God's Free Word Book Store

Wednesday, May 11, 2022



Opening question: What are you full of? What does full mean? How do we use that word?

1. He has a full life…
2. You're full of it…
3. I'm full…

We all want…
1. A full tank of gas.
2. A full bank account.
3. A full stomach

The opposite of full is empty, right?

What are you filled with?


"I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it."
Psalms 81:10 NIV

God wants to fill us! He wants to be the source of our fulfillment!

What does that mean?

What does God want to fill us with?
Galatians 5:22
• Filled with the spirit
• Filled with joy
• Filled with love
• Filled with peace
• Filled with kindness
• Filled with gentleness
• Filled with self control

What does the world want to fill is with?
Galatians 5:19
• Immorality, impurity, anger, envy…

All those things leave you filling empty!

Share about being full of angry

What are you filled with?

It's our choice what we are going to be filled with! "Open wide your mouth"

How do we open our mouths wide to God?
• Prayer, Gods word, faith and deeds, seeking his will, etc…
• Full with no room for anything else!

Why do you think that God started the verse by pointing back to Egypt? What was/is God trying to communicate to them and us?


What are you filled with today?
What will you be filled with tomorrow?
Make a decision to open your mouths wide to God and let him fill you up!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Ambassadors for Christ

Ambassadors for Christ

Opening Question: What kind of foods do you really hate?

Fun Fact: Our sense of smell is responsible for about 80% of what we taste.

2 Corinthians 5:16-21

"So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

• Who is the "US" in vs 18?
• You and I, right?
• What does it mean to be reconciled to God?
• What is the "ministry of reconciliation" in vs 18?
• Is this just for ministers?
• How cool is that to be chosen by God to deliver his message of reconciliation to the world
• Vs. 20, "we are therefore, Christ ambassadors"
• What is an ambassador?
• an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.
• Do you feel accredited as a christian? You should!
• What is the role of an ambassador?
• To represent, role model, show best face, advocate, communicate…etc
• How should Christ's ambassador behave?
• When your on the highway?
• When you have a dispute with your neighbor?
• When your order is wrong in the restaurant?
• When there is a conflict at work?
• Where is the hardest place for you to be Christ ambassador?


• Vs 20 - God is making his appeal to the world through us?
• That puts us into two categories
• The ones who are doing the appealing and the ones who need to be appealed.
• How you determine which one you are depends on if you have been reconciled with God?
• Vs 21. Reconciliation is through Jesus
• "We might become the righteousness of God"

The Prophets!

The Prophets!

The law of Moses was so much more than just laws. It was Gods justice, morality, heart, and passion! From social boundaries that were written to create a thriving nation to rules and order on how to worship!

The prophets were sent to call people back to Gods original desires to have a sanctified people to himself.

2 Kings 2:11

Elisha requested a double portion of God's spirit. Only Jesus was a man that walked the earth with more!

Elisha was one of those profits! Many of Elisha's miracles were similar to the miracles Jesus performed!

2 Kings 6:8-15
Ephesians 6:13

When we are focused on the things and troubles of this world we are permanently surrounded! Fight with spiritual weapons and you are able to defend yourself!

2 Kings 6:16-17

Elisha refuses to be drawn into a worldly battle from a worldly perspective! I have to approach worldly problems and conflicts with the spiritual forces that God has supplied!

What did it take for the servants eyes to be open? Prayer! Prayer is not of this world! Prayer is the start of spiritual action. Prayer is more important than action!

2 Kings 6:18-23

Elisha fought for a spiritual victory! What is victory in this moment? It did not end with Elisha killing anyone! What is victory in my moment?

What victory are you looking for? A worldly victory or a spiritual one? They are not the same and they do not look anything alike!

Just like Elisha, Jesus walked into jeruslam and purposely got himself surrounded by people that wanted to kill him!

God’s righteousness

God's righteousness
What are we saved from? God's righteous judgement!

• Normally we reflect, lets experience it as well.

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."
Hebrews 4:13 NIV

• Everything you have done and ever will do is known by God and some day you will have to give Him an account!
• In this court room, God is the judge, the bible is His law and you are the defendant!
• Court is in session!
• What are the charges against the defendant?!?

sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like.
Galatians 5:19-21 NIV

• God asks, "Who will defend this man?"
• Will you represent your self?
• I've tried to be a good person. I'm not as bad as…a murderer
• You cannot defend yourself.
• Guilty as charged!
• You need a savior!

"Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
Romans 8:34-35 NIV

• Jesus stands between you and God
• I represent him!
• Your Honor/Father he is guilty as charged; however, on April 7, 1991…
• Justice has been served, I have paid the price for his sins!

"God made (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God."
2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV

• What should our response be?
• Have you made Jesus Lord of your life? Have you accepted Jesus as your savior?
• How are you going to respond?

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Let the good times roll!

Let the good times roll!

Keys to a great marriage!

It starts with a foundation built on Gods word!

Matthew 7:24-27 storms are coming so be prepared! Foundation is the key to weathering those storms! God is the third party in our relationships. God uses other people to be an objective third party as well to help us refocus on the right foundation!

After a storm there is nothing better than when the sun pops out! There is hope!

Being righteous is another key!

Isaiah 48:17-18 we find peace when we do what is right. We find turmoil when we chose not to be righteous! We all made a decision to make Jesus Lord and that should govern all of our actions and decisions! Do you trust that your spouse will chose what is right?

Genesis 4:6-7 doing what is right! Seems so simple! Praying together is a great way to chose what is right together!

Being best friends is key!

Philippians 4:4; proverbs 17:22

Be happy with the spouse God has given you! Enjoy the journey together!

Let the good times roll!

Let the good times roll!

If Jesus was married what would his marriage look like? Think of all the examples of Jesus life that would describe they way he would treat his wife? Jesus was patient. He was never self seeking! Jesus was never easily angered! Jesus never kept a record of wrongs! Jesus would never fail his wife! Jesus is the standard for us as husbands!

Ephesians 5; Colossians 3:19

What areas do you need to be more like christ in? What do you need to apologies to your wife for? Our marriage relationship belongs to God! Maybe ask your wife what she thinks you need to work on!

1 Peter 3:7 i need to treat my wife the way God would want me to treat his daughter!

1 Corinthians 7:3-5; songs of songs 8:10 if you are not content with your wife there is a spiritual issue!

Let the good times roll!

Let the good times roll!

Keep on rolling! Communication is key. Words matter!

James 3:3-6 our tongues and the words we use have power! We need to resolve disagreements before this conflict! Proverbs 15:1 our words can control whether we have a good time or bad time!

As Christians we need to not allow our feelings to take priority. This is the order we should live by: scriptures then reason then feelings!

Colossians 3:12; 1 Timothy 6:11

Being considerate is key!

Philippians 2:4-8; Hebrews 10:23-24

Dealing with conflict is key! The little foxes that ruin the vineyard Songs of songs 2:15; Ephesians 4:16; Hebrews 12:15;

Be gracious and grateful!

1 Thessalonians 5:18; Colossians 3:15

Make a list of the top 10 things that you are grateful for about your spouse!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Old Negro Spirituals!

Old Negro Spirituals!

Many of the negro spirituals songs we sing were written from the spiritual perspective of men and women who were kept captive in slavery. They provide spiritual truths that come from a place deep in passion and connection to God through suffering! The longing for freedom and to see the kingdom of God ushered into the world with all the rights and privileges for its citizens!

The spirituals don't just long for a resurrection but also a desire for justice and repentance. Many of their views were directly tied to Israels story of breaking free from Egypt! The spirituals echoed the language of the prophets in the Old Testament about God providing deliverances! Other themes of repentance now and resurrection later. God's comfort, compassion, and faithfulness! A new heaven and a new earth to come!


Read this from the perspective of a slave longing for freedom and better days! Listen to the language and the parallel themes that transcend from one generation to another!

Isaiah 2:1-4; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hosea 2:16-23

We need to see through all of this that the kingdoms of this world for what they are. Condemn the kingdom's of tis world and call for repentance! Speak of and look forward to the kingdom that is coming!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Forgiveness, restoration, and reconciliation!

Forgiveness, restoration, and reconciliation!

Forgiveness: stop feeling angry or resentful toward someone for (an offense, flaw, or mistake).
Restore: return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.
Reconcile: restore friendly relations between.

