God's Free Word Book Store

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fear and Faith

Fear and Faith

Matthew 8:18-22; 23-27

Following Jesus requires sacrifice and commitment. Following Jesus is not easy. The question Jesus is asking is, "will you follow Jesus whatever the cost".

When you made the decision to follow Jesus; how did you feel? Maybe you were anxious. Unsure of what would happen. Maybe you were excited and felt the rest of your life would be easier? We all have some expectation that a life with Jesus will make our lives better. True but few realize the true cost of following Jesus!

The disciples are immediately put into a boat and tested with a storm. Jesus has all power and authority to save! Storms will always come and Jesus does not avoid the storm. He addresses the storm!

Do you doubt in the midst of hardship and struggles? What does faith look like in the midst of a storm? Jesus took a nap! Jesus was sleeping through the chaos. Jesus trust God with out giving into fear!

The disciples got in the boat with Jesus. You have to stay with Jesus! The people that Jesus challenged to follow in vs 18-22 chose not to get into the boat. For many reasons that we would think were good reasons. Storms will come. Staying close to Jesus is the only way to weather the dangers of life! What we give up is nominal compared to what we receive!

Will you follow Jesus?

Where would you be today had you not followed Jesus? Where will you be tomorrow if you chose to follow him?

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