God's Free Word Book Store

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Jude 1:14-16

Jude 1:14-16

Vs 14/15 – Jude references Enoch, a man who walked with God and never died, to further depict the kind of men that reject Gods word and follow their own desires for personal gain. Judgment is imminent and no one will be able to escape!

  • Enoch prophesied that God would bring an army of thousands (undefinable number) to judge the wicked men that Jude has been describing.

  • These men are defined as ungodly men in every way.

    • Ungodly acts they have committed.

    • Ungodly ways they have lived.

    • Ungodly words they have spoken.

Vs 16 – Jude further describes these men as grumblers and faultfinders who put their own evil desires above the words of God. They boast about themselves to make themselves look good in front of men.

  • Why are they faultfinders?

    • These men do not want to take any responsibility for their actions.

  • Why are they grumblers?

    • These men are never satisfied.

  • Why do they boast?

    • They puff themselves up to hide the sin and rebellion in their hearts.

Jude is warning us not to be like these men. We have to stay humble and hold on to Gods word with deep convictions. All of the character issues described in these men are in many ways common human traits that are rooted in our sinful natures. We have to fight daily to not give into these temptations and in doing so Jude is assuring us that we will escape the wrath of God that is reserved for men like this!

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Book of Psalms By Topic

Topical List of the book of Psalms

Knowing God 9 16 17 23 25 27 29 40 41 46 54 56 57 59 62 63 68 73 76 84 91 92 97
111 138 143 145 149

God the creator 8 19 29 33 65 104 124 135 136 148

When you want to get closer to God
25 27 42 61 63 70 84 99 105 116 119 131 143

Jesus on the cross 22 85 98

Praising God 9 40 71 67 92 96 105 145 149

Putting God first 40 84 86 95 97 103 115 127 132 135

Righteousness 5 14 15 17 19 25 32 40 51 53 86 90 101 119 141 143

Help from God 1 5 14 19 26 32 48 53 60 81 90 101 108 111 115 122 127 128 139 141
143 144

Faith in righteousness 1 15 24 37 39 73 75 109 112 126 128

Encouragement to live a righteous life
1 5 16 19 25 32 81 86 101 119 141 143

Salvation 14 49 53 85 87

Having a bad day 11 25 46 61 88 102 124 131 142

Guilt, Sin and Confession 14 32 38 41 51 53 89 103 107 143

Forgiveness 19 22 25 32 39 41 51 65 85 86 99 103 106 107 130 143

Sin and consequences 5 14 53 78 79 81 101 106 107 141 143

You belong to God 16 20 37 40 48 65 67 84 87 92 95 99 100 104 113 114 135 144 145 147

God is with you 9 16 17 18 21 23 27 34 37 41 46 56 68 73 89 91 92 103 108 109 114
115 118 121 124 125 138 139 144 145 147

God answers prayer 3 4 5 9 17 18 20 21 27 28 31 34 39 40 54 55 61 65 66 69 81 86 91 99
102 107 116 118 119 120 123 130 138 141 142 143 145

God the avenger 9 10 35 44 45 58 59 60 64 94 109 120 123

God listens to you 27 31 34 55 61 99 116

Injustice 10 14 36 37 41 45 50 52 53 58 59 73 76 82 94 146

Boasting 20 52 53 75 108 135

Humility 14 30 39 53 60 76 106 107 108 127 131 132 134

Security in God 4 16 27 46 56 91 121 125 139

Confidence 14 20 25 39 53 60 71 84 108 112 125 127 130 131 138 141 143

Fear and courage 3 27 46 49 55 56 57 91 112 118 120

Protection in God 3 5 17 23 25 27 36 40 44 46 55 57 59 61 62 66 70 71 91 115 118 120
121 125 129 140 143 144

God is strong 18 21 24 29 33 35 46 54 57 59 62 65 68 76 89 93 97 99 108 114 125
135 147

God is love 21 23 33 36 59 68 86 89 100 103 106 116 118 130 136 138 145 146

God is righteous and just 9 21 24 33 36 45 46 47 48 62 65 72 75 76 82 87 89 92 93 96 97 98 99

