that is trapped in one location or another but that is all omnipotent! Even though God built holy places several times. Unlike God we do live in a physical word and God knows the importance of the visual and physical world and what how it matters to us.

Psalms 16:1-8 "a miktam" which basically means a treasure or a jewel. Several psalms are denoted as a miktam and this is one of the. Why? It's a beautiful song and poem that expresses David's heart! God is David's refuge! Two things that stand out. "Part from you I have nothing" and "in who is all my delight". David wrote these verses in very tough times when he was persecuted and facing death everyday!

Apart from God nothing is good! How is this be true for you? Many things are good but without God we view them as not as good! We value God above everything and having God makes any circumstances good. Apart from God we should not want any good thing!

What do you most delight in about God? Do you delight in the things that God delights in? Do you delight in Gods people? Do you look at the church, the bride of Christ, and delight in it or do you view the church with skepticism or criticism in your heart?
Learn to love what God loves!

Psalms 16:9-11, Acts 2:29-33 David traditional,y was not a prophet and yet because of the out poring of emotion to God and the great-full heart that David had for God and what he had done for him; David prophesied about the coming of Jesus.

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Monday, October 30, 2017

All In!

All In!

All in for Jesus because he was "all in" for us! How do we hold back? Do we just follow the rules or pour out our hearts? Are we giving up everything or holding on to a few things? Being all in means everything is about Jesus and he is Lord of all!

Luke 9:23 how are we at carrying our cross daily? It is a privilege to carry our cross and participate with Jesus in his sacrifice!

This is only a test. Genesis 22:1-2;12-16 God test us at time to see whether we are "all in" or not! Abraham was blessed without measure because he was proven to be "all in"! God uses these test to refine our faith. To make us stronger. To prepare us for future challenges...etc

What do you find your security in? That is your test. That is your Isaac and until you are willing to put it on the altar you will never be "All In"!

How many years have you been a Christian? How many years of growth have you had or have you repeated the same year over and over again multiple times without growing? Being "all in" leads to growth. If God did not test us we would not have a testimony. Testimonies are powerful because we are tested and through Jesus we prevail and pass the test!

2 Kings 19:19-21 Elisha had no plan B. He said good by to his old life and was fully committed to following Elijah. Are you "all In"? What do you need to sacrifice and burn? Retreat is not an option when you are "all in". Turning back is not an option.

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The Church Building

The Church Building

Throughout the bible God has had special places of worship and special places of significance that gave a physical presence for God! For example, Genesis 26:16-18, Exodus 3:4-5. God is everywhere and yet some places are considered holy ground. There a places where you can go and feel the presences of God more freely, or a place where thousands of people chose to repent before you! Leviticus 16:3, 2 Chronicles 3:8.

Luke 17:20-21 Jesus recognized that God was not a physical being that is trapped in one location or another but that is all omnipotent! Even though God built holy places several times. Unlike God we do live in a physical word and God knows the importance of the visual and physical world and what how it matters to us.

Psalms 16:1-8 "a miktam" which basically means a treasure or a jewel. Several psalms are denoted as a miktam and this is one of the. Why? It's a beautiful song and poem that expresses David's heart! God is David's refuge! Two things that stand out. "Part from you I have nothing" and "in who is all my delight". David wrote these verses in very tough times when he was persecuted and facing death everyday!

Apart from God nothing is good! How is this be true for you? Many things are good but without God we view them as not as good! We value God above everything and having God makes any circumstances good. Apart from God we should not want any good thing!

What do you most delight in about God? Do you delight in the things that God delights in? Do you delight in Gods people? Do you look at the church, the bride of Christ, and delight in it or do you view the church with skepticism or criticism in your heart?
Learn to love what God loves!

Psalms 16:9-11, Acts 2:29-33 David traditional,y was not a prophet and yet because of the out poring of emotion to God and the great-full heart that David had for God and what he had done for him; David prophesied about the coming of Jesus.

