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Monday, January 22, 2018

The Hope Of The Gospel

The Hope Of The Gospel

Colossians 1:3-7

Paul's says your faith and love spring from your hope! The hope of heaven is motivating. God intends for the gospel to provide us unfailing hope!

Acts 8:26-40

The Eunuch was a noble, a man of stature. He was seeking earnestly to know and come closer to God!

The Eunuch was not able to go into the temple that he had traveled to in Jerusalem

Deuteroronmy 23:1; Isaiah 56:1-8

Acts 8:32-40 why did the Eunuch struggle over this passage? "Who can speak of his descendants". The Eunuch could relate to who Isaiah was speaking about.

1 Peter 1:18-21 Jesus being the sacrifice was always Gods plan.

Forgiveness is a denial of justice! The cross is not about justice or fairness. The cross was unfair!

We have to connect to the cross! We connect and then disconnect. We have to stay connected!

Acts 8:36-40

Sent from my iPhone

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