1. Do you have a hard time forgiving people that hurt you?
2. How do you know when you have forgiven someone?
3. What about when there is no reconciliation or restoration in the relationship?
4. Is there a connection between the three?
5. Can you have one without the other?
6. Share personally.
7. Is your forgiveness conditional and dependent on restoring or reconciling.
8. What do you do when you chose to forgive and there is no reconciliation or restoration.
9. What do you do when someone doesn't ask for forgiveness, want to reconcile or restore the relationship?
10. Should you give up trying to reconcile or restore the relationship? Can you and still be forgiving?
11. Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
12. Forgiveness releases you just as well as the forgivee.
13. We have to forgive to be reconciled to God!
14. Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in christ God forgave you.
15. Colossians 3:13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
16. Praying for those that hurt you! What do you pray for? Do you only pray that you can forgive them?
17. In order for them to be reconciled God they need to forgive and reconcile with you!
18. Forgiveness is not dependent on anything other than your decision to forgive. Without forgiveness you cannot restore a relationship or reconcile.
19. We have to forgive regardless.

Sunday, February 6, 2022



1. What is repentance?
2. What is it not?
3. Repentance is not just a thought or a statement. I'm sorry. I feel bad…etc
4. Repentance is an action. A decision to do the opposite. It requires doing something.
5. 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 "Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while— yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter."
6. What are the action parts of repentance that we see in this scripture?
7. Foundational biblical concept that we teach.
8. When is the last time you dealt with a specific sin in your life with that much intensity?
9. What do some of these Godly sorrow characteristics look like in action?
10. Which one is the hardest for you?
11. How do you move from worldly sorrow to godly sorrow?
12. 1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
13. Our power and motivation to have Godly sorrow comes from looking at the cross.
14. What sins in your life have you settled for worldly sorrow in?

God is with us

God is with us

What has been the most painful or difficult thing for you over the past two years?

Matthew 1:23; 2:13-23

Matthew is trying to teach us that God is with us. No matter what you're going through, God is with you! Put yourself in this story. As a teenage bride having to run to another country for safety. Roman soldiers coming to your town to kill your baby. You have to flee in the middle of the night. Maybe you knew people in your village that had their sons killed. What would you be thinking?

This is the three year period of Mary's life until she returned. You go back but are not able to go back to normal. You have to settle in a new town, Nazareth. You have to learn to deal with a new normal. Would your faith be challenged? Would you question whether God was with really you?

In each of the turning points in this story, matthew provides a prophesy from the Old Testament. This first reference in vs 15 is being brought out of Egypt, Hosea 11.

Look at the comparisons. In the mist of all this Matthew is saying that God is still there!

The next reference in vs 18, Jeremiah 31:15. One of the worst time in Israels history, the exile to Babylon. Who's Rachel. Why is Jeremiah talking about Rachel? Matthew picks this up and shows that Rachel is still morning but there is hope! God is right there in the middle of our pain. He mourns with us!

The third reference in vs. 23, has no specific prophet given credit. It appears that Matthew is referencing a theme in the prophets that Jesus would come from a place that was unexpected. With nothing to attract us to him. Stricken by God. A tender shoot. Without the material wealth, worldly honor or glory that we would expect of a King. Nonetheless, God was with Him and God is with us!

Jesus was born with a price on his head and He died with a price on his head. Jesus trusted his father in every moment in his life! We have no idea where we God is leading us at times. We have no control. Only the control to make a decision to trust and have faith that God is with us!

Remember and Sacrifice

Remember and Sacrifice

The bible talks a lot about remembering. Remember is a biblical concept that God calls us to. What is the opposite of remember? Some would say to forget and that is true but a better opposing word would be dismember. To not only forget but to take things apart. To remember is in a sense to put everything back in its right place in our minds!

Sacrifice is another biblical concept that God calls us to. There are examples all over the bible. Examples of sacrifice in many different things. Money, time, desires, and even life itself! Genesis 29:14-20 sacrifice of time. Love can be measured by sacrifice!

Hebrews 10:1-18
Sacrifice causes us to remember and put back in to order the things that important to God! One sacrifice above all others is the blood of christ. A once for all sacrifice thats motivates and calls us to live a life of sacrifice!

Hebrews 10:19-25
The therefore is Jesus sacrifice and if we remember that it should lead us to sacrifice our lives. Confidence to come near to God. Sacrifice our time. Meeting together!

Acts 2:36-47

Prophets to Jeroboam

Prophets to Jeroboam

1 Kings 11:26-40

God blessed because and did not completely curse because of David's righteousness. This is a profound statement because David was not a righteous man morally as we would define it. David was a sinful man who was really good at repenting. His actions were not always righteous but his heart was soft and moldable!

Jeroboam, on the other hand, was not a righteous man. He turned away from God!

1 Kings 13:1-34

Many of Gods prophets embody the words of God through their life. One prophet testifies naked for several years to make a point. Another prophet marry's a prostitute to show how hurt God is with his bride Israel. Many more examples like this in the bible. The man of God in this story's life was taken for the same sin as Jeroboam. Not obeying the word of the Lord! It was done in such a way that all the details were shocking and notices by everyone. A direct message again for Jeroboam!

Lessons from Jeroboam:
1. Don't forget what brought you to Gods Kingdom? Jeroboam was raised up for a specific reason and he forgot the Lord and did the exact opposite of what God told him to do!
2. Watch how God is active in the lives around you! Look around you at the people that have lives that you don't want and ask the question, how did they get there? God is still using events in other peoples lives to speak to you! Who's life is God speaking to you through right now?
3. Listen to the people God puts in your life! Jeroboam listen to the people he wanted to and ignored the people he wanted to.
4. Only listen to the people that speak from God.

Even Jesus used scripture to confirm Gods will. He constantly used scripture to show what God's will is!

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Renew in 2022

Renew in 2022

What are the marks of a renewed church? The church is the body of Christ and is paramount to faith! The church is here to represent the body of Christ!

Renew means to make new again. To know the marks of a renewed church we have to look at the marks of the early church. The first mark is a spirit filled church!

Acts 2:42-47

They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles. This was a bible filled church of believers that studied the scriptures intently! They submitted to the authority of the apostles. Some of us spend too much time studying books about the bible instead of reading the bible! Do your convictions come directly from the bible or another book? Through the scriptures we teach, rebuke, and deal with sin!

They devoted themselves to fellowship! Its members love and care for one another! We are involved in each others lives! We unified through fellowship. Knowing each other and calling each other to the same standard. To be in fellowship you have to be unified. Fellowship leads to breaking bread together.

Devoted to pray is a worshiping church. Through prayer we connect spiritually. We communion together in prayer through the spirit. Through prayer we unite in focus and objectives. Through prayer we find faith, trust, and surrender to God!

God is with us

God is with us

What has been the most painful or difficult thing for you over the past two years?

Matthew 1:23; 2:13-23

Matthew is trying to teach us that God is with us. No matter what you're going through, God is with you! Put yourself in this story. As a teenage bride having to run to another country for safety. Roman soldiers coming to your town to kill your baby. You have to flee in the middle of the night. Maybe you knew people in your village that had their sons killed. What would you be thinking?

This is the three year period of Mary's life until she returned. You go back but are not able to go back to normal. You have to settle in a new town, Nazareth. You have to learn to deal with a new normal. Would your faith be challenged? Would you question whether God was with really you?

In each of the turning points in this story, matthew provides a prophesy from the Old Testament. This first reference in vs 15 is being brought out of Egypt, Hosea 11.

Look at the attached picture for comparisons. In the mist of all this Matthew is saying that God is still there!

The next reference in vs 18, Jeremiah 31:15. One of the worst time in Israels history, the exile to Babylon. Who's Rachel. Why is Jeremiah talking about Rachel? Matthew picks this up and shows that Rachel is still morning but there is hope! God is right there in the middle of our pain. He mourns with us!

The third reference in vs. 23, has no specific prophet given credit. It appears that Matthew is referencing a theme in the prophets that Jesus would come from a place that was unexpected. With nothing to attract us to him. Stricken by God. A tender shoot. Without the material wealth, worldly honor or glory that we would expect of a King. Nonetheless, God was with Him and God is with us!

Jesus was born with a price on his head and He died with a price on his head. Jesus trusted his father in every moment in his life! We have no idea where we God is leading us at times. We have no control. Only the control to make a decision to trust and have faith that God is with us!

