God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, August 2, 2020



Chapter 16
  1. Vs 19-20 Why didn't Jobs friends come and pray with him. Why didn't they try and intercede with God for him? Through Jesus we have the power to pray and intercede with God!
Chapter 17
  1. Vs 13-16 Job only had the hope of Gods faithfulness on earth. He no knowledge of Jesus and the hope that was to come!
  2. We have that hope! The hope of salvation. The hope of eternity with God!
  3. "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?" Romans‬ ‭8:35‬-39
Chapter 19
  1. Vs 23-27 Through the toughest trials and struggles come some of our strongest moments of faith! If we trust God and believe in him we can overcome anything!
Chapter 20
  1. Righteous people suffer, wicked people prosper, righteous people prosper, and wicked people suffer!
  2. It is wrong to assume that if you prosper God is with you and if You suffer God is against you!
  3. We do not know why. What we do know is that God rules over our lives and loved enough to send his one and only begotten Son! John 3:16. In what other way could God demonstrate his love to us?!

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