God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Everything Changed!

Everything Changed!

The bible loves the idea of change. God is unchanging but loves when we change!

Isaiah 61:1-7

Isaiah inspired by God and full of the holy spirit prophesied hundred of years before Jesus that He would come and change the world forever!

Jesus changed everything!

John 9:1-12

"The man called Jesus"; When we first encounter Jesus this how we know Him. The man called Jesus. We know him from a distance.

The blind man does not even ask to be healed. The people around him were discussing his blindness and judging his life. Jesus just breaks into this mans life and tells him everything is about to change!

What part did this man play in his healing? He had no faith. He never asked for help. He had no knowledge of Jesus. The only part he played was being obedient! Jesus stuck mud in his eyes and told him to go wash it off and he did!

Do we acknowledge our blindness and need for help?

John 9:13-34

Jesus is a prophet! The Pharisees tried to argue and disprove Jesus and His authority. You can argue doctrine and theology but you cannot argue change in someones life! The fact that the man was blind and now he can see is not subjective and open to an argument.

The blind mans parents are more concerned about what the religious world thinks and what they might do to them. The blind man is the complete opposite. He is fearless and resolute on what happened in his life!

John 9:35-41

Lord I believe! The blind man goes from addressing Jesus as "a man", "the prophet", to "Lord and savior"!

Lordship is total surrender! Lordship means everything has changed! You no longer make decisions based on self. You no longer serve your needs. Your life has meaning that does not evolve around you!

The blind man's life is changed forever! He leaves healed because of his obedience, humility and surrender! For the Pharisees they leave un changed. Steeped in sin and unwilling to accept Jesus as their savior!

How do you view Jesus in your life? Like the blindman or like one of the Pharisees?

Sent from my iPhone

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