Wednesday, January 19, 2022



1. What is repentance?
2. What is it not?
3. Repentance is not just a thought or a statement. I'm sorry. I feel bad…etc
4. Repentance is an action. A decision to do the opposite. It requires doing something.
5. 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 "Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it—I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while— yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter."
6. What are the action parts of repentance that we see in this scripture?
7. Foundational biblical concept that we teach.
8. When is the last time you dealt with a specific sin in your life with that much intensity?
9. What do some of these Godly sorrow characteristics look like in action?
10. Which one is the hardest for you?
11. How do you move from worldly sorrow to godly sorrow?
12. 1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God."
13. Our power and motivation to have Godly sorrow comes from looking at the cross.
14. What sins in your life have you settled for worldly sorrow in?

Monday, January 17, 2022

Justified and sactified

Justified and sactified

Luke 18:9-14

1. What does justified mean?
2. Vs. 9 How do we know if we are justified? Is it based on our opinion or someone else?
3. Vs 10 - two men going to the same place, doing the same thing. Going to the temple to pray. One a respected religious man, the other a despised tax collector. One morally right the other morally wrong.
4. Two different prayers, only one was justified.
5. How do we become self righteous?
6. How do we stay grounded in who we really are in our sinful natures?
7. Justified by our definition or someone else's?
8. Being justified supersedes law. You can break a law if you are justified!
9. What justifies us before God?
10. Justification through the cross. Being justified by God.
11. Justification does not change what happened, (we sinned and deserve death) it just changes Gods view on what happened.
12. God sees Jesus sacrifice and views us as justified.
13. If someone is late they are late. Nothing can change that. If they have a good reason for being late (car accident..etc) it changes our view of why they are late and justifies them for being late!

Romans 4:24-5:2
1 corinthians 6:9-11

Friday, November 26, 2021

Biblical Faith

Biblical Faith

Faith is a fragile thing. We can easily let the cares and struggles of this world to influence our faith! Life is like a seesaw with huge swings from the good to the bad. It can have an impact on our faith and how we see God.

Mark 6:1-6

These people were familiar with Jesus. They new where he came from. They new his family and probably had memories of his life growing up. They had a history with Jesus. There familiarity with Jesus was a source of unbelief for them. Their unbelief affected Jesus ability to performed the miracles he wanted to do!

The longer and longer that i live as a christian i can live a religious life that requires very little faith! We develop spiritual routines that really require no faith because they have become so familiar to us. We need to realize that the actions we take can limit What God will do in our lives!

The amazing thing is that God will do such amazing things through us with the smallest amount of faith! Matthew 17:14

Be excited again to be a disciple! Open your eyes to what God is trying to do with your life and sometimes we need to just get out of the way. Believe that noting is impossible for God!

Sin’s life cycle

Sin's life cycle

"When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
‭‭James‬ ‭1:13-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

  1. Have you ever blamed God for your temptations?
  2. Why do people blame God when they are tempted?
    1. We really blame God for the sin we commit that came out of the temptation.
    2. Not wanting to take responsibility for our own actions.
  3. What are we saying about God if we blame him? He is evil.
  4. What is the life cycle of Sin described here?
    1. Desire leads to temptation, temptation leads to sin, sin leads to death.
  5. How can we shorten the life cycle?
    1. What can we do about, desire?
    2. What is a desire? What is it and what is it not?
      1. Desire = strong feeling or want
        1. Desires are changeable!
        2. Galatians 5
        3. Take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ!
        4. Rebuke our worldly desires when we identify them
    3. What can we do about temptation?
      1. Are desires and temptations the same?
      2. Enticed definition
      3. Matt 6:13 proactive prayer
      4. 1 Corinthians 10:13 look for a way out.
      5. James 4:7 submit, resist, and flee.
  6. What part of the sin life cycle do you need the most help with?
  7. When is sin full grown as vs 15 talks about?
  8. Desire leads to temptation which leads to sin but it doesn't stop there.
  9. When you allow sin to become full grown it's really not a temptation anymore its a lifestyle.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Mark 1:14-15

Marks starts out his book delivering the truth about the Gospel. The kingdom is here and it should change our life. Our perspective should be different. Our priorities should be different. Each day has meaning now. Our lives have meaning!

What is my life oriented around? Is it the kingdom or something else!

Romans 12:1-2
This is about truth. The world does not offer truth. Following the pattern of the world will not lead you to truth. Laying down your life in worship to God will lead you to his will and the truth in your life!

How to bring truth to your life through teaching?

  1. Reading the bible.
  2. Reading spiritual books.
  3. Sunday teaching.
  4. Spiritual podcast.
  5. Having a spiritual mentor.

We have so many resources today to help learn about God. Knowledge is not enough to be like Jesus. We have change our thoughts and actions!

Matthew 7:24-29

Three practices of a true christian.

  1. Practices based on the lifestyle of Jesus.
  2. Practices based on the teachings of Jesus.
  3. Practices based on the ministry and mission of Jesus.

Think about what you turn to when you are anxious or angry. Replace what ever you turn to with a practice of Jesus!

Sermon on the mount

Sermon on the mount

Matthew 6

  1. Three examples of religion for outward showing: giving , praying and fasting.
  2. The kingdom attitude about material things.
  3. Warning against judging.
  4. Warnings against false prophets.
  5. Obedience.

"When you" is used and not "if you do". There is and expectation that we will give, pray and fast. Jesus is saying when you do these things, have the right motivation and heart. Do them not to be seen but to please and honor God!

Matthew 23:23

Matthew 6:9-15
God is sovereign and can do anything he wants to do but has limited himself by asking us to pray to him and make our request. Our prayers are apart of Gods plan and design! It matters for us to ask God. God has partnered with us in this way!

Treasures in heaven/Do not worry, passage contrasts our needs from our wants. God gives us what we need and not what we want all the time.

Matthew 7

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Who is God?

Who is God?

God is spirit. The spirit is a person. The spirit is not you or me. It is it's own being.

Isaiah 63:8-9

The spirit is not an "it". The spirit is not a thing. The spirit is a entity of its own. The sin of the people that God has chosen to be his, left the holy spirit grieving! The spirit can grieve and has feelings.

Genesis 1:1-2 the spirit went forth ahead of God!

Exodus 28:3; 31:3; proverbs 1:20-22; 1:31-33; james 3:17

The spirit is wisdom. Wisdom is found in the spirit. The spirit goes before us and creates a straight path. Proverbs 3:5-6. It matters more who is leading you than where you are going. Regardless of the path or challenge if you are lead by the spirit God goes before you!

Luke 4:15-19 the spirit went ahead of Jesus and lead him. In the book of Acts the spirit went before the church and the apostles. They were in-tune with what the spirit was doing. Acts 10

Philippians 2:13 the spirit works in us! Through the spirit we are adopted as sons in Gods family! Romans 8:15

Eating together

Eating together

Sharing a meal together or eating together has a significant place in scripture. From the beginning Eve ate the fruit in the garden with a serpent. Abraham shared a meal with angels that came to him. Jacob stole a birthright with Esau over a meal. There are many more examples like this in scripture.

Shared meals becomes a big theme in his ministry. Jesus constantly breaks bread with people. He reclines at many tables and enjoys sharing food with people so much that they called him a gluten.

Jesus invites us to His table. Jesus is always at the table! Jesus begins his ministry at the table of a wedding feast and ended his ministry at the table of the Lords supper!

Luke 10:1-6 Jesus used the table to heal and teach. Over a meal his disciples healed and taught the people that were willing to invite his disciples into their homes! This is how the gospel is supposed to be shared.

Jesus used the table in many of his parables! In luke 14 Jesus is at a table telling a story about a table that represents another table! His parable is also about how to truly love! Luke 14:1-24

Jesuses table is for everyone! Luke 7:36-37 Jesus table is for sinners. Are there any exceptions? Jesus invites "all people" to his table! Even Judas and unrepentant sinner was invited to eat at Jesus table! Jesus disagreed with their sinful lives and challenged them to be different but nonetheless he still ate a meal with them.

The Final Table!

The Final Table!

All four gospels give the account of the last super! This not the case for many other events in Jesus life. The last super was a significant event in Jesus ministry! The last super was during Passover which was meant to have meaning in the context of passover!

Mark 14:22-24
What happened at this meal mattered. What happen could not be forgotten and needed to be remembered.

Mark 14:12-15
Do we prepare for the Lords supper? Do we consider it a moment to prepare? Jesus had prepared ahead of time and it was an event that he gave priority.

Matthew 26:30

Singing a hymn was what Jesus did before he went to the garden to plead with God. Music was a powerful element in Jesus's life! Song worship is a great way to connect us emotionally and creates a heart to mind connection!

