God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

I Believe in God but...does he believe in me?

I Believe in God but...does he believe in me?

Does a big giant God believe in someone as small as me? Sometimes we question God in those terms based on the vast creation that he has created. How can a God who has existed for eternity and spans over an entire universe be interested or even notice us individually. Why would a God who all powerful and unmeasurable care about me?

Reasons we come up with...God doesn't believe in me because he is angry at my sin.

Genesis 4:2-8 God corrects Cain and Cain does not like to be corrected. Cain is left with a feeling of not being beloved in because God corrected him and God rejected his offering. To God correction is not a big thing and he does not respond in anger. To us correction is a bad thing and we respond with anger.

Reasons...God doesn't believe in me because I don't really matter to him. This is true in the world. Our world teaches us that unless your important you don't matter.

Judges 6:11-16

Gideon beloved that God was the God of Israel but had a hard time believing that God was also the God of Gideon. He had a hard time seeing that God beloved in him!

Reasons...God doesn't believe in me because I make too many mistakes. We believe that Gods patience with us runs out. There is truth to that and we will all be judged at some point; however we try to limit God patience to human limitations. Our patience runs out very quickly. Gods patience with us is beyond our understanding!

Luke 5:8-11 Peter felt like this. He recognized how bad he was in sight of God. He got over it and believed that God believed in him. Peter made many mistakes. Some small and some really big mistakes. Even betraying Jesus to his face and yet God forgave and restored their relationship. God gave Peter the keys to the kingdom!

John 21:2-3 Jesus showed Peter that even after you betrayed in Him and denied him that he still believes in you. Even after you make the biggest mistake in your life God still believes in you. And when you make a bigger mistake after that, God still believes in you!

Satan works so hard to convince us otherwise! But God works even harder to show us how much he believes in us!

Romans 5:6!

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