Jesus is coming back 2 24 45 47 72 76 82 96 98 110 146 150

Feeling down 6 9 13 25 42 69 70 88 89 102 107 113 116 126 142

Feeling forgotten 13 42 44 74 102 134 138

Feeling rejected 43 60 74 77 80 88 108

When you are weeping 6 31 42 43 56 69 80 88 107 116 126

Trusting God 9 12 33 37 49 65 66 78 81 84 85 91 95 108 112 115 119 121 125 127

Putting your trust and hope in God
9 13 25 42 43 60 86 102 112 113 126 130

Trusting God in difficult situations
4 11 13 23 25 27 28 31 34 42 43 46 54 55 56 57 59 61 62 89 91 94 102
105 107 123 138 143

Thankful for Gods word 1 12 19 33 56 111 119 138 147

Thankful for Gods blessings 16 18 21 23 36 65 66 67 84 86 92 100 103 113 116 126 138 145 147

The Book of Psalms By Theme

The book of Psalms indexed by theme.

The Attributes Of God
1) The Lord is our judge and defense – Psalm 7:8-10.
2) The refuge of the poor – Psalm 14:6.
3) He is our Rock, fortress, strength and high tower – Psalm 18:2.
4) Our Redeemer – Psalm 19:14.
5) The King of Glory – Psalm 24:10.
6) “My light and my salvation” – Psalm 27:1.
7) He is our Shield – Psalm 28:7.
8) “My hiding place” – Psalm 32:7.
9) “Our refuge and strength” – Psalm 46:1.
10) “A God full of compassion” – Psalm 86:15.
11) “Our dwelling place in all generations” – Psalm 90:1.

Psalms That Praise God
1) Extolling the goodness of God – Psalm 85,95,100,136.
2) Praising God’s glory, wisdom, power & majesty – Psalm 18,19,29,62,66,93,97,99,118,147.
3) God as creator and preserver of all of His works – Psalm 33,89,104.
4) His infinite knowledge – Psalm 139.
5) God’s eternity contrasted with man’s temporal nature – Psalm 90.
6) Divine providence seen in God’s wonderful works in behalf of his chosen people, Israel – Psalm
7) The source of all help, who keeps His people – Psalm 121.
8) The whole creation praises Him – Psalm 148.

Christ In The Psalms
1) The coronation hymn – Psalm 2.
2) The crucifixion psalm – Psalm 22.
3) The resurrection psalm – Psalm 16.
4) The reign of the righteous king – Psalm 45,72,110,132:11.
5) The Messiah’s manhood – Psalm 8:4-5.
6) The Messiah’s sonship – Psalm 2:7.
7) His deity – Psalm 45:6, Psalm 11.
8) His holiness – Psalm 45:7; Psalm 89:18-19.
9) His priesthood – Psalm 110:4.
10) His kingship – Psalm 2:6; Psalm 89:18-19,27.
11) His eternity – Psalm 61:6-7; Psalm 45:17; Psalm 102:25-27.
12) His universal sovereignty – Psalm 72:8; Psalm 103:19.
13) His obedience – Psalm 40:6-8.
14) His zeal – Psalm 69:9.
15) His sufferings – Psalm 69:4,9.
16) His betrayal – Psalm 41:9.
17) His death – Psalm 22:1-21; Psalm 69:20-21.
18) His resurrection – Psalm 16:10.
19) His ascension – Psalm 68:18.
20) His coming again to judge – Psalm 96-98.

Some Historical Psalms
1) The exodus and crossing the red sea – Psalm 136:10-15.
2) The period of wandering – Psalm 114.
3) The period of judges – Psalm 106:34-46.
4) David’s early period when fleeing from Saul – Psalm 7,11,34.
5) David’s reign – Psalm 24,30,51 (David’s sin with Bathsheba).
6) Absalom’s rebellion – Psalm 3,55.
7) The glory of Solomon’s reign – Psalm 72.
8) The fall of Jerusalem – Psalm 74, 79.
9) The Jews in Babylon – Psalm 80, 137.
10) The restoration – Psalm 85:1-6; Psalm 126.