Luke 22:14-16

Jesus looked forward to the meal!

Matthew 26:23-24

Jesus statement about Judas shows he was not happy with Judas betrayal but he loved and showed grace regardless. If we believe God judges justly it is easier for us to let go of justice ourselves and surrender our anger and emotions to God.

Every time Jesus sat at a table with his followers he pointed to the kingdom of heaven. The last supper was no different.

Luke 22:24-30

World changer

World changer

Hebrews 10:11-14
Could you imaging never knowing whether you were forgiven by God? Jesus sat down because he was done. He paid the price once and for all. There is nothing left for him todo so he sat down next to God.

Hebrews 10:15-18
When something is so hard to believe you want a 2nd witness. The Holy Spirit testifies as a witness to the truth that we have been sanctified!

Hebrews 10:19-22
Not one priest in the holiest place but now all of us can go into Gods presence with full confidence! There is no more fear in approaching God.

Hebrews 10:23-25
We need each other to do good works. Meeting together allows for us to be spurred on and encouraged to stay faithful!

Hebrews 10:26-30
Gods warning for those who don't live the way God intended for us to live.

Hebrews 10:32-39

Gospel of Mark

Gospel of Mark

Mark questions us on who are you really following. Will you follow Jesus?

Mark 1:1-15

John the baptist was a herald that was announcing the arrival of a new king. Mark sets out this question, "will you follow Jesus?" Jesus is a new king, a different king. He comes to disrupt the status quo! He appoints a new 12, not the standard 12 tribes. He redefines the meaning of family. He defines the law in ways that are counter to the religious leaders.

Mark 4:21-26

Are you blind and deaf spiritually or do you see and hear the message of Jesus? Mark goes on to show several examples of people that were blind or deaf and are able to see and hear clearly through Jesus! Mark 8:18

Mark 8:27-35;9:30-35

Following Jesus cost you something. Mark ask the question again, "will you follow Jesus?"

Mark 10:35-38

Jesus was leading the disciples to places they did not want to go. Following Jesus requires you to follow regardless of where Jesu is leading you.

Mark 13; 15:21-38

Will you follow Jesus even to the cross?

Mark 16:1-8 Will you follow Jesus?

Ephesians 6 — Ready for a fight!

Ephesians 6 — Ready for a fight!

Ephesians 6:10-20

The idea of Armor for the first century church would have conjured up real images that were relevant in their day. The sight of a roman solider! Spiritual armor for a spiritual solider! Paul says be strong in the Lord before you put the armor on. Spiritual training as you pick up and cloth yourself in each piece of armor!

Understand Satan's schemes! You study and know your adversary. You develop a battle plan. You don't go into to battle with out knowing what you will encounter. Satan try's to trick us into forgetting who the real battle is with. Our battle is not against flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle.

The order of how you put the amor is important. There's a logical reason for the order we put on the amor. The first it truth. The second is righteousness. There is no righteousness with out truth!…etc.

Our armor is made of defensive equipment and offensive equipment. At some point you have to pick up the sword and put to death the temptation or sin. When will you pick up the sword and fight?

The sword is the only weapon we have. Gods word was meant to be used offensively and defensively.

Sermon on the mount

Sermon on the mount

Matthew 5

The gospel means good news. Anytime we share about Jesus we need to make sure that is "Good news!" to those that hear us.

True repentance in God is starts with a pure heart! We must move from, "not doing" something into "doers" of something good. Repentance is not just stopping something but doing something else!

Jesus never addressed sinful culture as a way to change anything. He addressed the sinful heart in the individual!

Let the things that break God's heart break my heart!

Do the beatitudes have a significant order to them? The first one, "blessed are the poor in spirit" is a foundation that one needs to have. It is important to understand that you are poor in spirit; you are not rich in spirit without God!

Mark 1

Mark 1

Jesus led his disciples into places of worship. It is common today to want Jesus and dislike the church. Early on in Jesus ministry there was a focus on community of worship.

Questions on demons:
What kind of trouble do they cause.
Who are they?
Where do they come from?
Do demons possess people today?
Can a true christian be demon-possessed?

Examples: scripture on not letting the sun go down on your anger!less the devil get a foot hold. Jesus says to Peter get behind me Satan.

Jesus often touches the unclean when he heals. The OT law stated that the unclean made the clean unclean. Jesus changed the unclean to clean.

Mark 2

Jesus healed many times based on the faith of a person. In the story of the paralytic Jesus noticed "their" faith, referring to the paralytic's friend! Our faith has can have an impact on our love ones and the people around us!

Jesus constantly upset the religious groups of the day. In this chapter he is being accused of being a drunk and sinner because of who he ministered too. If Jesus came today to our town what would our religious groups get up set over? Would Jesus stand in contrast to us?

Monday, August 30, 2021

Dance of Grace!

Dance of Grace!

God does not make a bad marriage. He is the author and perfect-or of the institute of marriage that he crated! What is the dance of grace? Fist we need to know what grace is. A gift, blessing, favor from God. Genesis 2:20-24 god showed favor to Adam by providing a suitable helper. Grace was designed to create a response of grace. Grace and gratitude are connected.

2 Peter 3:18

There is no way that you can give grace until you realize the and know the grace that God has giving you in Jesus Christ! Understanding that i am not in the place or right to pass judgement because i am a sinner and God has given me so much grace and mercy.

Signs you are missing grace. When anger and resentment creep in. When you stop being open about the sin in your own life. When you give into impure thoughts and negativity.

Ephesians 2:8; 2 Timothy 2:1

How do you become strong in grace? You have to get grateful! Developing gratitude for your spouse! Strength comes from gratitude for each other! God knew that you could not do it alone! He chose my wife for me and we were meant to be together.

Be grateful that you are not alone. Be grateful that you have someone to share life with. We have so many things to be grateful for!

The Grace Filled Church

The Grace Filled Church

Three graces in the dance of grace. The patron or benefactor who grants grace or a gift. The receiver shows grace though gratitude. The receiver gives back in grace to the giver! Grace puts the world in harmony.

Ephesians 5:1-20; Romans 6:23

The gift is forgiveness and redemption through Christ. A gift we do not deserve. Our response should be grace through gratitude. Our response to Gods gift of grace should produce gratitude and a gift of grace back to God!

Is the way that I live my life showing grace?

Ephesians 5:4; 5:20; 5:8-10

We also give back by sharing the gift we have been given to others. We tell about the glorious things God has done for us. We share how much God has forgiven us!

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

Christ dies for me and my gift back to Jesus is to die to myself as well!

What are you looking for?

What are you looking for?

Matthew 2:1-12
What your looking for in life is what you are fixated on. The wise men did not know where they were going. They had to trust and follow. All they had was a star in the sky. They were fixated on that star!

Luke 2:17-18 when the Shepherds found out about Jesus they spread the good news everywhere.

How is it that all this was happening and Herod did not know? Why did God have to bring people from all over the world to find Jesus? The wisemen knew what they were looking for and they did what ever it took to find Jesus.

Matthew 12:11-12
Once they found Jesus they feel to the ground and worshipped Jesus and offered gifts! What gifts, talents, and resources do you have to offer Jesus.

The wisemen stopped to ask questions on their way to find Jesus. Are we still being Bareans?! We should always be Constantly seeking to find Jesus! Sometimes we have need the help from others to find him.

People are tired of religion and tired of church! Some stop looking for Jesus because of religion. No one gets tired of Jesus!

The most important thing in the life of the wisemen was to find Jesus. Are you still earnestly looking for Jesus?!

Finding Jesus in everyday things. What can i find Jesus in today in this area, or that area?

Rocks, pebbles and sand analogy. You have to fill the jar with big rocks first then, pebbles and then sand. What are the small pebbles and sand in your life that keep you from filling your life with the big import rocks?

Matthew 2:12 when the wisemen returned to their country God sent them through another way.

Who is God?

Who is God?

Is this still a relevant question today? Do people still care about God and who he is? Is he singular or plural? Does he care about me? Is God intimate with his creations or is he detached?

Is God singular? Is a question about Gods fundamental nature!

Genesis 1:26-27 The creation account is plural. As the jews were righting this account of creation they had no understanding the trinity or Jesus. On some level they did know that God was not singular.

Genesis 18:1-15 Gods plurality shows up as he meets with Abraham.

We are made in Gods image!

