God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Who will you be in 2018?

Who will you be in 2018?

We serve a God that loves Holidays! He created multiple days in the jewish calendar to help his people remember him. He is a God of new beginnings! Fresh starts and second chances!

David is a great example of who we change from one year to the next.
1 Samuel 17:48-49; 2 Samuel 11:1. As a young man David was ready and eager to fight, as an older man he stayed home and let others fight the battle. Why?

Who ever you are today is not who you have to be tomorrow. God has given all of us a second chance. If like David you have lost your way and have not been as eager to serve God you can change and God allows you to start over!

Later in Davids life he became comfortable. His priorities changed. It was easier to leave a bed among sheep and go to war than it was to leave a bed in the palace and go to war! David probably felt that someone else could do it. David gave into the sin in his heart and the lust of his eyes and chose not to be the man that God called him to be!

What changed for David? In the chapter before David was still fighting and leading Gods people. So how did it happen? His heart slowly drifted away. Actions may stay the same for awhile and yet the heart may not be drifting away. Eventually your actions will follow your heart! You have to guard your heart! Proverbs 4:23

David drifted in his heart because he forgot who God ways. He became comfortable just living a good life. He lost his zeal and passion for serving God.

As a shepherd it is easy to live humbly. As a king, worshiped by everyone, its hard to remain humble. When David was a shepherd he lived in humility. When David became King he lived in honor and pleasure! David forgot where he came from and who blessed him with all of the success that he was blessed with!

We become spiritually inactive when our hearts stray from God. Davids sin began with inactivity and then became much, much worse!

Choosing to sit out of the battle is a false choice. You are in a battle whether you want to be or not! Ephesians 5:10-12

Who will you choose to be this year? Like David we all have the chance to repent! David chose to repent!

Decide today who you will be tomorrow! Make the changes that you need to make. Repent in the areas that you need to repent! Accept the gift of grace that God has given you. Accept the power of the cross and allow it to change your life!

Sent from my iPhone

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