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Sunday, October 15, 2017

I believe in God, but...not the christian God

I believe in God, but...not the christian God

Why would someone have this question? It starts with who is God? If God isn't a being with emotions like joy and pain then all paths can equally lead to him. A God like that cannot have a personal interest in your life. God is not just an entity.

Exodus 34:6-7 God is a being. A being that can be described. Full of passion and zeal. Full of emotion!
Romans 12:2 God posses a will. He has desires and a will that he wants done. Our world tries to mold into something that does not please God. The world presses in on us and intends to mold us into a pattern that goes against Gods will! The world wants us to think like it does. To solve problems the way the world does.

When you love God with all your heart you love the truth! John 14:6 we don't get to define what truth is. God did it already! We cannot define what love is either! 1 John 5:3. We don't get to define God by the pre eland thought of the day! James 1:17

Jesus is different! Jesus is not like any other prophet or religion. He is not just a good moral teacher! He is either a lunatic or he is what he says he is, the son of God! You don't claim to be the son of God and not either be true or a mad man.

When Gods plan was revealed to man without a parable and presented without mystery, mans reaction was to oppose it! Man could not have made up a story like this. It goes against our nature. To have an all powerful God who would chose to save is by suffering and i.e. ing for us. It makes no sense to man! Matthew 16:21-22 John 3:16

Grace and mercy are unique to Christianity. Every other man made religion has some element of good out weighing bad because that is how we think. When you do good you fill good about yourself and when you do something bad you feel unworthy. Grace and mercy says something different! Ephesians 2:8-9; Psalms 32:1-2; Romans 4:7-8

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

James 1:19-21

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."
‭‭James‬ ‭1:19-21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

- Quick to listen and slow to speak! This goes against our very nature. We want to be heard and we worry that our point of view will over looked. We quarrel and fight because we refuse to take the time to listen.

- Slow to speak and slow to become angry! The more we refuse to listen and the more we speak the more we become angry. Controlling your temper starts with making a decision to listen and showing restraint when we want to speak! When we reach the point of anger it does not matter what we have said our point is lost!

- Our motivation should be to please God and we cannot please him with pride and anger in our hearts! Human anger only produces unrighteous behavior that opposes God. God desire humility.

- Humility is an effective tool for helping communication! Humility comes when we chose to get rid of the things that keep us from being righteous. Moral filth and evil desires will always lead to selfishness and pride. Moral filth and evil desires are all around us and apart of everyday life. We have to reject consciously reject them and replace them with the word of God!

- Left to our selves we are destined to be prideful angry people who never listen and are unable to please God! We can only be saved through Gods word! Being quick to listen starts with first listening to Gods word and humbly accepting his Word! Gods word = Salvation!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

I Believe in God but...does he believe in me?

I Believe in God but...does he believe in me?

Does a big giant God believe in someone as small as me? Sometimes we question God in those terms based on the vast creation that he has created. How can a God who has existed for eternity and spans over an entire universe be interested or even notice us individually. Why would a God who all powerful and unmeasurable care about me?

Reasons we come up with...God doesn't believe in me because he is angry at my sin.

Genesis 4:2-8 God corrects Cain and Cain does not like to be corrected. Cain is left with a feeling of not being beloved in because God corrected him and God rejected his offering. To God correction is not a big thing and he does not respond in anger. To us correction is a bad thing and we respond with anger.

Reasons...God doesn't believe in me because I don't really matter to him. This is true in the world. Our world teaches us that unless your important you don't matter.

Judges 6:11-16

Gideon beloved that God was the God of Israel but had a hard time believing that God was also the God of Gideon. He had a hard time seeing that God beloved in him!

Reasons...God doesn't believe in me because I make too many mistakes. We believe that Gods patience with us runs out. There is truth to that and we will all be judged at some point; however we try to limit God patience to human limitations. Our patience runs out very quickly. Gods patience with us is beyond our understanding!