Genesis 2:17-18

We are only able to reflect the whole image of God when we are together. We were created to be plural as well!

Deuteronomy 6:4
Philippians 2:5-13

Because Jesus came in the form of a man we can relate to him. The spirit we have a hard time understanding and relating to. The spirit acts on us and compels us. Acts 2:19-21

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Who is God?

Who is God?

We are made in God's image. God is a father. Fatherhood is ingrained in who God is and who he wants us to understand him to be! God is plural, father, son and spirit. What can we learn about who God is from what God does?

Matthew 19:1-3;13-15
Jesus is in the middle of a controversial question of the day and he is interrupted with little children! How does Jesus respond?

Jesus always was! He is present, past and future. John 1:1; Genesis 49:8-9 Jesus was/is the king that the Old Testament scriptures talk about. 2 Samuel 7:12-13; Deuteronomy 18:15; Isaiah 53:5-12

Jesus the powerful king who was victorious through becoming the suffering servant!

Jesus lived and was fully human! Jesus became hungry, experienced pain, had weakness in his human condition. Hebrews 5:7-8 Jesus learned obedience through suffering. How do we expect to learn in any other way? He suffered the loss of a father and cared for a widowed mother.

1 corinthians 15:20-25; hebrews 2:14-15

Saturday, April 24, 2021

A storm with purpose!

A storm with purpose!

What is the worst storm you've ever been through?

Matthew 8

Cost of following Jesus. Teacher, "I'll go with you anywhere you go...", really?

The disciples "followed him into the boat"

What are the details in this story? Who were these disciples? Majority were fisherman. How bad does a storm have to be to scare these guys?

How did the storm come? Suddenly. With no warning.

Who was the only one that could have known the storm was coming? Why would Jesus purposely take them into a storm?

Does Jesus response seem weird to you? Where is your faith? Wasn't the disciples response a natural response? What was faithless about their response?

What would true faith have looked like for them?

What storm has God brought you into?

40 days discussion questions:

How do the storms of life reveal the quality of your faith?

Where is your faith at today?

The disciples final response should be our response. Fear and Amazement. The God we pray to has the power to do anything we ask or imagine!

Ephesians 3:20

Monday, April 19, 2021

The Call to Rebuild

The Call to Rebuild

Nehemiah was a man of passion!

Nehemiah 1:1-11

How are my people doing? How am I doing? The report for Nehemiah was not good! Nehemiah cared enough to ask how things were! Nehemiah wept for his people! Your cry over the people your care about! Nehemiah prayed for his people. Nehemiah left the comfort of the palace for the concern of his people!

Nehemiah's response to what he heard.

Nehemiah 2:11-20

Nehemiah found like minded believers and asked them do you want to rebuild. Do you want to rebuild? Is there anything in my life that is crumbling? What needs to be rebuilt? Is there something in my life that God wants me to repair?

As a church what are we going to rebuild?

Where does passion come from?

Acts 2:1-17; 42-47

Feed your spirit! Feed it with the word of God. Feed it with prayer! Feed it through service! Feed it through fellowship! Bring the fire (passion) back in your spiritual life.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Black History is apart of God’s History

Isaiah 40:28-31

History is a subject that God loves. The Israelites record events in history and created memories to remember and never forget. The same with Jesus and his instructions to us to remember his death, burial and resurrection through observing the communion.

The passage through the Red sea was the birth of a nation. A people chosen by God to become a nation of priests. God commanded his people to remember the exodus. They walked into the sea one thing and came out something completely different. Same thing with us through baptism.

There is not a corner or group of history that God has not been using or working through! No different with black history in america. There were so many black leaders that took a stand through christianity. God used these mean to comfort, lead and to demand the change that our country needed.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Jesus is the Answer

Jesus is the Answer

Are we making a difference? Are we becoming the change that we want to see in our world? If we are not then we are just empty vessels. The coming of Jesus Christ into the world is the biggest moment in the earth's history! Why did he come? For what purpose?

Luke 19:10; Romans 15:7-12

Jesus provides us the hope that we need overcome this world. Jesus purpose and our purpose are the same. We have the gospel (good news) and we need to share that message with the world.

Habakkuk 2:14; Matthew 28:18-20

How will the earth be filled with the knowledge of the Lord if we do not open our mouths and share the gospel. This was God's plan of salvation that we should make Jesus Lord and then call the people around us to do the same.

Jesus left the mission not complete. The mission that God gave his son has now been passed onto us. What a calling! More than fame, prestige, and riches! God's plan is the best way for us to impact the world around us.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

When enough isn’t

When enough isn't

Mark 10:17-21

When is good, good enough? We are never satisfied it seems.

The this guy approaches Jesus with a great question. He seems to look for validation in his life that he was good enough. His life was driven by deeds and he looked for more deeds to validate himself.

More is better, better is more. Is that true?

Jesus tells him to go sell everything you have. Remove the things that are holding you back. Jesus was trying to free this man from the burden of his lifestyle. Jesus wanted him to free up space to truly serve God.

What do you need to subtract from your life to allow you grow closer to God?!
What does enough look like? For most of us we have an abundance of enough!

Jesus asking us to give up what we have here for something better up there!

Living in the light

Living in the light

Ephesians 5:8-20

What dies it mean to be a new creation? Darkness to light. The two are distinct states that are not confused or mistaken. Know one sits in darkness and thinks it is light. Same is true with light. It is never mistaken for darkness.

Light exposes and darkness hides. Where is God shedding light on areas in my life? What deeds are you keeping in darkness?

Are you asleep spiritually? God is calling me to wake up so that Christ light can shine on me. Its up to me to make the decision to wake up.

Live as children of light. Paul gives us a list of spiritual disciplines that help us to live as children of the light.

Reading and praying is important; however, worship is a powerful component that we ofter neglect in our spiritual lives. We were meant to connect through song, palms, and hymns!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

What are you doing in secret?

Matthew 6:1-34

Matthew 5:6;6:1 paradox?

Our motivation should be to glorify God and uplift his image! Truth be told we do things a lot of times for our benefit or to look good in front of people (Matthew 6:1)!

Vs. 2, 5, 16 - Jesus assumes that you are praying, fasting, giving to the poor. Jesus is confronting the reasons why you do what you do. What is your motivation and what are you expecting in return. Praise from men or praise from God!

What does it look like to have the wrong motivation? Jesus says in Matthew 6:1, "beware". We have to stay vigilant and check our motives. How much do you do in private the things you do in public!

People that do things for image are hypocrite! Your not worshiping God to perform or check off a box!

What do you do when you get a little free time? Is your first thought to spend more time in prayer or reading? Why not? Our relationship with God should be motivated by desire and not obligation.

Vs. 4, 6, 18 - God sees, recognizes what you do and rewards you!

Three choices. Choice between two treasures, two visions, and two masters! Store up treasures in earth or heaven? The good eye or bad eye (generosity or single mindedness). Focusing on Jesus. Choosing God or money? You cannot serve both, you must choose.

Vs. 25 - "Therefore" Jesus connects these two passages. Trusting God and letting go of worry. Lets fight materialism in our lives and get focused on the Kingdom of God!

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

The sermon on the amount brought old teaching into a new perspective. Jesus taught through Old Testament law the necessity of a relationship with God from the heart. Living for God as not a set of rules but of rather living in obedience from a motivation that comes from the heart!

Matthew 7:13-14

The narrow gate is narrow not because someone has to be perfect in obedience to enter it. The gate is narrow because people would rather be a good person outwardly and ignore the matters of the heart.

Matthew 7:15-20

If your making bad fruit you don't belong to Jesus. Followers of Jesus are identified by their fruit! You can argue doctrine but you cannot argue the fruit that someone bares. What type of fruit are you bearing?

Matthew 7:21-23

Up until Jesus arrived, the more religious you were and the more legalistic you were was viewed as security in God. Jesus shocked them with this teaching that challenged their views and called them to righteousness from the heart vs a list of laws to keep!

Matthew 7:24-27

Our foundation is the law and if we live by it we will be able to withstand the troubles of this world! The law and what we build on is important. We build our life on Jesus from the deeds we do in the open to the thoughts and attitudes of our heart! We start our foundation from the heart and we build with the heart!

I Tell You The Truth

I Tell You The Truth

Jesus started many passages with, "I tell you the truth"!

Matthew 8:5-13

The truth statement from Jesus in this story is that faith is about lordship! The centurion, a military man understood lordship! He understood that Jesus was given the authority to grant his request! Lack of faith is a symptom of forgetting who is in charge and who has all power and authority!