Psalms Concerning Man
1) Exaltation of man – Psalm 8 (fulfilled in the “perfect” man – Hebrews 2:5-9).
2) Man’s sinfulness – Psalm 10,14,36,55,59.
3) The wicked contrasted with the godly – Psalm 1,4,5.
4) The folly of the wicked and of those who trust in riches – Psalm 37,49,53.
5) The fate of the ungodly – Psalm 9,11,73.

Psalms Of Trust And Thanksgiving
1) Trust – Psalm 3,16,20,27,31,34,42,61,62,91.
2) The shepherd psalm – Psalm 23.
3) God our refuge – Psalm 46.
4) “Enter into his gates with thanksgiving” – Psalm 100.
5) “Pay thy vows unto the most High” – Psalm 50.
6) “My help cometh from the Lord” – Psalm 121.

Prayer Psalms
1) For mercy in time of trouble – Psalm 6.
2) Prayers of assurance – Psalm 27,116.
3) Penitence, seeking forgiveness – Psalm 51.
4) For destruction of the deceitful – Psalm 55.
5) For deliverance – Psalm 70.
6) For mercy – Psalm 86.
7) For help in trouble – Psalm 142.
8) For guidance – Psalm 143.

The Lord’s Church
1) Safety of “The city of God” – Psalm 46.
2) The beauty and glory of Zion – Psalm 48,87.
3) Love for the house of God – Psalm 84,122.
4) Unity among brethren – Psalm 133.

Psalms Concerning Experiences In Religion & In Life
1) Magnifying the word of God – Psalm 19,119.
2) Praise – Psalm 96,98,100,103,107,136,145,148-150.
3) Worship – Psalm 43,84,100,122,132.
4) The vanity of life – Psalm 39,49,90.
5) The home – Psalm 127.



Hebrews 11:7

By faith Noah went against the rest of the world. He was surrounded by wickedness on every side! Regardless Noah maintained his righteousness and honored God with his life! Noah was asked by God to build a massive boat that made no sense and required absolute faith to believe that what God said was true!

"If God says were gonna build an ark then we're going to build an Ark"' this was Noah's heart! Am I willing to do the impossible for God? Am I willing to do what ever God ask me to do even when it doesn't make sense to me?

First Noah had faith when warned by God! What warnings has God given me?

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

1 Corinthians 10:5-12 vs 11 these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us!

Ephesians 5:3-7; 2

Peter 3:9-12 God is warning me of what I could miss.

Noah allowed Gods warnings to direct his life and guide his steps. Am I taking Gods warnings seriously?

In holy reverence, Noah obeyed God through faith. Faith produces holy fear and reverence for God! Holy fear produced obedience to allow Noah to do the impossible. God has not asked me to build an Ark but he has asked me to build a temple for him in the godly life that I love!

By faith Noah condemned the world. Noah separated himself form the world. Noah refused to follow their wickedness and stood on his convictions through faith.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Living HIStory! Part 2

Living HIStory!

In the garden there were no barriers between God and man. Once man sinned the intimacy with God was broken. God's story is to take fallen man and return him to paradise. To return man back to an intimate relationship with God with no barriers.

As God's story marches through history, Abraham becomes a key character in God's plan.

Genesis 10:2-7; Genesis 11:10-26
Most of the time when we see a genealogy in the bible we skip it; however, there is a lot of meaning and importance in this genealogy. We see that Gods people and gods plan was passed down from father to son over hundreds of generations!

In the Old Testimate, Gods people had no concept of heaven or eternity. The promise of God at that time was not heaven or hell. The promise that God gave Abraham was that he would have a long line and be the father of all nations. Through this genealogy God was faithful to Abraham.

Genesis 15:1-6

God chose to save Abraham and wanted to be his great reward! Abraham questioned Gods love because he had no sons. God showed so much grace and mercy to Abraham by reconfirming his promise to Abraham. When Abraham chose to believe and had faith he was considered righteous.

Abraham was the first man called into a relationship with God outside of the garden and Gods plan was to be with Abraham for ever. God started setting eternity into the hearts of men through Abraham and his genealogy.

We have to look and seek eternity with God. If we are looking to God to solve all of our problems in the "here and now" then we are going to have a hard time loving God when things do not go the way we think they should. Like Abraham we need to trust God and his promise for us in our lives. Eternity with God should be our focus and great reward!