Luke 5:8-11 Peter felt like this. He recognized how bad he was in sight of God. He got over it and believed that God believed in him. Peter made many mistakes. Some small and some really big mistakes. Even betraying Jesus to his face and yet God forgave and restored their relationship. God gave Peter the keys to the kingdom!

John 21:2-3 Jesus showed Peter that even after you betrayed in Him and denied him that he still believes in you. Even after you make the biggest mistake in your life God still believes in you. And when you make a bigger mistake after that, God still believes in you!

Satan works so hard to convince us otherwise! But God works even harder to show us how much he believes in us!

Romans 5:6!

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Righteous Men

The letters from Paul to Timothy were basically about how to be a righteous young man and lead Gods people and being a man in His church.

2 Timothy 2:14-15

Why is it important that we remind and warn each other? Because we forget. We need to be reminded that God is faithful, sin has consequences and many other things that keep us from being what God calls us to be! Paul charged Timothy to present himself as one approved by God and who correctly handles the truth! What does being a Workman mean? Much more than just a worker. A workman is a skilled laborer who has been trained and has become skilled in his trade.

How do you need to be more of a workman (learning and training) before you are presented to God as one approved? Skilled in Gods word. In leading my family. In avoiding the pitfalls of life. In humility. In loving unconditional...etc
Correctly handling the word of truth is for filled in several parts. Knowing the scripture, applying it to your own life and teaching it to others!

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Friday, September 29, 2017

Matthew 11:28-30

""Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.""
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭NIV‬‬

- Life is so draining! Everyday can be filled with so much drama, worry, endless struggles, and countless burdens.
- Jesus wants us to cast all our troubles into him. He wants to be the source of our relief! He wants to give us rest!
- Jesus understands our struggles. He has experienced them first hand!
- We all wear a yoke. We have a choice each morning to choose which yoke we want to wear!
- The yoke of the world is heavy with sin and produce only regret. The yoke that Jesus provides is light and easy to manage. God does not give us more than we can handle. The world will unload on you and crush you.
- True rest, rest for your soul is only found in Jesus. We chase after many things to find rest and nothing of this world can truly satisfy us.
- Jesus is not going to force his yoke on us. We have to chose to pick it up. We have to let down the yoke of guilt and sin and pick up the yoke of Christ. You can't carry both.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Psalms 46:1-11

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts. The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Come and see what the Lord has done, the desolations he has brought on the earth. He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the shields with fire. He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭46:1-11‬

- Hymns of praise, celebrating deliverance from some great foe.
- Who or what are you battling without God? What great foe do you need rescuing from? We must turn to God for deliverance!
- Psalmist says that even if the world ends, we need not fear. In the face of utter destruction, God has the ability to save us.
- God is our refuge even in the face of total destruction. God is our eternal refuge and will provide strength.
- Never abandon your walk with God. Remember what God has done and have faith in what he will do!
-Be still and know that God is in control. He will fight the battle for us. Through his strength we will find victory!

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Sunday, September 24, 2017

I believe in God but...not organized religion!

I believe in God but...not organized religion!

Our world loves the idea of community. Team building and team work is a focal point in corporate America. As a society we work together and believe in community on a number of things. Our recognizes that working together is a good thing. God values community and team work as well which is why he created his church! Sadly organized religion is not valued in the same way. Church is frowned upon by many and membership levels all over the country are declining!

Why do people reject organized religion? For one they are just against church in general. Why? Too often many churches have not been what God intended. People get hurt by the hypocrisy and division in most church's today! As a result people have given up on the idea of church! More harm than good has been done in the name of religion. Church has become more like a business than a house of God!

Why do people reject organized religion? Secondly, some are in favor of a solo relationship with God. A personal relationship with God is a good thing. But our relationship with God was never meant to be complete independent. 1 John 4:20. Solo Christianity means you pick the parts of Christianity you like and discard what you don't like. You determine your own theology and become your own moral campus.

Why did Jesus embrace organized religion? All he new was communal relationships with God and man. Community is fundamental to who God is. The trinity is a great example of this! We are desperately made in His image! Life in Jesus day was community. Prayer was done together. Scriptures were read in the synagogues and read together. Confession and repentance was public. They ate together and worshiped together!