Have you forgotten who is in charge?

Jesus was amazed. Jesus is use to dealing with people who doubt his authority and Lordship! Even his own disciples questioned his authority at times!

Mark 10:13-16

Divorce was the hot topic of the day. To the religious leaders of the day, this topic was a top priority and yet Jesus demonstrates his willingness to not compromise on Gods word and yet not neglect what really matters. No one is more hurt through divorce than children! Most people divorce for selfish reasons and disregard the pain and emotional trauma the children go through!

Strange living in Strange Times

Strange living in Strange Times

Two realities can be true at the same time! Your reality is a lot of times based on your perspective. As christians we living a physical reality in the word and a spiritual reality in heaven!

1 Peter 2:11-15

We are to live as though we speak a different language, have a different culture, different values! We are to be aliens and foreigners in this present age!

1 Peter 4:7-11

Through intense persecution Jesus calls us to love deeply! He teaches us how to do this. Practice hospitality and use your God giving gifts to help and serve others.

Everything we are and everything we do should be used to glorify God!

Submission in Marriage

Submission in Marriage

How does our world feel about marriage? Our world really insults marriage. How its no good, doesnt meet needs, old fashioned...etc!

Statistics and studies show that marriage has a lot of positive benefits physically and mentally. For example married men are 250% less likely to commit suicide. People who are married recover from illnesses faster. Many more examples like these.

Ephesians 5:21-33

In marriage and in christian life in general, submission to Christ is required. Humans and human authority are not worthy of submission; however, through Christ we are called to submit.

Jesus never commanded us to submit when someone is worthy. Submission starts with Jesus and he is worthy of our submission!

Submission does not mean the loss of power. Although a wife is called to submit to her husband without losing her power and does not mean that a man has more power. The roles are equal in Gods eyes. Jesus took the role of a servant with losing all power and authority!

This is a miss understood concept in the world.

God does not call women to be submissive in the work place, in government or and any other secular place. He makes this call only in the sanctity of marriage.

Men have a harder time with servant leadership and woman generally have a harder time with submission. God designed marriage this way for a reason!

Do people look at your marriage and think look at the way he loves her and look at the way she submits to him? Our marriages should point the people around us towards God. It should stand out from the world!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fear and Faith

Fear and Faith

Matthew 8:18-22; 23-27

Following Jesus requires sacrifice and commitment. Following Jesus is not easy. The question Jesus is asking is, "will you follow Jesus whatever the cost".

When you made the decision to follow Jesus; how did you feel? Maybe you were anxious. Unsure of what would happen. Maybe you were excited and felt the rest of your life would be easier? We all have some expectation that a life with Jesus will make our lives better. True but few realize the true cost of following Jesus!

The disciples are immediately put into a boat and tested with a storm. Jesus has all power and authority to save! Storms will always come and Jesus does not avoid the storm. He addresses the storm!

Do you doubt in the midst of hardship and struggles? What does faith look like in the midst of a storm? Jesus took a nap! Jesus was sleeping through the chaos. Jesus trust God with out giving into fear!

The disciples got in the boat with Jesus. You have to stay with Jesus! The people that Jesus challenged to follow in vs 18-22 chose not to get into the boat. For many reasons that we would think were good reasons. Storms will come. Staying close to Jesus is the only way to weather the dangers of life! What we give up is nominal compared to what we receive!

Will you follow Jesus?

Where would you be today had you not followed Jesus? Where will you be tomorrow if you chose to follow him?

Be Attitudes

Be Attitudes

Matthew 5

Jesus challenged the current thoughts and beliefs of the day. He did not dance around social issues. The pharisees tried to trap Jesus with questions on social issues. Jesus talked about the law of Moses from the perspective of Gods heart. He did not treat the law as a set of rules!

Do you treat Gods word as a list of rules or do you see Gods heart surrounding the law. The pharisees loved to police sin and they especially loved to police adultery. Jesus challenged their self righteous judgements!

Jesus demonstrated the need for grace that all of us need! There is a call in the bible to look out for and watch for the sin of your brother. The motive and intention is to help your brother and call them to repentance. Not to be judge and jury! There is no call to police sin someone else.

When people police sin they always draw the line on sin just a little bit past what they are doing. God is the standard and he defines sin. With his definition we all need grace and none of us can stand on our own merit.

Jesus did not replace the law with conscience! Jesus abolished a lot of the daily non moral requirements of the Old Testament but never changed or lightened any of the moral commands in the Old Testament. He increased the standard of the moral commands! Our conscience cannot be the guide to what is right and wrong!

Jesus revealed a shocking version of the law. Through these revelations many allowed his teachings to be a stumbling block. They could not get past their own hard heartedness and distorted beliefs. Jesus picture of the kingdom of God and His plan for salvation went against their idea of God and our relationship with him.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Fear and Faith

Fear and Faith

Matthew 8:18-22; 23-27

Following Jesus requires sacrifice and commitment. Following Jesus is not easy. The question Jesus is asking is, "will you follow Jesus whatever the cost".

When you made the decision to follow Jesus; how did you feel? Maybe you were anxious. Unsure of what would happen. Maybe you were excited and felt the rest of your life would be easier? We all have some expectation that a life with Jesus will make our lives better. True but few realize the true cost of following Jesus!

The disciples are immediately put into a boat and tested with a storm. Jesus has all power and authority to save! Storms will always come and Jesus does not avoid the storm. He addresses the storm!

Do you doubt in the midst of hardship and struggles? What does faith look like in the midst of a storm? Jesus took a nap! Jesus was sleeping through the chaos. Jesus trust God with out giving into fear!

The disciples got in the boat with Jesus. You have to stay with Jesus! The people that Jesus challenged to follow in vs 18-22 chose not to get into the boat. For many reasons that we would think were good reasons. Storms will come. Staying close to Jesus is the only way to weather the dangers of life! What we give up is nominal compared to what we receive!

Will you follow Jesus?

Where would you be today had you not followed Jesus? Where will you be tomorrow if you chose to follow him?

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Gods plan

Gods plan

Genesis 2 — God walked with us

Genesis 3 & 4 — The fall of man. The first murder.

Genesis 6 —so much wickedness in the world that God grieved that he had made mankind...Genesis 6:5-8

God creates a people unto himself and we read about a 1000 years of God trying to have a relationship with his people.


God sends Jesus

Jesus came to save!
— samaritan woman at the well, scorned and ridiculed. He broke down racial divides and challenged Racism!
— adulterous women, hypocrisy and injustice!
— the lame, the sick, the socially outcast and forgotten.
— the poor and the needy. He broke down economic boundaries.

Jesus suffered the evils of this world!
— ridiculed and rejected
— scorned and beaten
— mocked and tortured
— abandoned!


Why was it unjust! Should have been me!

Our only hope is Jesus!

1 Peter 2:21-25

Hebrews 12:2-3 Focus on Jesus! Do not loose heart!!

God's plan did not end with the cross! It started there! Matthew 28:18-20

Reponding like Jesus

Reponding like Jesus

John 13:1-17

Jesus response is to lower himself and serve. Jesus used his power in this way to set an example for us. Can you imaging any president doing this today? What a contrast to the way our word uses power and authority!

How can we use this example in our world today? Jesus shows us that Roman occupation, The treachery of king Herod, the political turmoil of the day is not what matters! Jesus focused on what matters; people! Serving others through love!

HWJR — "how would Jesus respond" should be the example that we follow!

John 13:12-17

Philippians 2:1-11

We need to get beyond politics and opinions and focus on what Jesus focused on!

James 1:19-20

Identiy theft!

Identiy theft!

Has your identity every been stolen? Mistaken identity? Identify matters. Satan is always going after our spiritual identity.

  • Knowing your identity helps you not compare yourselves to the people around you.
  • It helps you know your purpose.
  • It helps you realize your true value to God!