When we live for eternity it solves all the problems we have in the "here and now"! Our focus has to be on being with God for ever!

God chose Abraham to pass it on. If God called Abraham to pass it on, what do you think he is calling us to do? Through our children, our neighbors, people at work, and any other relationships we have need to be focused on passing on Gods plan for eternity!

1 Corinthians 4:14-15 Gods used Paul to pass it on. The same father to son concept. What spiritual generations am I creating for God? Who are my spiritual sons and daughters?

The true cost of hell is a complete and total separation from God or eternity. Heaven is a complete and total connection with God for eternity! When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, Abraham saw it as God asking him to sacrifice eternity with Him. God was ultimately asking Abraham to sacrifice his promise and relationship with God for eternity. Abraham had faith that God would keep his promise and was willing to do what ever God called him to do.

God did not call Abraham to do anything that God was not willing to do himself! God spared Abrahams son and sacrificed His own. Jesus took the place of Isaac and took the place of you and me!

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, January 22, 2015

High Expectations!

High Expectations!

What spiritual expectations do I have in my life? What expectations do I have for my brothers? What expectations do I have for our church?

Without high expectations you will always hit your mark and there will be no growth. Jesus had high expectations for his disciples. Jesus said that you will do greater things for God than He did. Jesus had high expectations for the disciples and has not lowered them for us.

As men we need to have high expectations and standards for each other. We need to have high expectations and standards in purity, one another relationships, unity, integrity...etc.

As brothers we need to challenge each other. We need to disciple each other. God has high expectations for us because he loves us and we need to have expectations for ourselves and the people around us out of love!

Above all we need to have high expectations and standards for being committed to Gods word!

Jeremiah 20:1-6; 7-12

Jeremiah was not happy about preach the words of God that were full of destruction and doom. He was beaten and smitten by everyone around him for confronting Israel in sin. Holding the people of Israel accountable and to the standards of Gods people was not an easy task. He did even though it was uncomfortable and not something he liked.

Even though Jeremiah did not like the message he was asked to give, he could not keep it in. It burned like a fire inside of him! Only Gods word has this affect. To be like Jeremiah I need to not hold back the words that God puts on my heart. I cannot hold back the convictions that God has given me.

If Gods word is not written on my heart the worlds desires will be!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Matthew 11, Hebrews 4, Psalms 62

28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.
w For we also have had the good news proclaimed to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed.a x Now we who have believed enter that rest...

1Truly my soul finds rest in God;

my salvation comes from him.

2Truly he is my rock and my salvation;

he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

I love the way these three scriptures fit together!

The world has a way of beating us down but God has always had a plan for us to find rest in Him and in Him alone! Rest from temptation and sin. Rest from anxiety. Rest from fear. Rest from...you name it!

HE is our sanctuary! Praise God for giving us His rest!

Monday, January 19, 2015

God's Story Part 1

God's Story.

Once upon a time….a story always starts somewhere. Great stories start with great beginnings. You can't have a good story with out a great beginning. Gods does not have a beginning because there was no beginning. God has always been. Gods story that he wanted to tell us begins with the beginning of mankind.

The story of how he made man and a people of His own. To love and care for those people over generations. To send his only son to be the savior that those people need. Gods story is the ultimate love story!

Although God has created and written the story he has made me a part of the story he creates. I have a unique role in this story yet though his power he allows me to make my own decisions and to have my own freewill, to love him or not to love him. Even with my autonomy I am apart of Gods story and the outcome does not change. Gods story is the same.

Genesis 1

God saw that what he created was good! Why not great? Gods creation was good in the deepest sense of the word. Man being made in Gods image, created man to be the fullness og Gods goodness. This is one of the reasons we were created. 2 Peter 1:5

God has made us apart of things from the very beginning. Genesis 2 "Man was with God." Man and Women and were both bare and yet felt no shame. Man walked with God in the garden and there was no shame. Shame is a barrier created by Satan. When there is shame there is no intimacy! I was meant to be intimate with God! God is desperate for that kind of relationship with me!

I need to remove all the barriers that keep me from having that intimate relationship with God!

The garden was described as paradise. What made Eden paradise was not the beautiful greens, ripe fruits, running water falls…etc. Eden was paradise because man was intimate with God! My surroundings do not matter! What matters is that I am intimate with God!

