God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The man with gratitude!

The man with gratitude!

Luke 17:11-19

Nine men obeyed Jesus and went away. They were not bad men. They were obedient and went an showed them selves to the priest. The samaritan was exceptional and the only one who came back and said thank you! To Jesus, gratitude was note worthy and worth talking about. The story's main theme is not about Jesus healing power but about the one man that came back and was grateful!

Romans 1:24-31

The man that has gone head long into the world and given themselves over to every sin the world has to offer. How does someone become like that? How do they get there? Romans 1:21-23

It begins with an unwillingness to be thankful for God! Lack of gratitude for God leads to a road of destruction that you may not be able to return from!

Gratitude is not just an act of courtesy but a necessary action that we must have in our hearts to have a relationship with God.

Why is it so hard to be grateful?

We allow ourselves to be the center of our universe. We think we deserve instead of thinking we do not deserve. When we come to expect something we no longer give thanks for it. How grateful can you be when you think you deserve everything?

How can we be more grateful? You open your eyes and see what God has done in your life. You focus on the blessings you have and not on the stuff you do not have!

Make a list of all the things that God has given you and see how it changes your perspective! Make a list of all the things you are thankful for on something and you will be grateful! Look at that list often and you'll stop focusing on all the things you do not have. We have so much to be grateful for!

Luke 17:19 why would Jesus say this to the one guy that came back? Did the other nine not get healed? Jesus says you don't just get a physical healing you get a spiritual one as well! The samaritans gratitude healed and made him well spiritually!

Sent from my iPhone

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