Luke 3:21-22; Luke 4:1-13
  • God confirmed Jesus identity at his baptism!
  • Satan questioned Jesus identity!
    • That two letter word "if" causes so much doubt and destroys faith!
    • Satans tactics are on full display!
  • How are you? How do you identify yourself? The world wants to classify you by its definition!
    • By politics, race, age, career, sin...
  • Hold on to Gods word and let go of the lies of satan! Never let satan define you by his ifs and buts!
  • Vs 4 man shall not live on earthly things. Gods word was meant to sustain you!
  • Vs 5 Satan has been given this world and the sin that comes with it. He wants to offer you all that the world has to offer in substitute for the glory of the kingdom of God!
  • If your identity is not grounded in God then you will always for Satan's lies and deceptions! Trade the temporary for the eternal!
  • Vs 9 Satan likes to misinterpret scripture. He likes to throw a little truth in his deception! Satan chose to tell this lie from Jerusalem, from the temple, from the highest point as if that meant something to Jesus!
    • Satan took Jesus to church!
    • Our identity has to stay in Gods word and not in a church building or a church leader.
  • Satan left not giving up but to look for another opportunity!

Matthew 27:40-43
  • Satan poses the same question again!
  • How does satan come after you.
  • How are you holding to the truth in Gods word?
  • How is Gods kingdom of peace working in your life?

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Jesus washes the disciples feet.

Jesus washes the disciples feet.

John 13:1-5
  1. Jesus was aware that the hour had come. He knew the suffering he was about to endure.
  2. Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him.
  3. Jesus put a towel around his waist. A King who led with a towel! Kings wear robes and jewelry! They display they display splendor!
  4. Like a servant.

John 13:6-9
  1. They had witnessed Jesus's power (calms the storm, raised the dead, cured diseases...). Seen his holiness. Witnessed the transfiguration and felt the presence of God!
  2. Peter felt unworthy! Peters response was the only one recorded but probably a common response among the disciples.
  3. Why did he want jesus not to stop at his feet? What was symbolic about his hands and head? The instruments of sin.

John 13:10-11
  1. Peter was far from clean. The power of salvation through Gods grace and mercy!
  2. Peter betrayed Jesus just as much as Judas!
  3. I am dirty but Jesus has made me clean!

John 13:12-17
  1. Do you understand what Jesus has done for you? Much more than serving!
  2. We are called to remove all social status, economic status, pride, and arrogance and serve!
  3. Our call to service has nothing to do with the response of the people we are serving. Jesus washed Judas feet even though Judas was far from Jesus and was looking to betray him!
  4. Christ love compels us — 2 corinthians 5:14-15 — this should be our motivation to do likewise!

Living out the Gospel

Living out the Gospel

Luke 8:1-3
  • How did these average, uneducated jews have the influence that they on the world? The early church lived out the gospels in their lives. In doing so they changed the world around them!

Luke 8:4-8
  • What is the Lords call in this parable? Those who have ears, let them hear! Hear what Jesus is saying and understand what he is calling us to do.

Luke 8:9-15
  • How responsive are you to Gods word? Does it cultivate in your heart and produce something? The good soil was good because accepted Gods word and it produced a crop.
  • The only variable in this parable is the soil conditions!
  • What allows the good soil to be a good soil? Sometimes we have to cultivate the soil and remove the things that are not good, add things that will help the soil, and break up or sift through the soil!

Luke 8:16-17
  • Gods gospel can be fully understood. God's word is the light and will bring light to every dark place.
  • It is out job to let that light shine and not snuff is out. It should be on full display!

Luke 8:18-19
  • Focus on how you listen. If we receive Gods word and act on it we will be given more.

Luke 8:20-21
  • We are Gods family. Those that put the word into practice!



Chapter 16
  1. Vs 19-20 Why didn't Jobs friends come and pray with him. Why didn't they try and intercede with God for him? Through Jesus we have the power to pray and intercede with God!
Chapter 17
  1. Vs 13-16 Job only had the hope of Gods faithfulness on earth. He no knowledge of Jesus and the hope that was to come!
  2. We have that hope! The hope of salvation. The hope of eternity with God!
  3. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Romans‬ ‭8:35‬-39
Chapter 19
  1. Vs 23-27 Through the toughest trials and struggles come some of our strongest moments of faith! If we trust God and believe in him we can overcome anything!
Chapter 20
  1. Righteous people suffer, wicked people prosper, righteous people prosper, and wicked people suffer!
  2. It is wrong to assume that if you prosper God is with you and if You suffer God is against you!
  3. We do not know why. What we do know is that God rules over our lives and loved enough to send his one and only begotten Son! John 3:16. In what other way could God demonstrate his love to us?!

Sunday, August 2, 2020



Chapter 16
  1. Vs 19-20 Why didn't Jobs friends come and pray with him. Why didn't they try and intercede with God for him? Through Jesus we have the power to pray and intercede with God!
Chapter 17
  1. Vs 13-16 Job only had the hope of Gods faithfulness on earth. He no knowledge of Jesus and the hope that was to come!
  2. We have that hope! The hope of salvation. The hope of eternity with God!
  3. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Romans‬ ‭8:35‬-39
Chapter 19
  1. Vs 23-27 Through the toughest trials and struggles come some of our strongest moments of faith! If we trust God and believe in him we can overcome anything!
Chapter 20
  1. Righteous people suffer, wicked people prosper, righteous people prosper, and wicked people suffer!
  2. It is wrong to assume that if you prosper God is with you and if You suffer God is against you!
  3. We do not know why. What we do know is that God rules over our lives and loved enough to send his one and only begotten Son! John 3:16. In what other way could God demonstrate his love to us?!

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The cross through the eyes of Job

The cross through the eyes of Job

  • The book of Job — Why do bad things happen to good people?
  • Will a righteous man love God regardless of blessings?
  • Who defines justice? Romans 6:23
    • Jobs argument with God was not that he was absolutely sinless. He believed his sin did not justify the suffering he was going through.
  • Without Jesus there would be no grace or mercy and we would be left with God punishing us for the sins we commit and rewarding us for our good deeds! SCARY thought!
  • Job so the need for someone who could intercede between a sinful man and a Holy God!
    • Job 9:2,12,14-15,20,33;14:3-4;15:14;16:19-21; 1 Timothy 2:5-6
  • Unlike Job we have the knowledge of the gospel. We have the hope of salvation and eternity with God!
  • We can trust God in all situations because we know the price he was willing to pay to redeem us!
    • Like Job we may not get the answer to the why questions. What we do know is that God rules over our lives and is in control of everything! He loved us enough to send his one and only begotten Son! John 3:16. In what other way could God have demonstrated his love more completely to us?!

Saturday, July 25, 2020



Chp 6
  1. Vs 8 — Job still wants an end to his pain and suffering. Its hard to live in the moment when bad things happen. You just want an end.
  2. Job desires death over life and does not understand eternity — chp 7:9-11
  3. Vs 13 — Job has lost everything and yet his primary concern is success. Why is wealth and status so important?

Chp 7
  1. The world is a tough place to live. In the Garden with God was paradise. Man's sin changed all of that.
  2. Vs 17 — talking about God, Job wonders why God would even concern himself with mankind. We are so insignificant as beings in comparison to the universes.
  3. Vs 21 — there was no forgiveness of sin in the Old Testament that did not require sacrifice. Sin required a penalty. For us Jesus was a sacrifice once for all!

Chp 8
  1. God does uphold the blameless and protect the righteous!
  2. Job's position was not that he was absolutely sinless. Job's argument was that he did not do anything that deserved what he was going through.

Chp 9
  1. Vs 1-3 what is true? God is just! God is fare! How can man plead his case with God. Job wanted a direct relationship and conversation with God!
  2. Vs 33 Job longed for a mediator. Someone who could stand between him and God. Job knew a mere man could not stand before God alone. He longed for the day that we now are blessed with! Jesus is our mediator! 1 Timothy 2:5
  3. Only in Christianity do you have God reaching down to man. John 3:16
  4. Only when you are stripped of everything (share about your own life) and know that you need God do you look for a savior. I cried out to God in desperation!

Chp 10
  1. Vs 13-16 Is Job in sin by the way he is speaking? He has not cursed God but he is accusing God of many things. What is he accusing God of?



  1. Satan in Hebrew means "advisory" or "one the opposes another"
  2. The debate between God and Satan is in response to why Job is so righteous. Is he selfishly obedient because he knows he receives a blessing? If this is the case then Job's goodness isn't really that good. What motivates Job to be righteous? Is solely because of his love for God or what God can give him?
  3. Do we really want a God that only blesses us because of perfect behavior? What standard of perfect would we want God to use? Should God reward all good deeds and then punish all bad ones?
  4. We ask the question why should righteous people suffer; satan flips the question and says why should a "righteous person" prosper?
  5. Two main views to answer the question why. Moralistic view or cynical view?
  6. Contrast Jesus and Job.
  7. God never promised us an easy life. Jesus did promise rest for our souls! Matthew 11:28-30.
  8. Gods ultimate plan is not to harm us. Jeremiah 29:11-13.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

This changes everything!

