God's Free Word Book Store

Monday, January 17, 2022

Justified and sactified

Justified and sactified

Luke 18:9-14

1. What does justified mean?
2. Vs. 9 How do we know if we are justified? Is it based on our opinion or someone else?
3. Vs 10 - two men going to the same place, doing the same thing. Going to the temple to pray. One a respected religious man, the other a despised tax collector. One morally right the other morally wrong.
4. Two different prayers, only one was justified.
5. How do we become self righteous?
6. How do we stay grounded in who we really are in our sinful natures?
7. Justified by our definition or someone else's?
8. Being justified supersedes law. You can break a law if you are justified!
9. What justifies us before God?
10. Justification through the cross. Being justified by God.
11. Justification does not change what happened, (we sinned and deserve death) it just changes Gods view on what happened.
12. God sees Jesus sacrifice and views us as justified.
13. If someone is late they are late. Nothing can change that. If they have a good reason for being late (car accident..etc) it changes our view of why they are late and justifies them for being late!

Romans 4:24-5:2
1 corinthians 6:9-11

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