Man chose to sin! Man knew only good. What Satan offered was for man to know both good and evil. The fall of man is the moment in time when man looses intimacy with God. This is the moment when man feels shame for the first time! Sin creates shame and separates us from God! Sin causes man to want to hide from God. Genesis 3

Man is separated from God. Mans relationship with God needs to be restored. I can't solve my shame on my own. Just covering myself with fig leaves is not the solution. Jesus is the only answer to removing shame and restoring intimacy with God!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Team

Team Work by God's design.

Doing work together has a way of creating a bond between people. The same is true spiritually and in Gods church. We need each other and working together is good for us spiritually.

Two people working together do not add there work together, they multiply it.

Genesis 2:18;

God saw early on that man needed help. Not that Gods creation was lacking but it was his will that we should work together. We were never created to operate independently of each other. This is not just in a marriage. God's church was meant to be unified and to operate as a team.

1 Corinthians 12:20-25

No man or women is an island. No one man or women is greater than the other.

Example of a lego. Each individual piece in a lego set was made for a purpose. Each lego is created to connect to other legos. We were created in the same way. Because of the way the lego was created it is able to create multiple things.

Over three thousand pieces in the sand-crawler StarWars lego set. As impressive as I am, I am just a lonely little lego until I am connected to the church. Connected to God's family allows me to become so much more.

When the church interconnects the way we are suppose to, the world sees what God intended for them to see. Our unity is a testimony to the world. John 13:34

Proverbs 27:17; Romans 15:5-6; 1 Peter 4:10

To be truly united we need to be one minded. Our focus as a church needs to be united. Unity is important for our church to be used by God in the way he intended. We all have gifts to be used by God. The beauty of us being made to connect allows us to have all the gifts needed to honor and glorify God.

Phillipians 4:4; 1 Corinthians 1:10

Unity is about agreement. Unity is not necessarily conformity. There should be no divisions among us and we need to be in agreement. Sometimes it takes a lot of work to come to agreement. We may have to work through relationships that have grown cold or work at reconciling in areas that are difficult.

Ephesians 4:11-16

Everyone of us needs to take seriously our role and embrace our place in God's church. We all have work that needs to be done. Who am I connecting with?

Saturday, January 10, 2015

God's incredible mercy!

God's incredible mercy!

-- Summary of the Good Samaritan story! --

Luke 10:36-37

Mercy is to have compassion on someone who is in distress.

We need mercy! It very important for us to understand how desperately we need mercy. Without mercy we would all be dead!

Mercy in three different capacities:

1.) Gods nature of mercy!

Psalms 103:8-9 Exodus 34 the lord is merciful and gracious! Slow to anger! We want mercy for ourselves and struggle with giving mercy to others!

Jeremiah 3:12; Joel 2:13; Hebrews 8:12; Romans 6:3

Our sins are what cause us to be in distress! According to Gods word the sinner must perish! When I sin I am denying Gods goodness!

To what sinners is God merciful to? Not all sinners receive mercy! Who decides who gets mercy?

Romans 9:18

God owes mercy to no one! He gives mercy to whom he chosen! The only people that do not receive Gods mercy is the one who chooses not to receive it. God wants all men to be saved!

Psalms 103:17

2.) The demonstration of God's mercy!

Genesis 19 - Sodom and Gomorrah

Psalms 1:36; Ezra 10:11 God rescued the Israelites from Egypt.

Luke 18 Blind man receives mercy! God and Jesus so compassionate on the distressed!

Ephesians 2:4-5; Titus 3:4-6; 1 Peter 1:3; Isaiah 55:7

3.) The imitation of God's mercy!

Its a great thing to be known as a forgiven! God has given us an example to follow and to receive Gods mercy we need to give mercy!

Luke 6:36; Proverbs 3:3; Micah 6:8

Luke 10:36-37 go and do like wise! Proverbs 11:17; Matthew 5:7

Jesus not only died for my sins but also because of my sins!

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Everyone loves a fresh start! This is the time of New Years resolutions. We make goals, we set benchmarks, and plan to have a better year than the year before. Statistically only 8% of New Years resolutions are every carried through the whole year.