Everything in the way Jesus lived was communal. His ministry and his teachings displayed a sense of community. How often do you pray and read with other people? Jesus rejected everyone of the flaws in religion. The corruption, legalism, hypocrisy, and bigotry! Jesus embrace the church that God intended!

1 Corinthians 12 -- the church is meant to be like a body! 1 Timothy 3:15 the church was intended to be a body but was also intended to be a family! Family is a beautify thing but families can be broken. The same with church. A house full of broken sinners coming together in the image of God! Jesus intended the church to be a family. 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 what did Jesus intend the church to be? Ambassadors of Jesus. Reconciler's who work together to help other people reconcile with God!

Unity, sacrifice, love for one another...etc are not even possible without God and without community!

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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Luke 12:4-7

"I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him! Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.
Luke 12:4‭-‬7 NASB

* There is no fear in death when you know where you are going. Trusting in God and being confident in your faith can lead a man to face any hardship or pain without fear.

* God cares for you! God is never too busy or he never has too many concerns. He cares about the little details in your life and his focus is on you and his will is to deliver you!

* When we realize how much we are worth to God and understand what he has in store for us, we can conquer any problem and face any challenge. Life and death only have meaning through God!

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Thursday, September 21, 2017

1 Peter 1:3-4

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you,"
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:3-4‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  • We were born destined for destruction. We were born hopeless. Praise God for Jesus! We don't deserve anything and yet through his mercy he has giving us the chance to rewrite our destiny!
  • Reborn! Start over! Begin again! What have you be reborn into? What new life have you been given through Jesus? There should be noticeable change. From one being to another completely different being.
  • There is power in Jesus's resurrection! The power to save and heal! Jesus conquered death and was raised to a new life. His death has enabled us to live a new life as well. We too must die. We must let go of our old self and die to our sinful nature and be raised to a new life with Christ!
  • Our reward can never spoil nor fade and is everlasting. Nothing on earth can compare to what God has in store for us. God is waiting in heaven and longs to see us face to face! What mind can fathom the great riches that God has prepared for us in heaven? Any struggle, hardship or pain we may face on earth is a worthy price to pay for eternity with God!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

John 14:21

"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.""
‭‭John‬ ‭14:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

- Just like in any relationship love is so much more than a feeling. It's the same with God. He doesn't just want us to have feelings of affection. He wants the type of love that compels us to be obedient!

- Our relationship with God is reciprocal. He initiated the love by offering his Son. We in return love God back by offering our selves as a sacrifice.

- There is a chain reaction. We accept Jesus and love him and in return we receive a relationship with God. Everything starts with Jesus. We cannot claim to love God and not love Jesus.

- Jesus will reveal himself to us more and more overtime as we love him and love God the way he calls us too!

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Monday, September 11, 2017



1 Corinthians 11:23-34
Do this in remembrance of me! We remember Jesus every week. We reflect on Christ sacrifice and we are looking forward to Jesus return! Communion is mor than a memorial. We must examine our selves! We reflect on the cross and make decision to change the areas in our lives that do not represent Jesus! Communion is the focal point of our worship service to God!

John 6:53-58
Unless we acknowledge Jesus death our religion is worthless. With out the cross we the message of Jesus is worthless. Participating in communion is participating in Jesus death. Eternal life is only found in Jesus and in His death!

1 Corinthians 11:27-32
We eat and drink judgement on our selves when we take communion in an unworthy manner. Communion is a time for us to repent. Taking communion with no intention of repenting is taking communion in an unworthy manner! This why we are able to take communion with glad and sincere hearts!

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Friday, September 8, 2017

2 Kings 5:10-14

2 Kings 5:10-14

10 But Elisha sent a messenger out to him with this message: "Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan River. Then your skin will be restored, and you will be healed of your leprosy."

