God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Stranger Things

Stranger Things

Matthew 17:24-27

Another strange and wonderful story. Two things you cannot cheat...Death and taxes! Jesus conquered both!

What did they want? The temple tribute tax. This was the only tax in Jesus day that was voluntary. The Romans taxed Israel and Israel also taxed its people. The tax burden was so great that the Jewish people were oppressed financially.

The drachma coin that was given to the temple tax was the same coin that judas received to betray Jesus.

What were Jesus options? Rabbi's and teachers were exempt to pay. As the son of a king (God), Jesus was also exempt. For Jesus to be asked pay this tax was insulting! Jesus could have chosen not to pay it but he chose to pay it and not stir up trouble. Probably because it was not yet time. Jesus was waiting for Gods timing to question and challenge the religious rulers and claim his sovereignty!

The world tried to force Jesus into two choices. Pay or not pay! Jesus never let others dictate to him what his choices were! Jesus created a third choice. A miracle! Option three for Jesus was the fish and the coin.

This was not a miracle of creation by creating a coin. This was a miracle of mastery. God created the earth, minerals, man minted the mineral silver into a coin, man dropped the coin in a lake, Gods created fish catches the coin and delivers it to Peter! This miracle displayed Jesus true authority above all and over all! Colossians 1:16

Why did Jesus pay? We cannot avoid doing what is right because it upsets people but we cannot intentionally alienate people because we don't want to do something. Jesus paid so that he was not a stumbling block. There was no consequence in paying the tax but there was a consequence in not paying the tax at that time. 1 Peter 2:13-15

Who did the temple belong too? Jesus had every right to be angry about the religious leaders even requesting that he pay the tax. Jesus chose to submit to their authority.

Sent from my iPhone

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