New Years resolutions can become a very cynical process. We can loose hope in ever really believing that we can truly change!

Through Jesus we get to press the reset button daily! It's not about failing or success but about resolve to keep fighting. To pick yourself up when we fall and to be determined not to give up!!

Malachi 2:2

God calls his people to resolve to honor Him. This needs to be the focus of any resolution we make. To honor God in everything that we do! This starts with a decision in our hearts!

How can we honor God without listening to him? It also starts with reading our bibles daily! We can not honor God without listen to him and hearing his instructions! Listening to God also involves listen to the people that God has put in our lives.

Daniel 1:8

Not to defile ourselves the way the world does should be the bases for our resolutions as well. Sexual purity. Materialism. Greed. Pride.

1 Corinthians 2:2-

Paul made a resolution to know nothing but the cross of Christ!! Paul looked at all the knowledge he had obtained in his life and considered it nothing in comparison to Jesus and his crucifixion!

What Paul is saying is that he never allowed Jesus to leave his mind. Jesus was always the focus in everything that Paul did!

Being a Christian has to be something we are and not a role we play!

The church that Jesus intended!

The church that Jesus intended!

Who are we as a church? Who does God want us to be? 80% of the churches in America fall into the entertainment category and there is no real call for their members to be sold out for Christ!

Jesus has to be Lord of my life! I need to call my brothers to be committed to the decision that they made to make Jesus lord of their lives! Church should be a breeding ground of convictions and encouragement to stand firm. We need to stop being so comfortable with each other's weaknesses and sin. To truly love each other we need to call each other higher!

What is my vision and dreams do I have for the church? Do I want to be apart of the church that Jesus intended?

Acts 2:41-47

These 7 verses show the characteristics of the first church. The church that God intended. Baptisms, devoted to teaching, unified believers, abundant giving, meet daily, shared meals, and praised God continually!

How to be a faithful church that God intended:

1.) live by Gods word and through his will!

Everything should evolve around Gods word!

Matthew 28:18-20....Teach and obey! God expects us to teach his Word and then obey it. The church is not perfect but we need to strive to be! There is a lot of teach with no real commitment to obey in most churches!

2.) be family through genuine fellowship!

Acts 2:42

The word fellowship is based of a definition of brotherly love! There is no color or race. We are all Gods children and racism should never be found in Gods church.

3.) Honor and practice communion!

Acts 2:42

Remembering the cross and my personal salvation helps me reset my focus to be the church that God intends!

4.) Prayer

Mark 11:25; Luke 6:12 there is a need in our churches for more people to be committed to pray! There is tremendous power in prayer!

5.) complete unity!

Acts 2:44

Satan wants to divide and conquer. We need to be unified on Gods word. We cannot allow mans agenda to nullify what Gods word says!

4 Deadly Sins!

4 Deadly Sins!

4 sins that keep us from leading!

Jesus put an emphasis on men. When he chose 12 apostles he didn't choose 6 women and 6 men. Jesus call us men to lead!

Every disciple has a desire to want to make a difference and evangelize. So why are we not stepping up as men and leading the charge to see this purpose for filled?

1 Corinthians 10:1-11

This issues have not changed. The same issues in Corinth back then are the same issues that we struggle with today. Sin was destroying the Corinthians from become who they were suppose to be!

4 deadly sins:

1.) Idolatry - putting anything....anything before God! Matthew 13:45-46. I have been called to give everything to God. When I put anything before God it needs to be destroyed and cast out of my heart.

2.) Sexual immorality - three different times in Corinthians Paul talks about sexual sin! The worst thing about sexual sin is that it drains you spiritually and kills any spiritual drive you may have for God! As brothers we have to be willing to be completely open with each other. If we do not get totally open we will remain in spiritual bondage! We have got to get real with each other!

3.) Testing the Lord - how do we test the Lord? We test Him when we question his word. We question whether God really mean what he says. Mark 8:38, Ephesians 5:3, Philippians 2:14 for example.

4.) Grumbling - this sin is so distracting that God sent and angel of death! Grumbling against leadership for example. Grumbling keeps us from becoming unified in our purpose. Proverbs 20:14. Grumbling about the church tears down its value!