11 But Naaman became angry and stalked away. "I thought he would certainly come out to meet me!" he said. "I expected him to wave his hand over the leprosy and call on the name of the Lord his God and heal me!12 Aren't the rivers of Damascus, the Abana and the Pharpar, better than any of the rivers of Israel? Why shouldn't I wash in them and be healed?" So Naaman turned and went away in a rage.

13 But his officers tried to reason with him and said, "Sir,[a] if the prophet had told you to do something very difficult, wouldn't you have done it? So you should certainly obey him when he says simply, 'Go and wash and be cured!'" 14 So Naaman went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. And his skin became as healthy as the skin of a young child, and he was healed!

  • Go wash in the Jordan seven times. Seems simple enough. When we have complex or hard to understand problems we think we need complex and hard solutions. That is never the case with God.
  • Naaman was angry for a few reasons. He though the Jordan river was beneath him. The Jordan river is where peasants bathed. He also lacked faith that such an easy task would have a miraculous affect.
  • Elisha could have chosen any rive. Elisha could have just said you are healed without any requirements. God used Elisha in the exact way he wanted and Naaman had to surrender to Gods will in order to be saved.
  • The act of dipping in the Jordan river did not save him. Submitting to God saved him.
  • This could also be Gods way of foreshadowing the baptism of salvation. The similarities are amazing. The act of getting baptized does not save you. Submitting to Gods will through accepting Jesus as Lord and getting baptized because God calls you to is what brings you into contact with the blood of Jesus.
  • Naaman was not just healed. He was renewed. He came out of the Jordan better than he was before his desease!
  • What has God been calling you to do to be healed that you have refused to submit to? Surrender to Gods will and allow true healing to take over your life!

Finding God in the Journey.

Finding God in the Journey.

Moses lived in a broken world, much like the broken world we live in today! There is a lot we can learn from the life of Moses. The Jews lifted Moses above the rest of the prophets and considered him the be the father of prophets. The Books of Moses are viewed to be superior to all the other books in the bible. What was Moses life like that made him into this man that was honored and loved for thousands of generations?

As Moses lived his life and went through the circumstances that he encountered he grew closer and closer to God!

Moses was born! Exodus 1:22 from the start his life was met with resistance! Exodus 2:1-10 Moses was Gods and intervened in his life the moment he was born! Same with us. God has intervened so many times in my life! The consequences of sins are harsh on children. Yet even in a horrible situation God delivered him and saved him at the same time he perfected his plan for Moses life!

Moses was born a Hebrew and raised in an Egyptian house. Which identity would Moses chose? Who are you? What identity have you adopted? The best way to answer "who are you" is to ask "whose are you". We are all Gods children and belong to him!

Hebrews 11:24-26 Moses refused to be defined by his upbringing and he refused to be defined by this world. Moses chose the life of a slave rather than a life of of comfort. Too many of us try to be a child of God and. Child of the world all at the same time! MosEs chose to not be apart of this world!

We need to understand our identity.

Exodus 2:11-15 Moses must have thought that closing Egyptian doors would lead to Hebrew doors opening for him and yet he was left without either! Moses wants to be accepted but ends up being rejected by both. In the end Moses chose an identity by looking ahead. He found his true identity in God!

Moses doesn't just chose God and then everything becomes easy. When you chose God, Satan goes on the attack. As soon as you chose God you become an enemy of Satan! Ephesians 6:12 we are in a spiritual battle. When we chose God we enter a spiritual war! Satan wants to convince us that our battle is with each other and against flesh and blood!

Ephesians 6:10-11 the faster we get our armor on the faster God is able to use us! It took Moses 40years in Median before he put on the Armor of God and was ready for battle! How long will it take you to put on your armor?

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The Storm is Passing Over

The Storm is Passing Over

Matthew 24:38-49

Natural disasters that happen all of a sudden help us to realize that everything is temporary. It foreshadows to what will come spiritually for those who do it God!

In Jesus day 1/2 of all children died before they lived to be 10yrs old. 1/3 would die before they turned 1yr old. When life is that harsh it is a constant reminder of how fragile and temporary our lives are.

