God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Stranger Things

Stranger Things

If something is strange it does not automatically make it interesting. When something is strange and is also filled with wonder it catches our attention and makes us ponder things! The bible is full of stranger things in the bible that are filled with wonder!

One of the stranger stories in the bible is the story of Jacob wrestling with God.

Genesis 32:22-32

Never give up! This is what the story is all about. The story does not say that Jacob did a good job of wrestling but simple says he never gave up and never quit! Sometimes not giving up is all you can do and it is enough in Gods eyes!

Heaven is all about not loosing and giving up until the end. It does not matter how you get their or how successful in your spiritual life you are. Its about finishing the race and not giving up!

All Gods expects from is is to not give up! We are not promised easy, we are promised honor through perseverance. You win the race by finishing the race.

God rewards those who never give up. The world does not always reward perseverance. Giving up is acceptable and justified. But God always rewards those who never give up! God rewarded Jacob as well. Jacob was named the deceiver for most of his life was given a new name and identity! 

Luke 18:1-8

Perseverance is connected to faith! 

Because Jacob never gave up his name was changed and he became the father of a nation of Gods people.

Have you giving up on God? Have you stopped wrestling? Do you need to get back up again? Persevere and God will bless you!

Sent from my iPhone

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