This changes everything!

There is a common thread through out the gospels of Jesus teaching and the disciples not understanding what he was teaching John 10:6

Without the resurrection nothing made sense! It was not until after the resurrection that these men understood the reason and purpose of God!

After the resurrection these men were emboldened with zeal and fervor for God!

1 Corinthians 15:1-8; 12-22 the resurrection is the Gospel of Christ! Without the resurrection the gospel is meaningless and our faith is worthless!

Romans 4:25 the resurrection gives life meaning and was for our benefit!

Do you live in a way that seems odd to the world? How much has the resurrection changed you?

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Because of This Hope!

Because of This Hope!

How does evangelism actually work? Is it all dependent on God or do we have some part in the conversion of the lost? How much is prayer involved in converting the world?

Acts 25,26:1-32

Paul prays that everyone that hears his testimony would accept Jesus as Lord! What are some things we can learn from Paul's example in trying to convert the people he may have influence on. Paul was not intimidated in the least by status of who would hear his testimony.

Paul's testimony. Saul was passionate about persecuting the church. So much so that he would talk long trips into other countries to route out Christians and bring them to punishment. How much more devoted to the spread of the gospel after his conversion!

1.) God calls and commissions us!

Kicking against the goads. Goads were sharp prongs that were used to move cattle and live stock in a certain direction. It is useless to kick against the direction that God is sending you!

Vs 18 shows that Paul was sent to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light! Our mission is the same! We do not have the power to change anyone but we have the power to share! God does the rest!

2.) We respond obediently!

Vs 19 Paul was obedient to the commission he received from Jesus!

3.) Use your words!

Vs 26-29 Paul was bold in his words. He wanted the Kings salvation and not his favor!

1 Timothy 2:3-6

Someone you know needs Jesus! Follow Paul's example and use your words!

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Where God leads He proceeds!

Where God leads He proceeds!

Deuteronomy 31:1-8 be strong and courageous in times of uncertainty!

Frightening Future?

Moses had been there leader for many many years and they had never had another leader. Crossing the Jordon was an uncertain time for the Israelites. Although they were on the crest of the promise land there was uncertainty!

Instead of allowing fear to freeze us we need to trust in God. He will go before us!

Where God leads, He proceeds!

God is a covenant making God and a covenant meeting God! His promises are always true and never fails! When ever I follow God and walk in his steps he is with me every step of the way! God goes before us!

In the New Testament hebrews says that Jesus has gone before us as well. He has went into heaven to prepare a place for us!

Trust in presence of God!

Daniel 10:12-13; 2 Timothy 4:16-17

God is with us and God is delivering clear instructions. We together are a support for each other. God also stands by our side and gives us the strength we need!

God used the name of the God of Abraham, the God of Issac, theGod of Jacob. He always tied his name to people.

Proceed in the peace of the Lord!

What does it mean to be dismayed? Fear is a powerful emotion. We should not ignore our emotions but guide them! The bible never tries to convince us that our fears are unfounded! Moses never told them that there would never be challenges. He simply reminded them that God will be with them through the trials!

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How are we called to respond to events like Covid19?

How are we called to respond to events like Covid19? We should obviously follow CDC guidelines. We should also be called to prayer and seeping our spiritual connections with God! We are called to not be anxious or worry.

Matthew 6:25-34

Anxiety and working has everything to do with our level of faith. We have to focus on the unseen more than the seen. The "seen" for us is the current pandemic. The struggles we are all going through in the interruption of our daily lives. The "unseen" is our spiritual reality.

Do not be anxious!

Jesus says, "therefore" before saying do not be anxious. What is the "therefore"? In Christ, God is our all powerful loving father who can do anything! 1 Peter 5:7 cast all anxiety on God because he cares!

Matthew 6:26,28 how much more does God care about us and value us his children! Only through God is there true scape from anxiety.

Who is our God. Where is God? God is with us! God is there in our good days and our bad days.

Seek first the Kingdom!

Matthew 25:32 our anxieties reveal where our priorities are! When your seeking the kingdom first your hope is in the next life and we invest in our earthly home! The early Christians took these words to heart through very difficult times!

Hebrews 10:32-35

The deeds of Christians in early times when similar crisis where ongoing had a huge impact on the spread of the gospel.

Mathew 10:28

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Saturday, February 29, 2020

God wants your best!

God wants your best!

God does not expect perfection. All God wants is for you to try your best! Praise God for his grace and mercy. Hopefully you are not stuck in pattern of trying to achieve perfection. Pursuing perfection is recipe for disaster and dispointment. Trying your best has some consequences as well. The danger is doing what you think is your best. Your opinion of what is your best should not be your standard.

Judges 21:25 everyone does what they think is best. When you live like this your living your life like there is no king! A Christian is someone who absolutely tries to do their best but is not a person who does what THEY think is best!

A Christian is led by the spirit, not by conscience!

James 4:17 this is the greatest value of a Christian conscience. Telling you the good you should be doing. The conscience should not be used to tell you what your doing is not bad.

John 14:16-17 so how do you tell is it the spirit or your conscience talking to you? John 14:15! Does it align with scripture! There will be no disagreement between the spirit and Gods word!

A Christian does what the bible says!

Acts 8:30-35 you cannot obey the bible without knowing what the bible says and you need someone to help teach it to you! Gods word is written in a way that anyone can read it but it was meant to be read and taught comunially!

Search the bible for answer to your questions but not to confirm decisions you have already made!

A Christian seeks the input of other Christians.advice and input should always agree with Gods word. Input is not Devine and should be measured against Gods word!Proverbs 12:15; 24:6; 28:26

Are you living as your own King?

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Dream Home. The purpose of the house.

Dream Home. The purpose of the house.

Marriage is owned by God. Genesis 1:27 God had an intended purpose for marriage that we should display his image!

Genesis 1:26-27

Notice the enfaces on image and unity. Male and female ate made different and it is through those differences that we complete what God was trying to create!

Better together!

Proverbs 31:4; 1 Corinthians 7:34

We are a gift for each other!



Amos 3:3, Numbers 30:1-2

Reflect on Gods mercy. Deuteronomy 4:31; James 3:17-18 when you reflect on how much God has had mercy on you will allow you to show mercy to your spouse!

Words have power. Do you use merciful words in your conversations? Out of the overflow of the mouth the heart speaks!
James 4:1-2

Win the battle of vulnerability instead of the battle to win an argument!

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Dream home. Needs in the home.

Dream home. Needs in the home.

Marriage is both an institution and a divine spiritual union! In the union of marriage is where we get to see God more clearly! There were problems even from the first union God created through Adam and eve!

Ephesians 5:21

My wife has a need that is different than mine and if i neglect that need then i am not submitting out of reverence to christ!

What is my wife's greatest need? God has placed me as her husband to help meet those needs and sometimes you do that through submission to Christ!

Ephesians 5:22-33
This is about christ and the church. Jesus looked down from heaven and saw his church and the churches best effort was like filthy rags. From this perspective Jesus decided to give his life for the church! God has the same expectations for me as a husband for my wife!

Happiness comes and goes. Bad times are coming. But i do have some control over how long the good times or bad times will last.

Sexual faithfulness is more than just about our bodies. Our eyes, emotions and thoughts should be faithful to our wives and to God! Be faithful to the bride that God has given you!

As men we have an inane desire to lay down our lives for our families and God considers that the greatest love of all!

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Dream home. Building with the right tools.

Dream home. Building with the right tools.

Building with the wrong tools breaks what is not broken. Building with the wrong tools can cause a lot of pain. Building with the wrong tools can slow down progress.

Proverbs 24:3-5; 3:13-18 the wisdom that we have at our disposal is Gods word! There is a joy in fulfilling Gods word!

Ephesians 4:29-5:2 this verse is most applicable in our communications with our spouse. Grieving holy spirit when i am filled with bitterness, rage, and anger...ect!

Romans 14:1-3 we are not wrong we are just different. We are different for a good reason, so that we display the full image of God!

Without forgiveness there will be no progress in your relationship. Let things go in the spirit of canceling a debt.

Colossians 3:1-8 building with the wrong tools will destroy your home!

Colossians 3:12-14 using the right tools will allow you to build what God designed your home to be.

You have to decide which tools you are going to build with, either a righteous tool box or an unrighteous tool box.

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