Priorities change during life or death events. Things that don't matter fall to the back and we become focused on the most important things.

We are all made in the same image of the same God. In tragedy we come together and all forms of racism seem to disappear. Gods true power is displayed in humanity when we come together and are united in helping and serving each other.

Tragedy brings us clarity. Living each day as your last is not just a cliche but a very wise proverb. God expects us to live a focused life ready for Jesus return!

Luke 9:23

It is a daily struggle. What sins do I need to die to again? It's a daily decision that God calls us to make!

Luke 9:22 -- Jesus carried his cross everyday! He is not asking us to do anything that he has not done himself.

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Hebrews 11:6

"And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him."
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭

  • My lack of faith keeps me from pleasing God. If I can't believe in God with out doubt and have faith in him then who am I serving?
  • Intellectual belief is not faith. Faith causes action. Faith without deeds is dead. Faith in God is trusting in his power and entrusting ourselves to His will and His justice. 
  • You can be a good person and do good things and not be pleasing to God. You must believe in him and have faith in him.
  • Believing that he rewards those who seek him seems simple; however, this reward is not material things here on earth. When tragedy strikes and the struggle becomes real; how do you respond? Do you blame God or do you keep your faith that your reward is in heaven and God will keep his promises?
  • Seeking God is the key. Its a daily, hourly and even sometimes an minute by minute decision. Who are you seeking? What are you seeking? Where is your time and money invested? 

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Matthew 6:19-21

19 "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal.20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

  • We are natural hoarders. We naturally seek security in material wealth. No matter how much we have, we desire more and more stuff.
  • God wants us to focus on our treasures in heaven. Heaven is a place waiting for us that is filled with things of real value. Complete paradise. No sin, no pain, no struggle, just the holiness of God and the opportunity for us to see him face to face!
  • The things of this world were not meant to last. We were not meant to live forever and yet we try to hold on to life and material things as though they were meant to satisfy us in some way. They do satisfy us temporarily but God provides true happiness and complete satisfaction.
  • When we put our treasures in heaven our hearts follow. We cannot have a heart for God and a heart for the things of this world. You must choose!
  • Where are you storing your treasures? Where is your heart?

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Isaiah 43:1-4

Isaiah 43:1-4

But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you.
    O Israel, the one who formed you says,
"Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.
    I have called you by name; you are mine.
When you go through deep waters,
    I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
    you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
    you will not be burned up;
    the flames will not consume you.
For I am the Lord, your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
I gave Egypt as a ransom for your freedom;
    I gave Ethiopia[a] and Seba in your place.
Others were given in exchange for you.
    I traded their lives for yours
because you are precious to me.
    You are honored, and I love you.

  • When you have paid for something and own it you tend to take care of it. We are Gods possession and he paid a heavy price for each one of us.
  • When he speaks we should listen and trust in his motives and believe his intentions.
  • We will not be spared from troubling times. It say "when" and not "if" you go through deep waters, difficult rivers, and walk through fires.
  • Although God allows us to go through tough times, God loves to deliver us. He loves to show his power and great love for us.
  • God will not allow us to drown or be consumed by the fire. We can trust in God that he will not give us more than we can bear and will always be there for us.
  • Vs 3-4 is past tense. Remember in years past how God delivered you. Look back see what God has done in your life and how he has spared you. Use those truths in your life to help build your faith going forward. God has proven time and time again that he will not forsake us.
  • We are precious to God and honored in his sight. We must never forget that. Satan wants us to devalue ourselves but we must not allow him to convince us that we are not precious in Gods sight. Remember that you were bought and paid for with precious blood of Jesus.
  • Regardless what happens in your life from that day forward you are blessed with salvation! Praise God!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Romans 7:1-5

Romans 7:1-5

Do you not know, brothers and sisters—for I am speaking to those who know the law—that the law has authority over someone only as long as that person lives? For example, by law a married woman is bound to her husband as long as he is alive, but if her husband dies, she is released from the law that binds her to him. So then, if she has sexual relations with another man while her husband is still alive, she is called an adulteress. But if her husband dies, she is released from that law and is not an adulteress if she marries another man.

So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God. For when we were in the realm of the flesh,[a] the sinful passions aroused by the law were at work in us, so that we bore fruit for death. But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code.

  • Laws are a good until they are broken. The Old Testament laws were very cumbersome and the religious leaders put many extra burdens on the people as well.
  • What a relief to know that God has done away with the legalism of the law and has provided grace and mercy through Jesus.
  • I no longer have to live in fear of breaking the law. My motives to serve and love God are based in Jesus and not on trying to be perfect which is I am unable to do.
  • What a burden that has been lifted!
  • The law is still right and just but God has provided a new way for me to live out his laws without being condemned for one infraction.
  • Under the law we are able to only produce fruit that leads to death.

  • By serving in "the new way of the spirit" I am free from the law and free to bear spiritual fruit for God.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hebrews 2:10-11

Hebrews 2:10-11

10 God, for whom and through whom everything was made, chose to bring many children into glory. And it was only right that he should make Jesus, through his suffering, a perfect leader, fit to bring them into their salvation.

11 So now Jesus and the ones he makes holy have the same Father. That is why Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters.

  • God has chosen us as his children. His intention is to bring us into his glory to one day be with him. 
  • We cannot approach God the way we are. We need to be refined. Refined the way silver and gold are refined. Through the fire to remove all the impurities in our lives.
  • Jesus was molded by God into the savior of the world by his suffering. How do I view suffering? Do I see it the way God intended it? As a tool to mold and refine my character so that I can be more like him.
  • Jesus as my brother or sister. Think about that statement. Jesus is God and at the same time the Son of God. Jesus is the ultimate example of humility. By lowering himself to become human and also elevating us to the status of his equals by calling us brothers and sisters, He has set the ultimate example of humility
  • Jesus is not ashamed of who we are. Are you ashamed of who Jesus is? Does your life profess Jesus as Lord? He is our savior and one true king and the whole world should hear his praise coming from our lips!

Repentance and supplication

Repentance and supplication

Repentance: sincere regret or remorse.

Supplication: the action of asking or begging for something earnestly or HUMBLY.

Luke 11:4 forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.

God free forgives and yet he wants us to ask for forgiveness.

Vs 4 When we confess through prayer and ask for forgiveness it clears our hearts and sets our minds for action.

Vs 4 When you see and acknowledge how sinful you are it's easier to forgive others when they sin against you.

Let's focus our hearts and our minds towards repenting in the areas we need to grow and forgiving our brothers and sister around us as we pray...amen!

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Friday, August 18, 2017

1 John 3:1-6

1 John 3:1-6

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears,[a] we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

Everyone who sins breaks the law; in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.

  • Children of God! As sinful as we are God still considers us his children. When a prince knows he is a prince he holds his head up high. He walks in confidence because he is the Kings son. Similarly we have received authority from the Almighty God and are heirs to His throne! As God's children we too should walk in confidence and appreciate what it truly means to call God father and to have him call us his sons and daughters!
  • The world will never acknowledge us as God's children and that is okay. We are not seekers of the worlds approval. We live to honor and please God and knowing him calls us to give up our life of sin.
  • We are trapped in our earthly bodies; however, there is coming a time when Jesus will return and we will be transformed into our true state. We should work to purify our selves and die to sin in the hope that we can be like Jesus here and now.
  • By nature we are law breakers and sinners who have no hope of change. Through Jesus we are able to die to sin and live for him. In Jesus there is no condemnation for sin. Although we must strive to live pure lives and let go of our sinful desires, where we fall short, Jesus rescues us.
  • Sin pulls us away from Jesus and keeps us from knowing God. This is why it is so important that we stay honest with ourselves about sin in our lives and confess to one another so that we can be held accountable and truly repent.
  • What sins have been pulling you back into the world that you need to confess and repent of today?